Deathwing is broken

You discouraged @Op from reading my thread which can help them with your unnecessary comment.

But enough about you.

Back to topic.


Karabars, HailFail stop arguing I’m the center of attention here



Which are your Heroes?

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Well I own bout 20 but lately I’ve been playing maiev and whitemane
Maiev is usless against him and mane is usless w him

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Maiev is actually one of the stronger heroes against him. Take Containment Disc instead of Warden’s Cage, and you can completely remove him from the fight and destroy his backline. He is a sitting duck for Disc hits, so you shouldn’t have any problems landing it. Your trait can dodge all of his nonsense, as everything he does is wildly telegraphed, and the fact that he is huge and immobile means you should be getting all sorts of Fan of Knives resets if any of his teammates are anywhere near him.

Deathwing is a Maiev dream target.


Maiev has a lot of %based dmg, DW is also hard to miss and you can banish him into the Shadow Realms with Containment Disc.

Whitemane has dmg and armor reduction and DW is easy E stacks/hits.

So tho I won’t recommend her (in draft, due to her selfroot), she can do a lot if you watch his abilities (since DW has a ton of delays).


he really doesnt, his defenses are actually quite lackluster considering he cant benefit from allied effects


Tychus melts him at level 4. It doesn’t take him 5 seconds to delete his health bar. Other characters are capable of similar feats.

He’s strong if you don’t have % damage, if you do? Welp goodbye Deathwing. You also have to consider how slow DW is and how long his windups are. It takes him ages to get his casts off and if you watch him, you can dodge nearly his entire kit.

He also can’t be saved by team-mates and they can sometimes work against him. Deathwing is not broken.

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Off Topic: just wanted to say. you’re one of a kind that actually cared about their topic most of the time i see people don’t care about who’s arguing with who despite it ruining their thread with it. you in the other hand did care about it that’s very interesting to see since it’s so rare around here!

On Topic: the armor he got is because he really can’t relay on his team to heal him / and all of that he’s a lone wolf. he cannot be helped by his team at all if he had no such strong defense and adding to that he cannot be healed / interacted with by his teammates he would be a piece of paper in a dragon form. but everything got weaknesses luckily he can’t do much by himself i found the best way to deal with him is to ignore him in teamfights focus on his teammates then he’s the last to kill that if you don’t have such heroes with % damage etc. and it really works pretty well honestly give it a try and see the results!


Well, it is a great dragon, not can it be considered a normal heroic unit like the rest of the heroes, it must be different and it is precisely those differences that have both the armor and the hp that make DW unique. Although maybe if they reduced their hp a little, it wouldn’t be bad.

Deathwing is weak and pathetic.

Too much health?

No heals, no buffs.
If he had less health he’d be worthless unless he had the ability to be healed by allies then you’d potentially have to chew through more health to take him down.

There’s a bunch of ways around that armor.
Poison, Spell damage, Percent damage, having life on hit or an abathur…

The only thing he’s particularly strong against is physical heavy teams that need to be in melee range to do anything…

Beyond that however, he’s pathetic.

Just walk around his bs and chip at hime till he’s forced to retreat.
If he “chases” then you can calmly walk away.

I swear if it wasn’t for his unstoppable passive he’d be a gigantic liability.

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Thank you everyone for the replies <333 I am chill now after a couple of dozen vs ai games hshhshhs, anyways guess I just need to wait a lil for deathwing hype to cool down so that he’s not present on both teams, idk it can be confusing with all that fire everywhere


It is confusing when there’s two of him.


You’re wrong btw Kara. I am not agreeing with Hailfail’s point, but they did not commit an ad hominem.

They are clearly making a critique of your comment, not you.

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DW is indeed strong, I’m leaning towards best hero in the game. Sure you can counter him but he is extremely flexible to draft, solo or 4man/waveclear and global on short cd he got it all. Yes you can counter him but dont forget this isnt chogall, he is only 1 hero so you dont auto win by killing him unlike chogall. %dmg is indeed strong but dont forget that he has a PROTECTED BTW to negate tons of dmg. I see him as a similar to illidan with the hunt but just overall a way better hero.

How many times have u died because your tank couldnt peel or your support couldnt land a clutch heal, countless right? Well worry no more, you can finally carry yourself! The fact that he makes most cc reliant heroes(nearly all tanks) obsolote is also HUGE, you basically cant get peeled from killing enemy backline.


Really if you want to nerf him you can’t do it without buffing him. He’s slow, can’t be healed, can’t recover health at base, and he can rarely finish a fight if you’re being careful. He Is A Bruiser. You don’t face tank bruisers. Nerfing him, unlike other heroes, would require a full rework. You’d have to give up one of his other weaknesses to change something else. Take away armor? Then you’re going to have to either give him more health or make him healed or he’d get wiped in a second.

Take away his damage? He doesn’t really do all that much to begin with unless you’re standing in his abilities, his melee attack is super slow, unless you’re face tanking him he’s not going to be able to kill you while you’re moving.

He’s actually been balanced really well to fit in the game without dominating it. Yes it can be confusing when there’s two of them spewing fire and you’re not sure which to stand out of but he’s not broken by any stretch of the imagination. His job is to support his team. He has stuns and slows that let his teammates take advantage. As long as you’re on the move and taking out his team you’ve won.

Also its already been mentioned a few times but any hero that has an ability that allows them to do % damage to a hero eats deathwing like crazy, because he can’t really counter and he can’t really run, you’re forcing him to retreat and heal (which takes a while since he can’t base) or you’re forcing him to stay in a corner of the fight. He’s new, adjust your tactics, just like you have to for fast heroes like tracer and valla.


Is sad to read people only talking about ranked matches.
I play in LAS where the game is pretty much dead, you have to wait between 15-20 minutes to get storm league match. And in QM, DW winrate is more tan 70%. (and in some matches you have one in every team…if not, his winrate will be over 80-85%)
A lot of people don’t want to play ranked, so they play QM…and in QM DW is totally broken. I look at my latest games, never win against a DW in Quick Match. (unless we have a DW in our team too)
Not everybody wants to play Tychus or Leoric in QM. You want to play, have fun and get a balanced match. QM was never balanced, but now…its impossible win a match if you dont have a DW in your team.


I don’t think he’s broken :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve never come across a hero with the intense desire to play since TLV. Like I get pissy if someone bans him in SL, and normally I don’t care for new heroes or any heroes they ban as I don’t one-trick, but DW, seems to be an exception.

I do think his Destroyer form needs tuning though. I find world breaker more useful in teamfights and when I’m hard countered, I can cast my abilities from afar and set up for my team. Destroyer form needs more of an incentive. For example, you will get minimum value from Draconic armour, as players will be kiting and it also doesn’t help his attack speed is low. He needs a buff of attack damage and speed as well when he goes in Destroyer form only. His stats revert back when he goes World breaker. World breaker is already doing what it’s suppose to do, but Destroyer is suppose to be a frontline assault. Problem is, lunge does low damage, low slow time where I get better value from Lava burst. What’s Incinerate suppose to do? I see players panic when I stomp my sunder and lava bursts, but in destroyer form they become ballsy and mistake me for Destroyer Brightwing.

TIL: containment disc works on deathwing. Thanks everyone!


Oops was still writing and I accidentally posted; I dont think Deathwing is broken I think his kit is just a bit borked. I feel certain abilities do too much certain abilities do too little.

I think his immunity to certain actions is a bit odd but I semi understand it? Its really frustrating though, that he can just. Appear. Anywhere. Anyway. On the map. At all times of day. And then proceed to siege my base if someone isnt trying to stab him.

Ive had a few times for example where, we had almost gotten the objective only for deathwing to stall us out another 5 minutes because “BAM” He landed out of nowhere after smacking the guy capping with fireballs.

The only thing I dislike about deathwing is the fact I cant just whitelist games with him. I dont find him fun to play against personally as he counters Dehaka, an Isolater (since DW can appear anywhere and not take effect from paralyzing tounge) and many other debuff or status effects since he has complete immunity.

Not to mention if a player is rascally enough they can just crawl into a fort as DW and then go straight to the hearthing area, and fly back immediately like no damage ever occured.

Hes not OP though. Not Underpowered. He’s just a clown. A clown who, desperately needs a bit of tweaking and tuning.

The best thing I can compare him to is if Ragnoros’s lava wave became a unit that could appear out of nowhere. His abilties have long wind-up and a punishing payload for not evading. He feels more support than anything.