Catapult change was bad... like pretty much every other change

How can you say karabar is a troll ? The guy is one of well respected people on the forum .

I fit more the categorie of a troll more than he does . ( mostly because i want friendly fire in the game but thats beside the point lol )

Typically he debates his ponts using logic and facts / stats that can easily be found .
Calling someone a troll because facts can be inconvinient is just a way to make you feel better when unable to have a proper conversation or debate over a topic.




It’s threads like this that really make me wish we still had downvotes. Surprise, surprise, the same 3 as always upvoting these stupid rants.

Ah, I see we have the same word-of-the-day calendar! A man of culture, truly :cut_of_meat:



Structures xp never scaled with time. Wtf

This is literally the most embarassing thing Ive read here in a long time. Someone tell me my english is that bad and I missed something.


The Catapult changes are fine. I don’t have an issue with that because in some ways it speeds up the length of the games and gives wave clearing a little more meaning.

XP changes fixed getting stomped, but Blizzard could have done the same thing by reverting the “More Meaningful Early Game” changes from Blizzcon 2017

As bonus, since it will make many people mindblown

If you’re the best player on your team, you still have the most impact on winning; a good player is more likely to lift up their team than a bad player is to drag them down


Zul’Jin actually is pretty decent at solo laning though. It depends on the matchup of course, but against the typical laning bruiser he does pretty well. Regenerate lets you outlast most opponents, and you can stack well enough on a melee enemy that has to stay in the area.


Many heroes are good at sololaning. Valla is one of the best, in 1v1. The problem is rotation, why beefy bruisers ruled solo lane meta for so long.
The reason why Fenix is so good is because he got tp as a gank dodge. Shields are actually just an (admittedly important) bonus.

This paragraph makes no sense to me. I don’t know if you got the terms wrong or if you misinterpret what actually happens. Also, punctuation would help. Unless someone interviewed a Blizzard Catapult. What do you mean by barraks?

Actually, results show the opposite.


Yeah I agree with you bro, he plays a lot of Zul’jin he has him like level 28 and they keep feeding him stacks smh. :ok_hand:



“Decent”, yes. Good at waveclear? Not bad, not good.
Good choice if he has someone bulky (melee with little threat lvl) against him? Yes.
But sending a melee against a Zul on lane is just a bad move. And even the melee can choose to just play the lane safe so Zul overextends for stacks.

You gotta be trolling here. Most heroes are bad at solo laning with Valla being one of the worst ones. She has no self sustain during laning phase which leads even melee heroes winning against her. She loses solo against practically everybody. Vault on solo lane is better than warp because it’s instant despite warp being better ability in general so you got even that part wrong. It’s the shields and wave clear that make Fenix monster on solo lane combined with ability to kite.

Only if enemy hero manages to touch her. You got Hot Pursuit for that.
But thats irrevelent because she dies to ganks.
As I said in the post…

If my memory serves right, you get the exact fort/keep value boost in about 3/5 minutes? Can’t recall but it was somewhere close to that.

For fort its 5:15 (or 20?) and 10+ for keep. I would have to check that later to be sure.

Citations have several important purposes: to uphold intellectual honesty (or avoiding plagiarism),[3] to attribute prior or unoriginal work and ideas to the correct sources, to allow the reader to determine independently whether the referenced material supports the author’s argument in the claimed way, and to help the reader gauge the strength and validity of the material the author has used.

Citations are super handy, so if one is going to claim an authority has stated something, a reference to such statements certainly helps to ascertain the claim is valid and to have the context of where the statement may have been used.

Cuz a hefty bit of the OP feels a bit misconstrued to the point of getting their own source likely being the means to address their own concerns in the same swing


Hmm, yeah just did it myself, passive XP gain per structure destroyed is 4.6 XP/s, if we consider 4.6 ticking alone, the time required to reach the same old XP boost for fort/keep is:

Structure Old XP Boost Time Required
Fort 1200 4:20 Minutes
Keep 2,050 7:25 Minutes

Honestly I wonder what we will end up with if we didn’t have the passive XP gain change, it was added after how disastrous were the changes in the first place.

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There’s a lot to dissect here.

Blizzard did make a lot of changes that were probably worse for the game. The initial release of the ammo and globe changes definitely made the game much worse. Games were definitely more snowbally.

I generally liked the spirit of the ammo changes, as I don’t think wave clear rotating and ignoring towers and players is particularly skilled or following in the spirit of a team brawler. The globe changes were an absolute disaster. The game really would have been better without that drastic rework of the game.

Over time, they’ve sort of amended some of the problems and this change to catapults is a step in that direction.

I definitely agree with supports being heal only is definitely boring. Giving damage options made supports more fun and gave options for double support comps that weren’t OP. They only became OP once they enforced themed tiers and overloaded base kits (because of the themed tiers) and overselling niches which created weird synergies.

I definitely would love a return to more diverse talent trees. If Valla wants to build for defensive talents to gimp her damage. Who cares? It might not be used a lot in ranked mode, but if there’s a special comp that makes it painful, it’s an option. It definitely would be used in QM.

Mines, I don’t know why it was a problem where they had to outright remove it. I could be wrong, but in my experience, it wasn’t because the objective was too strong, it was because it wasn’t strong enough in comparison to getting sappers and mercs. That definitely made it my least favorite map, but at the same time, it’s just one map. I can handle that because of the novelty and forcing you to change up your approach.

Though I really don’t know why they have such a difficult time to fix it. All they would have to do is move some of the mercs into the mines.

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On each lane the first structure gave less xp than the last one. A fort was (if i remember it correctly) 800xp and a keep around 2000xp.

I think this is what he means. And yes, those values had a massive influence on the balance, and its removal was a good thing.
For the winning side they were very snowbally, but for the losing side it was a very quick way to catch up, but only if you actualy managed to perform a counter attack (which when 3 levels behind is hard to do unless the enemy makes a major mistake).

To note, the reason you get the passive XP is not to give you an advantage, it is to compensate for the catapults that grant the enemy some xp. This way you can get more balanced xp values on both sides. And at that point the catapults can give some additional assistance to helping you to take out additional structures. But that is with the assumption that the enemy is properly defending against them. They however should assist during a push your team is making.

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Oh right, I included all buildings in the fort/keep areas, since those received some xp changes as well (towers give less hp). Then its 5:15 and 10:20.

Its, imo, important to notice this is the time when you get same xp as before. The fact that its 5:16 doesnt mean enemy gets some huge, relevant xp boost (xp required to get new lvl also scales). I would give it extra minute or two, but it depends.

Honestly, regardless of the xp PTR, this change was so good I would like to see it since day 1 (just the xp change).

Still confused.

Fort 800, turret 400.
Keep 1300, turret 650.

Structures were/are the only part of the environment that didnt/dont scale with time.

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