Deathwing is broken

Malthael and Tychus can beat Deathwing with their eyes closed. Because they deal % based health. One of Deathwing biggest weaknesses

He’s not broken. 40 armor is alot sure…but remember garrosh gets more armor when he loses health…also when LT puts safe guard on garrosh, he gets +30 armor.

And there’s tons of people who can beat him…like tychus. Put his trait on for dwing (2.5% of max health) if he has 5k health, tychus does 125 dmg for the length of the duration…3 seconds. Take his lvl (4 or 7 not sure) talent to lengthen his trait, you can drop deathwing form fullheath to half health in roughly 3 seconds… Tychus can 1v1 deathwing if you lengthen his trait, take the cool down for his e, (reduses it by 8. Goes from 10 second to 2) reactive his trait…kill dwing.

Instead of complaining that he’s broken, find ways to beat him.

As Rexxar solo it would take me about a whole minut of autoing to kill him, really nothing I can do but ignore him and CC backline, though if he decides to auto me I die extremely fast.


Dw is fine, except for the abusive damage from his W build, maybe this deserve a little nerf, and even this is relative. All DW abilities, also auto attacks are predictable and slow. Side steps, ranged and high mobility heroes in general are very effective agains him, and he is strong against massive frontline comps, he has positive and negative aspects like any other hero in the game.

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Hes statistically one if the weakest heroes in the game and is hard countered by a whopping 40 percent of the entire hero roster. If you havent figured this out yet i advise you to speak with someone who understands him. Competetive matches past roughly gold dont even ban him any more which is the shortest lived life of new hero bans ANY hero in the history of the game has had. The solution to him is to spread out and abuse any hero that either has a percent damage attack or can stop him from pathing because hes too slow, ie tassadar, sonya, thrall, and so on.

Either he is an engage or a disengage but cannot really do both so if he flies in burn him hard. If hes holding the CD just poke.

Wut? :thinking:
Where are those statistics?

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Play the bad bad man and have fun ruining deathwings entire career.

TBTA/ITR + TTS + Titan Grenade

Take Odin if you go ITR to proc heal

OP complained that is a hero is overpowered. The first post was a link on how to counter that hero. I think that’s helpful not condescending.

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Should have que up as Jojo when DW got released, So many Tychus cave dwellers would go back to their hole again

It should be noted that he can’t appear anywhere, only where his team has vision. This means that on objectives like Infernal Shrines or the control center in Valskaya, he needs an ally to engage on the objective first. Just so you know.

And yes, while it is frustrating that Dwing can appear in lane at any given point, his structure damagr potential is… not particularly great, for a solo laner. Sure, he’s got good waveclear with his Q, but rarely do you ever get to actually damage forts and keeps in the laning phase.

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This. Not to mention how easy it is to draft against a Dwing because so many heroes have superior positioning, % dmg, kiting capabilities, etc., which is exactly why he’s pretty much exclusively a hit in QM. In that setting, he’s actually decently balanced, and a good Dwing can be the difference between a win or a loss, depending on how he spends the early game.

DW feels opressive, he needs his health knocking down by at least 20%, and have his armor plates provide 5% each, not 10%.

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Which is great because half the time he can’t actually hit heroes …

Deathwing is just fine, maybe a tweak, but range characters like wizard, kael or lunara seems to work or counter when I face DW.

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Because he need help of his team to be more effective.

one quick answer, no one cares. Quick match was made to be chaotic, you can’t simply balance the game around quick match just because you get a team that can’t counter him. If you want to counter him, play ranked. Otherwise deal with it.

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Adding to that… A good Zeratul will straight up body a DW while taking almost 0 damage.

Same with an Orphea. She can just dance around him with zero issue.

If the Malthael is half way decent he can kill a DW.

Treat him more like an objective boss. Every single ability has a wind up that you can just walk out of, and his breath weapon build is COMPLETELY useless if you can move to one side or the other.

Edit: Thinking on it, the hero that’s made my health go down the fastest is Falstad, oddly.

Absolutely agree. Came back for the “big update,” and can’t believe how ridiculous the levels Blizzard has taken brokenly OVERPOWERED heroes to. Everyone here, of course, is so incredibly invested into this game, that nothing that is said will penetrate their bias, but rest assured, for anyone wanting a pleasurable experience, this dragon in every match is incredibly antithetical to that.

He can appear anywhere, can tank 3 or even 4 v 1. He can chunk you for INSANE dmg. He’s ALWAYS top dmg, by tens of thousands and usually double what everyone else is doing.

People who say “he’s fine” are just delusional.

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I mean, if you have a team that clusters around an AoE hero and stands in front of heavy cone damage? Yeah. You’re feeding him tons of damage… And with the right build, you’re also keeping him alive by clustering.

Tracer, Zeratul, Orphea, Maltheal, Tychus, Falstad, I’m sure Mal’ganis’ ult will still work on him, Qhira, Cho’gall (because it’s a 2v1 without the added healing of DW’s ‘W’ build), Greymane, Illidan, Zul’jin…

Hell, a good Abathur can negate his strength of “appearing anywhere.”

DW can only show up places that the player can see, and then it’s on cool down. An Aba doing a split push can lock down his mobility pretty hard.

Without a doubt, he’s hard to kill, but it also takes him longer to recover from mistakes, and there’s only one or two ways he can escape from you.

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Just more apologetics. And endless stream of “don’t do that! Of course he’s overpowered if you ____!” It’s ridiculous, and worth next to nothing in a game where “proximity to other teammates” is basically the last half of the game.

Also, your list of heroes that “negate him” is just laughable. Sorry, but all of this is just fantasy. Not even worth responding to, because you have to be playing a different game than I am.