Deathwing&QuickMatch w/o Healer

so your request is to have DW in both teams if the match has no healers? idk how would that even work honestly.

Remove Abathur vs Tassadar/Zarya then, because one team has healing from Aba, when other don’t.

I would be happy to see that, but I don’t make a post to ask it


Does any Hero of the team get exclusively permanent +100% Spell Damage to Heroes, up to 40 Armor and unstoppable in exchange? no? I hope you see the difference now.

Does any hero have -50% dmg to none heroes, delay before using ALL abilities, healing only from Z/fountain/healing globes but not B-teleport or allies?

And about Aba - he has not only healing, but GLOBAL healing.

He still does 100% Damage to non-Heroes.

isn’t part of the trait thus it isn’t part of the discussion.

Ask yourself and answer this:

DWs trait is balanced - check
his biggest disadvantage from trait is not beeing able to get heal from Teammates - check
his trait advantages are enormous - check

If his biggest disadvantage applies to any Hero on Ground, how can he still be balanced?

Alarak (he can actually get even more).

You know that he’s balanced around his “extra +100% spellpower against Heroes” so he’s not that strong against PvE. The idea that he can deal his real dmg only to Heroes and not that he gets eVeN morE dMg against Heroes.

There are Heroes with higher and or more reliable armor values (I dare to believe that if I’d ask you when do you want more armor you’d answer: “when I’m low hp” and not “when I’m totally fine anyway”.

Having perma unstoppable is quite a perk, but in exchange, he cannot be buffed, healed or interacted by allies and allied units, and there are ways to punish that remarkable feat.

Also, every Hero can be listed in that fashion, mentioning all their special perks and uniqueness. That doesn’t prove they’re op just because they’re unique.

This might help your struggles a bit:

Alarak gets +100% Spell damage, because there is no heal in game? interesting.

permanent armor based on their hp in exchange for a negative effect? which one?

Yep. that’s what Im saying. And no heal from mates is the biggest Disadvantage; but in this Scenario no heal applies to everyone, so its no exclusive DW disadvantage anymore rather anyones disadvantage… do you get it now?

I’m not saying DW is op overall and should been matched mirror anytime. I’m just talking about matches where no healer is present.

Alarak gets +100%+ spell power against Heroes with or without heals and buffs he’s able to recieve.

It’s not permanent and not based o their hp. That’s Garrosh.
DW starts with armor but loses is until he flies up to the skies again, something he cannot do during a fight.

His telegraphed and delayed abilities are his biggest disadvantage and the fact that once he gets low, he’s squishier than a lot of squishies.

I get it that you don’t think logically and think if you list his uniqueness he’ll somehow be proven to be op.

(Also, the fact that you editted (not due to typos) that prev comment already 3 times while I’m writing the answer shows that you act through emotions and your judgment is clouded.)

…and he gets this +100% SpellPower in exchange for what? And which Match-Constellation does equalize this exchange disadvatage for getting this +100 Spell damage? Same questions to garroshs armor.

There are characters that get stupidly powerful without the use of hard CC to stop them, namely Qhira, Sonya, etc. There are also cheese things you can do like Aba Sam, Li Ming Butcher, etc that need some form of counter to not get steam rolled.

DW is far from the first to be problematic in QM. He’s not breaking the mode anymore than it already was.

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He just gets it. No disadvantage, no drawback, he just has it. With a higher potential. A much higher.

So there are Heroes who have it, and DW got it in an exchange, and thus he’s op?..

Also not just Healers, but Tanks, Supports and Bruisers (which latter DW always faces) can buff/heal allies as well, but not DW. So his trait has a downside in almost every game, even in QM.

Guess what: this also is additionally valid for DW too. No %dmg in enemy Team, Mass Stun/root/slow in own team, etc.

if the disadvatage he gets in exchange for this advantage is equalized, yes.

%dmg isn’t his only counter. Still missing the point either way though: QM hasn’t been balanced for a long time. DW is just the hot new thing that happened to remind people about that.

but it is one of them. Do you know the meaning of “etc”?


…and has a 5 sec CD GapCloser/Escape too.

I would say more about the permanent unstopable part. It’s kinda hard (not to say impossible) to kill someone who can just walk away from all your stuns / roots / slows and all that.

And in case it wasn’t already too hard to kill him, he will gain the protected stats every time he loses a part of his health, so you can’t even suicide burst him, and his team probrably won’t stand still while you try to get his health down either, so yeah, good luck there.

I get the feeling you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing if this is the line you’re going to go with. There’s no substance to any of your posts.

Deathwing’s +100% hero damage is actually a downside. It’s the same as -100% damage to non-heroes, because his PVE damage is utter crap.

Deathwing’s hero damage is about average for a bruiser (maybe a bit above average, but not extremely so). It’s just that Deathwing is balanced around how easy is it to dodge his abilities, and minions can’t dodge. Therefore, it would be OP if he did full damage to them, so he doesn’t.

Illidan can stick to targets and heal himself while dealing dmg inn exchange of him dying if the enemy stops him doing so or has higher dmg than his sustain. If the random chaos QM is happens to not provide those things, Illidan can be a really tough enemy.

Just to make one example about your argument which could be applied to many Heroes you have no problem with.

That’s a talent which leaves him without meaningful selfustain.

This is the proof that yet again, ppl don’t know, but assume. Like all the time.

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Which is short and makes him to sit like a duck for 0.5 sec.

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Was that supposed to be bad?

Let me sum it up for you. The guy have 40 armor, imunne to any crowd control in the game, and gets protected everytime he loses 1/4 of his health to protect him from bursts… I would gladly trade my sustain on Kharazim for that anytime.