Whether you like it or not, DW gonna get nerfed.
My Alextrasza is crying cuz her Dragonqueen form isn’t even unstoppable haha XD, only does -50% of the cc duration.
That perma unstoppable and 40 armor is way too OP. Deathwing’s BASIC abilities are like ults that can shred most of your health.
I don’t find it fun at all facing him in battle, worse in QM
He can give a hard time to some laners with his auto attacks though. Many people forget he has fairly powerful autos and a lunge.
Have recently seen our solo laner repeatedly driven to hearth back for health due to being driven out by DW aa’s.
But in general, people are still not very good with him and only keep using the channeled abilities which are super easy to dodge especially in a 1v1 lane situation.
wait people still replying to this despite it being over with? comon…
Alex is a Healer, DW is a Bruiser. So DW should be more durable. Especially since DW cannot be healed.
Well, seems like until DW gets nerfed you just can’t play melee without high movement in general. He wins every 1v1 that way.
Molten Flame is way OP, it does almost as much damage as Diablos Ult only that if I am not mistaken DW has way more reach.
You know I just want to play what hero I like and not have to deal with that one situational OP hero all the time. That’s what QM is for, you can’t do that when DW owns every match he is in unless you play Tychus.
How does your math work? DW on both teams adds a win and a loss, he can’t go higher than 50% with that.
How is it over?
Is that what you get from that? What im getting is you need to pickup your game son. Deathwing can do crazy amount of damage, but you can still keep up with him with other picks if they are pulling the weight.
I mean, if you would have complained about “Heat Wave” winning him every 1v1 against melees or about “Draconic Might”… but “Molten Flame”? If you get hit by that ability without being rooted or stunned something is seriously wrong with your gameplay.
Probius and Gazlowe Counter DW… Does that make them OP?
Only if you facetank it, which is a “you” problem.
It can’t change direction, has a cast time, and requires 2-3 talent choices to become that strong.
Or any of the other 40 heroes that have poison, % damage, armour debuffs, or time stop.
DW simply needs an acreage reduction. His size is way too big. His attacks affect the largest amount of pixels of any hero.
Everyone tries to justify DW by saying he can be countered. Countering him is not the problem. Actually being able to engage his 4 team mates is the problem. Being able to fight in a team formation is a problem.
He needs to be shrunk by 50%.
Just to point out some statistics, his league win rate is at 62.42% (highest of all heroes) and his quick game win rate is at 69.11 (highest of all heroes with the second place being just 57.71%).
Of course there is a way of defeating him, as always with everything. Try playing GTA and even though you kill like 500 enemies, they will eventually get you. But it’s not a fair fight.
i really hope we will never receive a new hero ^^ the pool is enough and the balance is like shi_t
Sadly, they’ll add more for sure.
3 days ago the OP said thanks everyone for replying. and he stopped commenting same for everyone else because he got convinced that deathwing isn’t broken. that was the whole thing about it. and now he left same for the rest of who replied to him cause he listened and it’s over i see no point of continuing with it. perhaps you want another thread of “Deathwing ruining this game” thread which is still active since there’s many of them atm.
If you checked how he plans you’d realize why he does so much damage.
Deathwing is the king of widespread, indiscriminate, spammable medium-low damage output. With his Ultimate, W, and heat wave, he’s dealing damage to massive numbers of enemies at once, which inflates his numbers pretty high, but he’s not exactly good at securing kills, focusing single targets, or actually outputting burst in general. He needs targets held down for quite some time to really output any outstanding focus fire with his Q.
Deathwing is a pressure and spread damage based character that works by sheer mass numbers to put pressure on the enemy’s healers and weaken targets for more focused allies to take advantage of.
You’re right, I got convinced and I ain’t salty anymore but tbh I don’t mind the attention that my topic’s gettin ngl:joy:
thanks for responding! i thought it maybe annoying for you that they kept talking despite it being over with that’s why but now i know it’s fine for you.
He has 65% win rate and 97% pick rate for God’s sake
Last match: Enemy DW 11 kills, 0 deaths, most damage and of course his team won. If you think you finally killed him because he is almost down to 0 health - nope, there comes a big shield out of nowhere. He just kills everyone 3vs1.
It’s so obvious that Blizzard keeps him op to squeeze more money out of him until the sales go down. Then they will nerf hin into oblivion.
And also: Why are ppl defending him? The numbers are clear, statistics don’t lie. His winrate is way too good. That’s proof that something is broken with him.