Chen talent thoughts

Just a few ideas to make Chen more enjoyable while keeping the balance.

Level 1:

Stormstout secret recipe: from 3.5 to 4 percent.

  • just a small boost to improve the effect combined with energizing brew at 20 to encourage new builds.

Level 2:

Accumulating flame: Maintain the current effect, while also adding an increased 10 percent damage to minions.

  • I want to keep it low so it doesn’t compete with other draft picks. It’s a quality of life buff. It wouldn’t make much difference, it just feels better. Even if it was only 5 percent, anything is better. It takes forever to wave clear early.

Level 7:

Elusive brawler: 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds

  • it’s a tough life out there for a Chen vs the types of tychus and other ranged basic attackers. Especially when they typically have stuns and the likes on their team. I feel this is a fair buff.

Level 13:

Touch of honey: On its own it’s a good talent. But please make it more interesting. Bring back the the ranged version of it with a quest? Or allow it to reduce cool downs or something. Even increase the damage by 10 or 20.

  • this talent has trouble competing with the other talents on the tier. Give it some more general value. Make it fun.

Level 16

Celerity: in addition to the talent, also increase the heroes basic attack range by 0.5.

  • I think this would open up some new styles of Chen and be a fun experience over all. It promotes the use of gift of the ox at 7, An underused talent. It would be cool to go
    1/3/1/1or2/2/2 and instead of grabbing combo strikes for the basic attack build, you do a hybrid basic attack build/ gift of the ox build with Celerity and increased ranged.