Constant Input Lag - Recurrent issue for hundreds of players

Hi, this is my second try on trying to get any support for a massive problem that’s currently happening for hundreds of many brazilians.

Please, take a look on this reddit thread, with dozens of references to the same issue on many other places:

Another video of the issue, with multiple people commenting about the same problem:

Again, this is something that was great, amazing and working very good before, but suddenly, it started to have a big delay, and even with in-game ping showing something low, like 44~50 ping, it feels like and behaves like 120+

Again, this is happening only with HOTS and no one, no one ever got any support on this issue for long, many time
This doesn’t happens with other games, that has normal delay and behaves like normal

I’ll be continue to creating topics around this issue until I get at least a way to contact someone from support team, so I can enter on a discord meeting, or google meeting, or anything. I am offering my time and help to find a solution to this problem.

Please, can I get an answer?

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This has been an issue for me since the release of the game and its the reason why I’ve eventually stopped playing it all together. I have 35 ping and I’m playing in the EU server.

This is strictly a connection issue and I just can’t put my finger on the reason, and why other people doesn’t seems to have this issue (or they completely ignore it/don’t know any better). There are no lost packets, there is no jittering, solid 35 ping but it feels like 120…

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