Current A.I. is unacceptable

Just had a Deathwing leave 5 minutes in a match, and by god the A.I. was TERRIBLE.

First off, A.I. sitting in spawn is nice in theory, but it does mean you always have 1 less player to clear lanes. It would be nice to have the ability to send it to a location somehow.

Second off, A.I.s follow decision making is by far the worst A.I. I have seen in any game. LoL has no A.I. in real matches and somehow that’s smarter then this thing. Any A.I. that is following an ally takes the word “follow” to heart, they just hug whoever pinged them constantly. This is already annoying, as it makes it hard to stay hidden, and the A.I. can bodyblock you constantly. And thats assuming your not going against a KT, KTZ, or anyone else who punishes grouped enemies.

And by far the worst offender: The A.I. will NEVER attack enemies, unless they are in they are in their range wherever they currently are. This means the A.I. will never move away from you to attack enemies, which means A) the A.I. is doing almost nothing most of the time. And B) The A.I. actually makes your teamfight WORSE then a regular 4v5

The current best option is to just leave the A.I. at base, which would be fine if there was a singular reason to also ping the A.I. to follow you, but as of now its just awful.

I really hope they adjust this soon.


I think it’s a temporary state until they really fix it.


Somehow the A.I is just getting worse and worse. Just had a game last night when a player DC right away and we had an a.i Genji for the whole game, who did nothing. 18 minute game, had 7k dps. Never ulted once.
This new system of following the ping person or sit in base is so dumb, so if the person the a.i is following dies in a team fight, the a.i will just stop whatever it’s doing and go hearth back to base unless someone pings it in the middle of a fight.
Remember the article on the front page of hots saying the guy has been working on a.i for many years now. How does he still have a job.


AI isn’t the best but…

So then start working. If it doesn’t do anything unless enemies are near you, then get to work. You waiting for an invitation? Get busy.

Thr AI is not great , yeah.
The real unacceptable thing still is people leaving games.

I had Qhira as an AI follower, she died constantly, effectively she was a feeder. Can we get a setting to decide some rules for AI, like anpersonal config? If I ping AI I would like to decide priority Players or Enemies, get health at some %, no mana go base etc, don’t fight 1vs3 etc.

I got AFK Cho’Gall and Cassia. Was playing Brightwing and teammate Dehaka. Yeah… It’s a 2 man army.

Yea, how DARE people leave games?

How DARE they don’t play cannon fodder for 30 minutes when the team has 0/4 stats before you can even reach the middle of the map!

How DARE people value their free time too much to spend it on “being a moving target”!

People are disgusting! What makes them think that they can leave a MOBA like they can leave ANY OTHER GAME ON THE PLANET!?!?!

Seriously, what is wrong with you people? Why can’t you just let people leave? This is literally why MOBAs are by far the most toxic games, and that in “fun” mode. Not even ranked! It’s people like you that are the reason we have this idiotic report system, where everyone just reportes everyone for everything after every loss.

Before the A.I. was broken, having a bot was 100 times better than having a player that doesn’t want to play. And even now, every second match people tell me “Just leave, A.I. is better!” Because i don’t carry them after they all died 5 times in the first 5 minutes.

U mad greta? Had a confy time having to win games in leaver queue? Good.

Leaving games because you had an urgent matter than is more important than the game is okay still people who aren’t scum still understand that they ruined people’s time and are at least discreet about it.

You expect me to have sympathy because you are being drama queens because you have to face one win in leaver queue?


You know what else is more important than games?

Basically everything!


A guy leaving can ruin the fun of nine others.

I can figure folks leaving cause the match game is a one sided trainwreck but the thing here is, it’s not always the case.

Anyhoo, AI has been terrible for ages now. At least they don’t move out on their own anymore to up and die. That is now a risk you decide on your own.

Literal personal healbots are nice I can tell you, also solid bait material.

Hey as long as you rot in leaver queue and get silenced and banned from the game at the end of the day i am more than content.

Hope you also are a douche who do not have a grasp of good manners and accountability in the other areas of life.

I just wish for a way to tell an AI to go passively lane and soak exp. That’s honestly going to be the best use of AI 90% of the time, especially in early game. The fact we can’t issue such a command is bizarre.


Now this is good feedback.
Giving basic orders like
Soak this lane.
Protect this obj.
Be able to ping help to have it follow someone else and have it go away when you ping V would improve Ais a lot.

Plus adding a harder punishement to our good old “Y punish me when i leave” type of players.


lol if you’re saying you would leave a game just because you’re down 0-4 in kills then you deserve to rot in leaver’s queue for all eternity.


Yes but here the issue lies, If I’m playing Kel’thuzad, and the only “frontline” we have is Deathwing, I can’t really do anything because that forces me to frontline. Its not always that simple. And QM is where 99% of DCs happen

you have to beg someone else to ping him instead. super fun game play :roll_eyes:


Unfortunately the only other options were more backlines or the healer.

Naturally this is more of a hybrid issue: QM’s existence, and people leaving games. But the effect is we get an A.I. thats worse then an AFK player

Nope, other way around, i got banned on my main for nothing, and since then, i don’t give a crap about other players anymore. The community is cancer, and that mostly because you can’t leave like in ANY OTHER GAME.

Really don’t understand why MOBA players are so entitled. Again, WHY is this the only genre in the univers where you can’t leave without punishment? Because you are entitled little crybabies…

you’re the entitled one. you feel entitled to leaving a game, thus wasting the time of 9 other people. :rofl: