Client not entering match

I queued for a match. Countdown happens, then the UI is stuck with no heroes, five empty circles.

I exit, restart, it offers me to join the game. I accept, it sort of loads, then I’m in the main menu. I go to QM, press Ready, and:

2024-07-28, 9:20-9:24 UTC

I have an oddly timed rejoin file (at 9:00 UTC) from when I absolutely didn’t play.
No error files among the logs.

The match actually did happen. After posting this, I got to the Reconnecting and hearing all pings, damage and groans. In fact, I am pressing Create Topic mid-match.

The Reconnecting issue is back. In very, very, very fishy ways.

There are three matches now:

  • Please don’t be mad, here is a win, be happy okay?
  • Hahaha, in return we stomp you bad, don’t be mad, still 1:1, we fair!
  • Oh, it’s a good close ma… Reconnecting… okay, you can pull it together, just try… Reconnecting… try… Reconnecting… welcome to leaver queue, troll.

Entirely unplayable. Beyond funny.

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