[Complete Hero Concept] Grommash Hellscream

Hi guys,

Since demands for Grommash “Grom” Hellscream Hero on spotlights once again, i did some edits on my old Hero concept for him. I sincerely hope he is the next Hero of the Nexus, just like all other fans. Here goes the concept for the mighty Warsong leader :slight_smile:

Name: Grommash
Title: Chieftain of the Warsong Clan
Role: Bruiser
Franchise: Warcraft
Type: Melee

Grommash is not an easy prey for killing. I set his Health high because he also got high Health in Hearthstone (9) and Fel is making a creature extremly durable, yet he got not a real Tank HP. He is an ideal aggresive Bruiser. He is using Rage bar just like Sonya but the difference is, his Rage isn’t comming by attacking enemy Heroes or Minions. His Rage is permanent and getting restored by 5 per second.

He is a fast moving Bruiser as it was expected. A type of Hero you wouldn’t want to face in short range. Best way to gank Grommash is ranged nuke with CC or kiting. His Basic Attacks are the main damage source of Grommash, fast and deadly on single target or multiple targets with Cleave Ability, as the official lore sources states that he is devastating in melee combat.

Health: 2250
Health Regen: 4.20
Rage: 100
Rage Regen: 10 per second
Armor: 0
Speed: 2.1
Attack Speed: 1.22
Attack Range: 1.5
Attack Damage: 127

Max Health: 4
Health Regen: 4
Ranged Damage: 0
Splash Damage: 0
Max Energy: 0
Energy Regen: 0


Hero Trait:
Warsong’s Fury (Passive) - Attacking an enemy Hero or Minion gives Warsong’s Fury for 15 seconds. It stacks up to 20 and each stack gives 15 Hero Damage. You lose all stacks if Grommash wont hit an enemy Hero or Minion in 15 seconds. Hitting enemy heroes provide double stacks.

Primary Abilities:
(Q) Cleave - Once activated, your next 3 Basic Attacks deal damage in a wide arc but with slower attack speed, hits all enemies infront of Grommash. Cooldown: 6 seconds, Cost: 20 Rage

(W) Iron Will – Reduce the damage of all attacks by %50 for 1.5 seconds and increase Grommash’s movement speed by %20. Cooldown: 8 seconds, Cost: 40 Rage

(E) Takedown – Dash forward in medium range and grip the first enemy Hero on lane. Smash them on the ground, deal 110 damage and Stun them for 1 second. Cooldown: 8 seconds, Cost: 30 Rage

Heroic Abilities:
(R1) Piercing Howl - After 1 second cast time, Grommash shouts a primal warcry. Silencing all enemy Heroes in the area for 3 seconds and makes them Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Vulnerable Heroes take additionaly %25 damage. Cooldown: 50 seconds, Cost: 70 Rage

(R2) Execute - Grommash instantly charges and leaps on the enemy Hero, striking Gorehowl on the enemy and dealing great damage. Instantly kills an enemy Hero with %40 or lesser health, takes half of the total Health if the enemy Hero has more than %40 Health. During Execute charge, Grommash is Unstoppable. Cooldown: 40 seconds, Cost: 60 Rage


Main Skin: Grommash Hellscream from the Main Universe. Date from his final days (around 46 years old) in the Third War. He got crimson eyes, pitchblack jaw tattoo on the whole lower jaw. Older face lines than AU Grommash. His eyes get blazing red color once he stack 20 Warsong’s Fury. His Gorehowl looks far more different than Garrosh’s. It has the original appearance of the axe with actual skull top on it and dry blood as it was glued. (Colors: Green, Brown, Red)

Alternative Skin: Horde Grunt Classic Horde Grunt skin from Warcraft Universe. Grommash had Horde Grunt appearance in Warcraft II. (Colors: Green / Brown / Red)

Legendary Skin: Leeroy Jenkins skin since he is pretty much the same of Leeroy Jenkins in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (attacking without thinking).


Level 1:
Vicious Slice - Improve your Cleave. Your next 5 Basic Attacks deal damage in a wide arc now.

Block - Every 5 seconds, gain 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%. Stores up to 2 charges.

Rampage - Increase your maximum Rage to 120.

Level 4:
Ignore Pain - Your Iron Will now reduces all incomming attacks by %75 and increase movement speed additionally %10 more.

Furious Charge - Replaces the dash effect on Takedown. Grommash now directly charges on the selected enemy Hero in a long range.

Level 7:
Hardiness - Increase the duration of Iron Will to 2 seconds.

Smash - Takedown now stuns the enemy Hero for 1.5 seconds.

Level 10:
(R1) Piercing Howl - After 1 second cast time, Grommash shouts a primal warcry. Silencing all enemy Heroes in the area for 3 seconds and makes them Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Vulnerable Heroes take additionaly %25 damage. Cooldown: 60 seconds, Cost: 70 Rage

(R2) Execute - Grommash instantly charges and leaps on the enemy Hero, striking Gorehowl on the enemy and dealing great damage. Instantly kills an enemy Hero with %40 or lesser health, takes half of the total Health if the enemy Hero has more than %40 Health. During Execute charge, Grommash is Unstoppable. Cooldown: 40 seconds, Cost: 60 Rage

Level 13:
Enraged Regeneration - Activate to heal for 25% of your maximum Health. Cooldown: 30 seconds

Taste For Blood - Basic Attacks heal Grommash now.

Level 16:
Deep Wounds - Your Cleave damage now bleeds the enemies for 6 seconds.

Giant’s Blood - Activate to gain 25% increased Movement Speed for 10 seconds. Removing all immobilized effects. Cooldown: 40 seconds

Level 20:
Demoralizing Shout - Piercing Howl ability has no longer cast time and Fears the enemies instead of Silence.

Wrecking Ball - If Execute kills the enemy Hero, the ability can be used a second time within 10 seconds for free.

Redeemer – Grommash gains a permanent aura and gives nearby allied Heroes %20 bonus Attack Speed.

Nexus Blades - Basic attacks deal 20% more damage and slow the target for 1 second.


I like the idea of Grommash being a berserker with high health, but i would think he would have more weakness in him taking damage or more suicidal.


well done Brother, i love it !!! the only thing that i disagree that he should be hi health, he sould be medium i thing and high sustain heals. and his Jump ult should be able do use on cooldown not just under 50% health. so he will feel more like berserker character. (jump in with big hit in to the midle of team fight do devastating dmg with jump, should be depend on rage more rage it consume harder it will hit at full rage i would say so base line i would say in
lv 1 - 500 dmg
lv10- 1000 dmg
lv 20-1500 dmg
and it should be multiply by rage (10 rage is 10%)
(50rage is 50%)
so at 20lv with full rage you will do 3000 dmg jump. otherwise i thing your concept is Greate. the to create more talent in lv 4,7,13,16 at least 3 but the idea is greate. Lets rock #teamHellscream


+1 for #TeamHellscream


we need more people sign under this concept its so cool, i just would like to remove that penality for Jump ult ( under 50 percent healt) but man if i can play Grom like this i will just siting at home all day long whole year :smiley:


To start off, his Health is actually higher than quite a few tanks. Combined with his [W], he’s also probably going to be harder to kill than a few tanks. His Rage as a resource also doesn’t feel like Rage, it feels like Energy; Why does it regenerate while he’s just standing around? And why do his basic abilities have such a long cooldown with a resource like this? It negates the need to manage his resource almost at all. Also, what does Speed 2.1 mean?

His attack speed + damage is a bit high; I’d tone it down either a little bit. And, Warsong’s Fury, if it gives 5 Attack Damage per stack, could use a tweak to how high it caps, probably; +100 Attack Damage is pretty significant. It could also use a reasonable duration, as 15 seconds allows Grom to just go to lane, auto attack minions 20 times, and enter a fight with all stacks.

Cleave is fine, if a bit basic, no problem here. Iron Will(and later, Piercing Howl) could use updated to the Armor System; 50% Damage Reduction is 50 Armor, so easy translation. Takedown seems mostly fine, as well. Though, a second concern is that his basic abilities seem more suited for a Main Tank than a Bruiser, especially with his health. While Cleave would need tweaks to fit that better, it would actually make an interesting tank kit.

Piercing Howl needs some help, especially if Grom can do nothing while casting it. 2 seconds is forever in a MOBA. That, and an AoE Silence(even with added Armor Shred) seems a little too similar to Twilight Dream(Malfurion’s utility ult, if that name is wrong).

I’m not sure I like the design of Execute as a dash that makes Grom unstoppable. The general design is fine, though the HP clause could probably go, especially if you made Execute melee only.

Moving onto talents, Level 1 seems fine(though Rampage feels useless until level 10, where Grom has the ability to spend all of his Rage). His Level 4 talents feel more like, hm… Level 13 talents, maybe 7. His 7 talents are fine. Enraged Regeneration feels like it’s a L7 talent(it’s like the old First Aid, 10% weaker but instant, so it seems right). How much does Taste for Blood cause Grom’s attacks to heal for?

Moving onto the later talents, how much damage on the Deep Wounds bleed? What’s considered an Immobilized effect? All movement impairment? Some? Could be specified better. Demoralizing Shout feels fine as an upgrade, Wrecking Ball should probably have it’s name changed(something with the name already exists), but is otherwise fine, Redeemer is fine, and Nexus Blades should be made more unique; Generic Talents have been being phased out for hero-unique versions.

All in all, it’s certainly not a bad kit idea-wise, it could just use some touching up, and some more talents at L4, L7, L13, and L16, but it’s
definitely something good to work off of. Hopefully I didn’t sound too harsh or anything! (^_^)

Make execute to deal more damage based your current trait stacks


i thing you wrote it werry good, but as you explain how tanky this kit is, i dont thing its realy Grommash character. Grommash is definitly verry agressive assasin or bruiser. so i would definitly not weeking his dmg in trait i would rather lower his health or in some way lower his armor with W ability. he need to be deathly and bursty , with lethal blow as ult… super high dmg, but high risk involved with that thats true Grommash reckless and deathly


first, complain both ults are all ready ults in the game also you don’t need all this weekend thing in the ult you can just say it reduces armor.

second I get that rage is like his mana bar but why does he have it changed to rage bar if you are not going to use it if it is just so it won’t increase in later level than you can just say it is a part of the hero and keep it mana there is no reason to change the name. let me explain it like this Sonya uses rage bar instead of mana but it acts differently it regens only on some attacks and talents so it makes sense to replace it.

the third complaint is all your abilities take way to much rage if you only have 100 of it.

the fourth complaint is, there are only two talents at level 4,7,13 and 16 also I really don’t get what furious charge does.

the fifth complaint is, smash the level 7 talent is op.

(well not really a complain but does taste for blood work with cleave)

the sixth complaint is, what does bleed do.

the seventh is when you say all immobilizing effects do you mean he is unstoppable or just roots and slows does it removes silences also do you mean when you active it removes immobilizing effects or for the next 10 seconds it does.

again not really a complain but you mist the opportunity to get a cool reference to wc3 in the level 20 talent redeemer you could have called it war cry or commander aura or whatever it is called in wc3 (i haven’t played in a long time)

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if you look few comments above i put there coment how to do it and even explanation .)

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I dont thing that this kind Execute ult is in the game… can you pls tell where ?? this is hibrid between, Sona jump, Butchers charge ,Kelthas fireblast and and Malthael last rites. its so cool

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yea exactly it is like sonya’s leap. also we don’t need more heroes who can jump like we have yrel muradin sonya chen (kinda)

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I have edited few things on the concept. Hope he looks better now.

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still same problem rage will run out so fast if he only has 100 rage and 5 rage per second regen valeera has 10 rengen per second and she still runs out so fast you have to increase it or it will be really hard to use any ability.
also only 2 talents on 4 7 13 and 16 you need more.
another thing piercing howl is just twilight dream with a worst name you have to change it maybe howling of terror or terrorizing howl.


Dude there is no need to put R2 activateble under 50% of health thats BS. Malthael in the game already have insta kill (after 2 sec) when ever he want under 33% of health of enemy. and also would be realy cool to combinate R2 ult. to be compateble with trait. i will give you an example thats much more interesting, that i have seen in other Grom concept.

trait is different but you can reverse it to yours

Grom gains 2 Chaos for every autoattack he makes and taken. At maximum Chaos, he’ll transform himself into his “Corrupted Form” that increases his health by 30% and also empowers all his basic abilities with bonus effects. Chaos slowly decays for 5 seconds.

Grom leaps to an enemy hero and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of “Chaos” Grom have. If Gorehowl Smash is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed for a brief duration (10 seconds).

0/200 - 266 (+4% per level) Initial Damage
50/200 - +20% Damage
75/200 - +50% Damage
100/200 - +75% Damage
150/200 - +100% Damage
175/200 - +150% Damage
200/200 - +200% Damage

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Rage regen increased from 5 to 10 per second.

Don’t we already have him? I’m fairly certain he’s in game already.

Garrosh is in the game, not Grom.

Garrosh: brown, bald, hunch, bulky, tank.

Grom: green, long-hair, straight, lean, bruiser/assasin.

i am glad to see you updated the rage regen

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Potato tomato. One dumb, angry Orc who sold their race out is as good as any other.