That is the only serious problem I have with Deathwing at the moment. When he is mirrored, I can’t tell which one is about to land on my head, so instead of being there for my Deathwing to start locking things down, I am running away to avoid the debuff.
Maiv has got great potential against deathwing you gotta buff up your ranged attacks like pursuit of vengeance and knives. I wish my abathur maiev clone can be around whenever your in danger. I have maiev in my selection and I pity anyone who isn’t having a good time with my favorite dps.
Also don’t forget you can dodge deathwing fire attacks by using “d” vault of wardens
Man his trait is so inconsistent.
Like I wrote in my other topic, ain’t nothing new, this is a business model by now in these games. The way they make money is to hype the hero early so you want him then nerf him later
HoN did it too back when heroes cost money. When they stoped with it, the OP heroes stoped
Time stop effects do work on him, so Leyline Seal, Void Prison, Containment Disc, and Chromie nonsense all affect him. Things that can be cleansed off, like Cocoon while it is in transit, do not. I don’t pretend to understand the full logic, but this has been my experience in game so far.
Ye and thats Maievs Disc, why its so confusing to me.
I didn’t realize you could cleanse Disc between the first and second hits. Ah well, I guess it is too much to expect consistency when you are dealing with fantasy characters…
You could pre-cleanse it while it was still in the air, I dont remember now if it cleanses once it connects (but before Time Stopped). I think not.
Medivh is right, tho.
Greymane’s Cursed Bullet totally annihilates Deathwing. He’s -40%+ HP at all times, really. And you can’t miss it against him.
Teammates in the way? Jump on him, then press R.
And Cursed Bullet has a very low cooldown for a heroic ability.
You try to E R my deathwing while I’m playing tank to somehow Jet Li over the top of me and you had better have said your prayers to Jesus, because I’m gonna make sure you meet him.
Because both teams can use him right now. It’d be impossible for him to not have a high win percentage.
hotslogs didnt take mirror games into consideration when calculating winrates, I would be surprised if heroesprofile (or any other api) did otherwise
No not at all.
that is to compensate he CANT BE HEALED OR BUFFED by his team
To be honest, i found him balanced, of course there’s some abilities and talents that need some buff and nerf. But the rest, he looks totally fine.
Deathwing was broken. Why do you think they repaired him by nailing armor plates to his body?
Because of the dragon soul.
So they did what, 10 games worth of data lmao?
So Dragon Soul breaks him?