This is a character is for the CDC here CDC #13 - Cult/Classic and i chose to go with a Classic (sadly not Diablo 2 as it barely cuts off god damn it!) and that hero is Freya the Valkyrie from The Lost Vikings and someone Baelog has a huge crush on, shes an aggressive healer similar to Whitemane who buffs her abilities via her trait while in the thick of combat.
- Rehgar: Both of them are aggressive healers that stick to the thick of the fight and both can apply healer or assassin style talents to their kits since both of there abilities compliment the others constantly, namely the heroic ability Blood Lust combined with Freyas attack speed and ability to proc Blessing of the Valkyrie.
- Zarya: She can support Freya with shields that keep her alive longer in the middle of a team fight and also allows support of saving other allies.
- Johanna: Due to the pull in and blind on her abilities she can disable parts of Freya delaying how much she can heal with her trait and limiting her aggressive healing overall.
- Muradin: Due to his Thunderclaps slowing both movement speed and attack speed he can disable Freya in combat since most of her Blessing of the Valkyrie are done through basic attacks, his Haymaker can remove her from the fight for a short time as well.
- Base Skin: Freya basically resembles herself but with more real more Valkyrie options such as more of a shield arm bracer and having more armoured clothing instead of her bikini armour but keeping things like the waist robe still around in it while her overall graphical design gets uplifted similar to the TLV while as an added bonus she’ll have more shown wings growing out of her back that are small but visible, her baseline colour is her blue palate with her alternates being a more golden version, pink and finally green.
- Sister of Mercy (Legendary): She now resembles a futuristic Valkyrie in a more grimdark way, she now wields a power armour instead of her armoured clothing with an added hoodie and her spears tip is now energy based with lightning effects sparking on it while her shield matches the armour and occasionally lights up in light mark spots with the same lightning effect as the spear, her abilities become more light/energy based now and her attacks look more aggressive now, during Ride of the Maidens! It looks much more vibrantly light based with blue streams through it, baseline colouration is a mixture of red armour, white clothing and blue effects, her alternates in the same pattern are blue/black/yellow, pink/white/purple and black/red/orange.
- Odyns Valkyr (Epic): WoW Crossover skin, she appears more akin to the holy Valkyr seen working under Odyn with her skin becoming yellow, she now has much larger golden wings growing from her back and her voicelines becoming more echoing diety like, her alternate skins are the Unholy Valkyr which is more green, a white Valkyr and a Helheim Valkyr.
The Lost Vikings:
Freya: Whats my favorite viking doing out here all alone?.
Baelog/Erik/Olaf: Baelog - Oh you know, throwing swords, disemboweling monsters, overthrowing aliens, Erik/Olaf - Come on we got a battle to fight!.
Baelog/Erik: Baelog – Oh my Freya, how good it is to see you here again, can I bring you a new sword?, Erik – Come on loverboy we gots an adventure to finish!.
Freya: Finish your adventure first Baelog like your little friend said, we’ll talk later about that sword.
Freya: Such a young champion, might be an idea to go back to school.
Anduin: Im the king of the Alliance, im too busy for study.
Anduin: An angel of light? How is my father?.
Freya: “Nervously” Um year hes good kid!, “under breathe” who the hell is his dad again?.
Voice Lines:
Line 1: Think it is time to make Baelog smile again. (reference to his healed quote)
Line 2: So this is what it feels like to be on the adventure, why did I make those three do it for me?.
Line 3: This feels just like a game!.
Line 4: Wonder where the checkpoints are, or maybe the cheat codes. (Minor fourth wall breaking quote, TLV style).
Line 5: Heres a guide to the end kiddo.
Death Line: So, this is how it feels to be a Viking.
Change Log
Log 1:
- Fixed up Extra Life with some nerfs a well as changed its two upgrade talents at level 20 with Down to Easy Mode? specifically being completely changed.
- Reload Checkpoint and Valiant Charge had some word changing to hopefully make them clearer to read.
- Talents and Strengths/Weaknesses added to the board but will they be my Exodia?.
Log 2- Blessing of the Valkyrie and Rise of Valhalla merged and reworked to allow it, Rise of Valhalla replaced with Shield Toss!.
- Extra Life replaced with Ride of the Maidens!, Reload Checkpoint slightly altered as well, final tier talents upgraded to fit both.
- Many talents changed or reworked, changed/reworked talents are Legendary Mode, Group of 3, Shield Arm, Protect the Healer, Extra Bag Space, Cleansing Fortitude, Boots of Speed.
- Rise to Valhalla is now a talent replacing an old talent (whos name i forget), Speed Hacking nerfed, there are two more nerfs i forgot to list on my checksheet.
Log 3- Speed Hacking and Protect the Healer swapped tiers, Spear of Light talent updated, Gamebreaking Glitch and Spear of Light swapped tiers, Tier 2 now focuses on Valkyries Light, Focused Healing is a new talent added to tier 2, Rise to Valhalla completely changed to another type of talent.