Confused on the Storm League as a whole

So I’m just getting into playing competitive for the first time on this game, I’ve done a ton of QM, unranked, brawl, ect. but this is my firs time actually getting serious about the game. (late i know) I’ve always heard the game is better in ranked there’s less trolls people take it more seriously than the “its just QM why should I try?” bs that people tout.

This is most definitely not the case however I have found 100% more trolls in Ranked than in non ranked and of course reporting does nothing to remove these people or prevent the issue and your rank suffers for it and you are trapped in ranked hell.

To put this another way I have a 70% WR in SL so far with a few MVPs under my belt so the people saying just play better and play out of it hush up. I will win 4-5 games in a row and not rank up from Silver 5 (won all my placements plus 3 after in a row without ranking past Silver 5).

Then BOOM get two games in a row with people literally throwing themselves at the enemy team and end up with lower RP than when I started, how does this make any sense? Like I understand some wins are worth more than other ect… I just don’t get the massive disparity like I win more games against golds than a friend I have in gold and don’t rank but I lose two games against low silver high bronze and drop down?

My only conclusion is whoever they have left coding this game and doing the ranking algorithms has a real hard time with math. I mean that’s okay because math is hard because 5-2 is definitely -1 and not 3. Normally I would feel bad about questioning someone’s mental capability but this kind of thing is literally elementary.

P.S. Please ban repeat offenders of trolling from playing storm league at the very minimum because doing nothing at all like you’re currently doing is killing the very little fan base this game has left.

P.P.S. I realize that someone in your community team will probably remove this for insulting the dev team which would be the ultimate irony because not only would you spend more energy on keeping people quiet than fixing their frustrations which is kind of what this board is for. But you would be showing a sign of incompetence that its easier to delete a post than formulate a real response to the concern of someone who has invested 3+ years in this game.


This…All of this is so true. Blizzard has let this game go so much, they are not even banning people anymore. They just do not care.

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Oh how i wish some developer would take care of really important problems like this.
Too bad AZjackson will just read it and not react!