Completing the Trifecta of Bad Mofo Marines

Raynor and Tychus are 2 of my mains and I find myself constantly going back and forth between them. Their playstyle, their attitudes, their voice-lines, etc, I love it. But I would feel even more energized if there was a 3rd in the mix. I present General Horace Warfield, the first Terran bruiser:

"Just a Scratch" (Trait)
Active (D) - For the next 6 seconds, attacks that would deal damage for less than 8% of Horace’s max health are reduced by 75%.
Passive - Any time Horace would receive lethal damage, it is instead distributed over the course of 15 seconds. Any portion of that damage that would be considered excessive (more than what would be needed to reduce his health to zero) is simply not applied. This can only trigger once every 45 seconds.

Basic Attack - At the pace of about 2 shots per second, Horace fires from his modified shotgun (which is big and bad because his robot arm can handle it). Damage is dealt in a very narrow angle spray and the primary target receives the majority of it. This damage is fairly substantial compared to most heroes’ basic attacks.

Super-Charged (Q) - Over the next 1.5 seconds, Horace fires 6 concussive shots (double speed and double damage of his basic attack, as well as a more booming sound). Each one targets the nearest enemy and has a small knockback effect. This ability prioritizes heroes and if there are no enemies in range, fires anyways as deterrence (and because it sounds cool ==> youtube Terry Crews auto-shotgun scene for reference)

Hand Cannon (W) - All in one smooth motion, Horace grabs his gun with his left hand, rests it against his left shoulder, retracts his robot hand (right hand), and blasts a slightly long range cannon shot which stuns the first enemy hit (think of Raynor’s Q when he used to be able to upgrade it with a stun talent, but instead has a short delay)

"Not Today" (E) - Horace cleanses himself from roots and slows, and for the next 3 seconds he becomes immune to blinds while any non-heroic damage he deals heals him for the same amount. Stuns reduce the cooldown of this ability. Early-game talents allow you to choose between adding range, armor, or movement speed to this ability.

Homing Arm (R1) - Horace types a code into his robot arm. It then detaches from the shoulder down, launches itself at the targeted enemy, and grips on hard. This stuns the enemy for 1.75 seconds. The arm explodes after the stun expires, dealing significant damage and slowing the enemy by 50% for another 1.75 seconds. Horace is stunted at half attack speed and inability to use his W ability until he furnishes a replacement arm, which takes 3.5 seconds.

Scorched Earth (R2) - Warfield calls in an airstrike and 4 modified vikings fly overhead, dropping long streaks of napalm on the battlefield to hellacious ends. The streaks persist in the area for 8 seconds. Any time an enemy passes through a streak of fire, their movement speed is slowed by 30% for 3 seconds and they receive moderate damage. Half of all damage received is dealt over time and it deals 50% extra damage against structures.

*bonus points to Blizzard if they can get Keith David to do the voice acting