Communication, same language would be nice



“Hey guys, I can only speak English and refuse to learn any other language. So I demand an option to play only with English-speaking people.”

serious LoL. :ok_hand::joy:


maybe learn another language


Well it is an easy one to learn , which is why nearly anyone can pick it up rather fast . the characters are simple , not much gramatical exceptions . its just that pronunciation that seen to be a bit drunk here and there but overall its something pretty simple to learn ( bear , bare , beer , spear. Lol ? ).

Then again french is horendous with the amounts of exceptions it likes to have , numerous accents ( Ç, é, â, ê, î, ô, û, à, è, ù, ë, ï, ü. , like seriously why do we have so much of theese and half of them we dont even use on a regular basis lol ) , and then. We got silent letters…silent b , silent d , silent t, o , p , s , g , j , L , z , x , m. … Like half the damn alphabet can end up as silent letters , its like someone purposely dropped extra letters in the word just to annoy everyone xD ) , then we have the grammar part which ia easily a topic of its own lol :triumph:

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The way players can communicate in SMITE (i don’t know how that communication system is really called) is quite convenient because it also translates easily in other languages. There, players can just enter a short code and it will create a voice line that everyone on the team hears in their language spoken by their announcer. It’s also used to spam and troll other players but there is also a mute button :smiley:

I haven’t laughed this hard in quite a while.

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The extreme inconsistency in pronounciation tops any problems in regards to grammar easily.

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How many gramatical exceptions does english really have ? Mouse , mice , goose , geese, “s” and "s’ " i cant think of a whole lot right on top of my head but it cant be that much compared to other things .

I still think the future of multiplayer games would be to somehow introduce a translator


I would suggest more study of the language, as well as of French, in that case. :slight_smile:

I mean, you’re talking about a language where the same word can be used as an adjective and an adverb versus a language where the general order in which adjectives are to be used is established. :wink:

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Even in countries where the language is taught through primary education it’s still dependent on the individual to take it seriously. I’ve seen Japanese streamers be messed with by posting English in their chats. A lot of them understand how the characters are pronounced but rarely what the words themselves mean, so they are easily tricked into saying the most ridiculous things.

I don’t see the problem in being able to opt out of being matched with different language players. I remember other games doing it, maybe it was Halo where you could choose any language or the same language as your console.

sounds to me like you want to opt out of playing with people or maybe just certain people either way you are limiting yourself and the game

Just say “you’re racist” man you don’t have to obfuscate. Plus, no not really. I don’t have to cooperate with people on the enemy team. They can still play with me. I don’t have to overcome a language barrier to compete with them, but to cooperate I do.

so you see it as well. nobody has to speak the same language to cooperate in fact speaking in this game more often than not is a hindrance not a help. all that is really needed is someone with the capacity to understand what’s needed and the willingness to act. there is are language barriers just mental ones

Dude, if you think communication doesn’t figure into the victor then you’re actually ridiculous. There’s a reason Blizz gives an MMR penalty to 5 mans. Blizz themselves do not agree with your point.

I see what you’re attempting to dance around saying. But, no I don’t see it. Any person of any race can speak any language.

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communication doesn’t mean speaking the same language and since Blizz has it set up this way looks like they don’t agree with your point. in the end all you would be doing is limiting the player pool and overall game health. nobody ridiculous here

No, Like I said before. People of different languages can still play together just on opposing teams rather than the same team. You still have the people playing in the same games.

Okay, if it’s not communications explain why Blizz gives MMR penalties to grouped players in QM. Shiggles?

no matter what way you look at it you are trying to divide the players based on language and that’s a terrible idea on so many levels that it will never happen and if it does goodbye HoTS on a global scale . the advantages of a 5 man are more about being able to structure your team beforehand and being able to go in with a plan not to mention many times 5 man teams have played together before none of which requires a shared language you may be hung up on the difference between communication and language

Tell me how you think people communicate in a lobby to formulate a plan without using a shared language. You kind of need a shared language to get across a complex idea, that’s kind of why being bilingual can be valued trait not only in business but in government and law.

so you understand the value of being bilingual but still want to separate players based on language ? interesting. humans have been doing things together since the dawn of time with and without a shared language communication does not require sight , hearing ,speech maybe just a willingness to understand what you ask for should never be given