Deathwing is broken

In WoW, yes, i think, to be honest, i never played WoW, but i just say what i heard.

Just because he was being double standards doesn’t mean he was wrong about you being a douchebag.

On topic: i do think DW needs a little nerf to his damage, it’s always the highest every game i am in. When u kill chogall tts 2 heroes worth. Currently DW feels equally difficult to kill and equally annoying but is only 1 hero worth.


I vomit by hapiness when see deadwing. Really, pure happy vomit

if thats the case and they were going for “well deathwing is a destroyer so we made him like a raid boss” kerrigan should be the most op broken character in this game since shes literally god of sc2 universe.

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That’d be a joke, since he has a talent called Dragon Soul which empoweres hiw W and currently that seems to be his best build :smiley:

She became a “god” long after she was added to HotS.


It’s consistent with how “permanently unstoppable” works. Time stop and stasis both work through the status, and have always worked against vehicles like the Dragon Knight and the Triglav Protector. If I were to hypothesize on the logic of this I’d say it’s because they are not as one-sided as CC effects, and more like double-edged swords. You’re still fully disabled but completely invulnerable at the same time. Their effectiveness is all up to the player’s finesse, which is kinda why I fell in love with Chromie’s new traps. That said, a remotely good player will make it work as a fully fledged CC.

To be honest i think they released him at a good spot. For those of us long timers… rmember when morales… or ming was new? Now that was broken. I think DW is fine compared lmao.

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Poke him?

additional retarded letters because my post cant be less than 20 marks****

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The dragon soul is a golden disc imbued with the power of all dragon flights and his blood, he could use it to control dragons and wreak havoc on the battlefield. It was so powerful that its continual use tore Deathwing. He need the plates because without them he literally falls apart.
The dragon soul was used to kill Deathwing once and for all at the end of the Cataclysm expanion on wow

Oh, I’m fully aware, I’m a lore nerd :smiley:


DW’s hero design was incredibly bad for the game. Saying he gets countered by XYZ is just a red herring, since your team has four other characters to deal with them. His size and abilities make the battlefield so chaotic your team has literally no choice but to focus him down, and I’m sorry when one character can reliably survive 1v4 effectively there is a problem.

He’s sitting at +60% in competitive play, that is unhealthy. The other day in ranked my team drafted a DW, the enemy team picked counters for him, and we responded by picking counters for their counters. The game was not even close, deathwing MVP with most hero, siege, xp, and kills. On team against a leoric and a tychus.

He has the best damage, best global, best escape, and most powerful kit in the game. He’s broken, if anything he needs to be completely reworked or removed, because you shouldn’t have to go into QM asking yourself, is my character good against DW.


You forgot he can do double damage to heroes.

Your team has 4 others as well.
And it’s not like there are only Hero counters. His abilities are extremely telegraphed, his options for rotation and getting back his Plates are also really limited.
There are a lot of thinngs one can do against a DW.


So you want him to do nothing? As it is he rarely finishes a fight with a hero that’s paying attention. He’s only punishing if you stand in his attacks. Its only high because people aren’t used to playing him yet. Stop jumping on the first week bandwagon.

He is not broken early game he is tanky the only hr can heal and get back armor is using dragonflight and thats 50 to 60 sec cooldown without the talent and Medivh can stun him with some ability but again they did state Deathwing is all about him his hitbox is asbig as azmodans he is good at getting heros out of place or setting up ambushes he dosent have many escape abilitys just his bite and thats crappy and his alt and thats a long CD and is super countered by lots of dps out there later game if you have a bad DW and a good dps he just melts but what i have seen way to many people stand in the fire or try and 1v1 him if you dont have percent damage you wont beat him but you fighting a tank that cant be healed and is slow and has a super ling windup on ever ability if you get cought in it you were traped the DW set up an ambush or your not paying attention. A good DW knows then to come down where to set up and that big hitbox can be used to save teammates or get them killed the battle revolves around him but again thats what he is thats his thing im a god you all are nothing attitude

During my time playing Deathwing and playing against him, he has a lot of wind ups for his abilities to do something, he not Mobile so meaning you could kite him, he cant be Healed nor Buffed by his team and his weakness is percentage health. Other than his weaknesses… You dont want to stand in his Cataclysm and his Molten breath, the damage adds up and it does heavy damage, especially if a Deathwing went with a Molten Flame build, you also dont want to fight in tight spaces where you cant avoid the breath or cataclysm.

Not saying this a “git gud” post but please take these things into consideration, hes not busted, hes not overpowered at all.


Most tanks don’t do well against Deathwing but there are a couple of others that do well against him, Mal’ganis can do alright, Blaze aswell and maybe Johanna for the blinds but eh. Most of them don’t seem to have any form of dealing with him well.


A couple in this category does counter him, Maltheal, Artanis (Level 16 talent), Leoric, Ragnaros, those have a Percentage health damage while for some have talents. Varian Collosus smash will shred his armor for a short time. Imperius can 1v1 a deathwing but it 50/50 it may be a stalemate or when a team mate comes help.

Ranged Assassins

Alot of them here do counter Deathwing quite hard but I will say this, not alot but most of them are. Tychus, greymane with cursed bullet. Valla, tracer lunara or any hero in this category can kite deathwing well. Heroes like Cassia, chromie or any hero in this category can poke deathwing well, he cant be healed, remember this.

Melee Assassins

Since Deathwing does counter melee because he likes dealing with melee heavy comps, its hard to find one who is good against him. Zeratul can blink, Maiev can do fine and illidan can kill him if he is able to. Rest should not be considered picking when drafting.


Depends what healer, Khara with seven sided strikes is good against deathwing other than meh, Ana’s grenade works against deathwing, disables his self heals but eh. Others are fine against him in my opinion, Stukov, Deckard can isolate his team.


Zarya, Medivh and Tass can shield the damage, tass can wall deathwing off and medivh with his ley line seal can disable him but not interrupt his casts.

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Um how exactly is Deathwing op? 40 armor is nothing when he’s against someone with hp% dmg and armor reduction, he’s so big so he takes all the hits and I can’t imagine someone stupid enough to stand in his molten flame which takes literally 10000 years to channel. Flying into the air and recover 2%hp per second meaning if you are at 20% hp when you fly up, it will take 40s to fully heal up before you can come down which completely takes him out of the fight…he can’t be affected by allies as well which is another good thing. Also yea just saying he can be stopped and blinded, the only, ONLY issue I see with him is the landing indicator of Dragonflight, the color can be confusing on certain maps

Well firstly, with how slow and easy he is to hit, he kinda needs the armor to do anything. Secondly, not needing a healer is a great asset to his time as he can be self sufficient and his healer can use their healing on someone else. Thirdly, all his abilities have a long windup and he cannot mount or catch people with his slows unless it’s lategame against a 0 mobility hero, simply side step or walk away from the dragon.

If you can’t handle him being in your games, simply counter him.

Welcome to every new hero in HotS

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