Confusion about initial ranking

i’ve played my 3 placement matches, with the same person who was doing their 3 placement matches. we only played while grouped with each other. he’s better than me - makes better plays, gets more kills/assist. he’s also played a lot more games than me overall.

and we get the placement results…
i’m gold 5, he’s bronze 2.
how? how does this make sense?
the same happened last season. so we spent the whole season 6 ranks apart, being matched with people in between us - who complain about us doing it as though we’ve done it on purpose.
we’ll now get the same points in every game (which is also silly. if we’ve beaten a team of silvers, why does a gold earn as many points as a bronze?? surely it was far ‘harder’ for him to beat them than for me to?). So the only way for us to get to the same rank is to play seperately, and for him to win 30 games or me lose 30 games.

last season we just thought ‘meh, weird, whatever’ - but its just silly now. what are we doing that causes this to happen? or is the placement system just that rubbish? the only thing we can think is that i play tanks and bruisers while he plays dps, but i can’t see why that would matter.

Easy: The Random Potatoe Team generator puts more potatoes in his team, in the same proportion that puts more potatoes in your enemy teams. When you are not together…

but we have only played together (this season). all of our placement games were together.

Wait people still play this game competitively?

Your MMR isn’t built overnight or even over a month. It’s a sum of all your games ever since you joined HotS over multiple years.

Placement games don’t affect your rank much at all. Even if you win all 3 and you were Silver 2 before, you may go to Silver 1 if you’re lucky.

It certainly wont bump a bronze 2 to gold even if you play together.
What most matters in determining your future season rank is your previous season’s rank.


It continues you where you left off. The placement games if you win all 3 will barely give you 80% towards the next rank.

Placement games do nothing in this game. You have to premade and climb out of your rank or go make another account and hope its MMR is higher than you are.

This^. Last season I was B5 all season and the other seasons I’ve been in. Won all 3 Placements and placed in B4. I’m currently 7-1 87% WR and in b3 now. I wasn’t mad I placed in B4. I expected it because I knew how the system works.
Just go with the flow.
If you get better rank over time good. Don’t worry so much about rank. There are a LOT of good players in Bronze.


The issue is there are also the worst players in Bronze. I’m sure plenty of players would do anything to escape the nest of feeders/trolls/noobs. Bronze is essentially a coin flip to see which team gets more of these.


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smurfs, its either they master or true bronze. no in between.