Cause he’s dying anyways? Dude. really. we better stop converstaion at this point.
Because he has on-demand unstoppable you buffoon…
Wow. for 3 swings in 1 predictable Direction @ 50 sek CD - quite equal to permanent unstoppable with free movement.
His E…
It grants unstoppable.
But based on our conversation I’m not surprised you have problems in the game…
okay, i forgot he’s unstoppable while in wraith walk, but already stunned or muted its hard to hit E and while in wraith walk he stands still and is an easy nuke target. and it has 14 sec CD. if you think this is comparable to permanent unstoppable, okay.
was a joke btw. Typical Leorics die a lot.
I’d believe you if you’d mention it when I called you a buffoon and not after you proved your game knowledge is indeed lacking…
Yup, you need to be good and hit it in time.
First, since 0-24 unstoppable is not necessary for anyone (you won’t get CCed all the time anyway) and in a teamfight (where it means something), 1 moment of Unstoppable can deny an enemy combo, so yes, I think it is comperable.
Second, DW walks at 100% speed. That’s true to everyone.
But DW cannot get movespeed bonus, while others can.
Tho DW has a mobility ability, but using it selfroots him for 0.5 sec.
So he still can’t just walk out of a fight, CC-immunity or not.
Plus he can still be TimeStopped (Zera, Chromie, Medivh and Maiev can do that), and being the only CC immune can also be a con (Mighty Gust, Flailing Swipe or Lorenado his team away and 5v1 him).
He also cant be slowed while others can, so what?
wow. What could happen to him in 0.5 sec? getting stunned or rooted? oh wait.
as any other Tank/bruiser too, so what?
And who slows them for his escaping DW ally?
Eating dmg or not getting away with his dash because ppl can walk the same distance during that time thanks to the delay.
Just mentioned that he can be stopped if he’d somehow manage to get away.
And you ignore everything which makes his uniqueness his weakness.
Like which other Bruiser can be isolated from his team with a Mighty Gust which hits everyone?
and who gives speed for enemy team? it’s the same dumb question. if you say “lucio” now, i eat my keyboard.
Are we talking about bad playing DWs with bad timings when to leave fight, if yes, we have to talk about bad playing tanks/bruisers too.
0.5 sec isn’t btw that much time to react and start running towards him, esp. as full team.
In a Discussion about DW vs other Tanks/bruiser in this scenario.
but just some questions: while in TimeStop, he’s invulnerable. What exactly does stop him to keep on walking away after time stop? And what are his mates doing meanwhile? Sit and watch?
There are a lot of Heroes who provide movespeed for themselves, on their own.
Valla, Varian, Samuro, Tychus, Cassia, Greymane, Malthael, Butcher, Thrall, just to list some.
We’re actually talking about your vague made up scenarios where DW has an op advantage of being able to magically just walk away from harm whenever he wishes without any kind of downside of that choice…
Bodyblocking or the finisher followup burst.
Maybe, but aren’t these the same problems any bruiser have to struggle with then? still remember: we are comparing other tanks/bruiser vs DW in a specific situation. permanent unstoppable is still a huge favor.
Exactly this is what a good DW does in this specific Scenario. true. and he dealt tons of dmg before he does this, which cant be healed, you remember?
and again: Does any other tank or bruiser dont have that problem?
before you have killed that DW by chasing him minimum one of your teammates die too, if not more. DW turns around, casts AOE, and team finishes off.
No, because other Bruisers have their own movespeed or slows/CC which are not delayed so you can use them without slowing/rooting yourself.
Not all.
What does he cast and how or why the hell did you not dodge?..
Which other Bruiser have such slow, delayed and telegraphed abilities?
They can’t be timestopped? Any other bruiser or tank will be additionally CCed when timestop ends, so pls.
Molten Flame. and the problem is, that you HAVE to dodge it. His teammates are not sleeping meanwhile, and they are full hp cause you focus DW. Mass time for them to do damage at low risk while you cant do nothing but dodge the aoe.
maybe Yrel, but it doesn’t matter. DW is doing his damage well, no matter delay, or do you feel DW is doing low damage overall?
I’m starting to get convinced that you’re probably just a troll.
I quote short paragraphes and answer them one by one, yet you still mess things up.
We talked about bodyblocking.
Dude, you should dodge everything…
If you tell me you died from Molten Breath after a chased DW turned back you just admit that you lose against him because you play horribly.
Even Yrel has a way to cast it instantly. DW doesn’t.
Why is it that you highlight everything which can be interpreted as an advantage but ignore every disadvantage?
My guess is that you’re either a troll, or someone who is geniuny unable to realise that the problem is themselves. Their lack of skill, knowledge and adaptability.
Either way
Unpopular opinion here but I agree. All weekend every single QM without a healer the team with Deathwing has won.
Yet all I seem to be getting is Greymaine mirror matches for some strange reason. I’d prefer them just to mirror DW instead if possible.
With those mirror matches when new heroe comes, last night I get an Abathur vs Abathur match. Awesomeness!
and that bodyblocking was follow up from what we were talking about?
…additional to bodyblocking…
It’s a level 20 talent so you won’t be exactly solo laning by that point. Besides Pew Pew Pew while my favorite it does have downsides. For example that you are self-rooted for the period of the triple cast. Not a significant period but usually that fraction of a second could mean the difference between life and death when you are an ultra squishy about to be bursted down. Overall can potentially earn multiple mechs during a single fight if you talent her up but that’s not something you can easily abuse during laning since they are only up later.
In general the “survivability” of often relies on the dumb mistakes of the enemy. For example if I notice the enemy team has no inclination to CC me out of defensive matrix I love to take “get through this” and troll them with several seconds long Matrix while I gain free charges. With sufficiently dumb opponent you can indeed win solo lanes by just timing your defense matrix when they are about to burst you but generally that’s not the case. Overall’s kit is more team-reliant and designed for flanking and off-tank jobs rather than winning lanes or dominating during duels. She’s absolutely a team player and at least the way I play her she requires constant healing in order to keep applying pressure on the enemy.