Community Feedback: ARAM

I obviously agree with the OP and the same hero needs to be removed or people will continue to alt+F4…especially now that we KNOW Diablo 4 is a good game. What’s stopping us from alt+f4ing if we get Same Hero and don’t agree with this feature? I got off the D4 early access and this forum is still filled with threads to remove the Same Hero thing.

The “open discussion” on Reddit was a bunch of people just flip flopping around without making a point. The Reddit thing, it had SOME people who want this feature, but these same people also admitted they chronically AFK and actually hate the game in that same discussion. Why listen to low skill players you wouldnt even want on your team?

Blizzard, listen to the players, not the fake ones on Reddit. Don’t do the same thing with D4 either. Listen to your own forums, not the Reddit kiddos, when it goes live.

Players care more about Reddit than these forums actually.

They just go where the players are.


different regions will have different support staff (customer service) so for people looking for bugs/fixes/reports/etc it makes more sense to have people available to speak the same language.

Forums aren’t just genchat for 1-post account ‘feedback’


Free will.

This might be hard to genuinely understand, but “free will” actually exists and people are not obligated into some impulsive cycle of self-imposed misery. Similarly, some problems persist because people have the ‘free will’ to try to ruin the fun for everyone else because they made themselves miserable and don’t know how to enjoy anything.

You seem to busy caught up on your bad logic loop that you seem to have neglected that this is all stuff people already do. “Oh my aram is all healers, I quit”. “Had game with person last time, so I’m going to afk this time to spite them” “qm complaints, player decides to afk/quit”

The same sort of players that rationalize quitting the game are just using the same-matching as an excuse to keep doing what they were already doing. The bottom-line is that you have people constantly complaining about the game, but they still sink their time into it. Life is full of ways people can spend their time instead of grumping over poorly thought out lies and childish rational, esp for those that supposedly ‘grew up’.

You’re trying to discount opinions by acting like you know better despite milling about in a cycle of self-inflicted ignorance. A bunch of alt-accounts aren’t the “real players”, they’re troll accounts trying to act like they’re more than that. The ‘real’ players don’t bother with reddit or the forums. If anything, they’re in the discord groups and have… gasp friends that share the some quirks of the gameplay and bypass a lot of issues of the game (matchmaking, afk, etc) by just forming groups to play a game that encourages people to group.

When people try to pretend they are represented by a “notruescottsman”, that’s not giving blizzard a group to ‘listen to’ especially when they bicker over antithetical opinions. That’s part of why chronic complainers keep petering on and on about claiming blizzard doesn’t ‘listen’.

It’d be nice if more players would ‘listen’ so it’d get over the childish tantrums, improve the average playerbase, and ya know, offer better quality feedback instead of the usual tropes of deception and fake-protests.

I understand why they do it

I simply disagree with an unofficial platform being given priority over an official platform

I don’t think I’ve left my feedback (for nobody to see), so for the record, it’s fine. I don’t love the change, I don’t hate it, it rarely happens, so keep it as far as I’m concerned.

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When the last official news/update post is basically: “Hey, just a little note to let you know we are no longer updating HOTs with new content, and will put it on the mothball shelf… and as a token of our appreciation here’s a dinosaur mount and thank you for all the fun years”, why would anyone visit the forums in the first place?? Or Reddit for that matter…

  1. customer support still exists
  2. tech support and bugs still have blues responding to issues
  3. non-blue activity

Yes, some people came here expecting blues to personally answer them and get offended if topics went without blue replies

Yes, “new” content is easier to discuss than new strategies, unfamiliar heroes or, gasp communicating with non-blue players. However, many players think they “mastered” a hero despite how guides and other resources get neglected, so…

obviously people can come to the forum to complain about match-making because the post is that the shop isn’t getting content and mmr isn’t the shop


This. Anyone with a reddit account can post their “feedback” or slander on a reddit post. You have to have a blizzard account to be involved in the forums, and if you have one, chances are that you’ve played hots or at least other blizzard games. Why should feedback from someone who’s never played a blizzard game but has a reddit account be important in the slightest? It shouldn’t.

When I download the blizzard app to install hots for the first time, I have to make an account if I don’t already have one. Why should I be forced to make a reddit account just to give feedback when a forum account (created for me when I created my blizzard account) is already available to me and very accessible through the battlenet launcher. Its stupid.

I understand that reddit is widely more populated, but I don’t think that should merit reddit to be the main source for announcements, update info, and feedback polls/surveys since we have a forum for that. Its not hard for a dev to have two tabs open and then put whatever announcements that are on one, on the other or to scroll on both platforms. Its just laziness.

Also don’t they have a twitter account? Why is that relevant if everything is on reddit? If your mentality is “its more popular on reddit than the original blizzard forums” then why have any other social media to update your playerbase? I’ll tell you, because not everyone who plays has a twitter, not everyone who plays has a reddit so to widen the scope of people to receive game updates they use multiple mediums to do so. Everyone who plays hots has a forum account, but not necessarily a twitter or reddit… so why are they left out of giving feedback?

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I think you are absolutely correct.

On the other hand Blizzard should just close the forum if every developer and community manager is only using Reddit. LoL did the same 2 years ago.

Anyway please remove the new ARAM feature Blizzard. It’s unfun.

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maybe blizz retained some sadists that take small pleasures in tormenting the forumites. Listen in enough to make a ‘positive’ change and then watch us eat eachother over things like the aram same-hero :person_shrugging:

It isn’t? Here I’ve been wasting my time saving up my shards to forge my “epic, exclusive and rare” MMR mount!


I like the way you think

I wish I could give your post more than one like

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Hey there!! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Just stopping by to provide some more community feedback.

I really have no idea if anyone at Blizz reviews game data on this game anymore (you know, like checking to see how many people disconnect during game, vs other periods of time), but the situation is just getting worse. I have concern that nobody at Blizz is monitoring or even aware of the issue at hand. Almost every game people are leaving…

There is/was a solid player base of ARAM players, but eventually people get fed up, and they leave for good. I don’t want to see the player base drop.

How do we fix this?

This new ARAM, or whatever is called, removes the possibility to choose between 3 DIFFERENT heroes, so there’re more chances that you will play with something you don’t like or know, because there is only 1 hero to choose from, instead of 3.

Not to mention that the idea of everyone having the same hero, makes every game dull, one-dimensional and plain boring, feels like a cripple fight most of the time.

I don’t like it, have no sense at all, but what can you expect from Blizzard at this point?

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You already have a fair amount of chance to play soneone you “don’t like”. So I see no point of “but it’s higher”. Actually, it’s higher if you dislike most, and less if you like most Heroes. But you queue into Aram knowing and accepting you might get something to don’t like. So it doesn’t matter. QM is the only mode where you can guarantee you won’t dislike your Hero.

All 10 Heroes the same means that everyone starts with exactly the same chance and truly only the skills of the individuals determine who wins. Getting on top of “your equal” is actually a tough and interesting obstacle.

Dunno what do you mean, but most ppl sofar like it. But feel free to voice your opinion with a vote:

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Look, if someone wants to chime in on “hey, I don’t like something” fine. However, what some of these posts are doing just ends up as “fake” reasons for rationalize scapegoating.

Instead of actually learning from an experience, it looks like you’re making up something else to just blame instead so this is a “whatever” now despite the name being the exact same.

Any activity is ‘boring’ when people don’t know what they’re doing. It is typically on the person to learn by doing instead of expecting to ‘like’ something by not having played it. Someone losing at checkers is probably going to say “it’s boring” to try to compensate for their lacking experience at knowing how they lost.

On a similar note, “sense” is what people interpret from interacting with something, not some intrinsic experience that bestows knowledge to someone by looking at shiny things. If something “doesn’t’ t make sense” it’s typically from the person missing information and connections because they aren’t putting the “sense” they have to observe patterns and make actionable predictions.

If people read over qm/surrender complaints, it’s going to be a lot of the same choice of words to voice the complaint, and it’s typically accompanied by players making the same mistakes in their gameplay. Instead of deviating from repetition, they keep doing the same thing and complain the experience is ‘boring’ because they didn’t succeed. “Oh boy, a KT is overpowered topic by a li-ming one-trick picking glass cannon…” type of circular conduct.

Cool, you don’t like it.

Others do, and there’s going to be some more particulars on why their gameplay is more enjoyable to the experience. Granted, a lot of common complaints are on select hero matches (eg. probius, lunara) but that’s from players that ‘make sense’ due to trying something, making observations, and figuring out that the ‘dimensionality’ comes from their effort, and not the lack of it.

Funny thing with the forums is people aren’t asking how to do better at hero ‘x’ or tips on doing better at same-hero matches. People live in a bubble, make some assumptions, and complain that things keep sucking when they refuse to change, or rather, something ‘changed’ and they won’t.

Till it changes, maybe people should try asking for tips and sharing experiences with others instead of joining the cycler conduct akin to the leavers sitting in leaver queue complaining that their leaver-games have leavers in them

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My guess is someone on the staff needed to turn in a story(assuming they are doing scrum/agile). This seemed like something to size as extra large, and then was a one liner. No one asked for it, and now they can claim the game is getting updates(besides those we’ve been getting for 2 years now on game open).

Why choose to be ignorant? Literally hundreds of ppl asked for it and when some made a poll, the Like:Dislike ratio was 3:1

Bro, reading too much into something that all requires is setting a boolean to true.

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