Can't Stand Combined Leagues

I can’t stand combined leagues. I’m a solo player. I don’t have consistent play times and don’t care to team up with people. I feel like its now forced upon us. 5 man teams dominate the ranked play and you can’t advance unless you become part of a group. I’ve dropped from gold 5 to bronze 1 this season because of this and I’m out. The game isn’t fun anymore. It’s either team up or slowly drop into noob league. I get HOTS isn’t Blizzard’s main focus anymore, but I really think losing the entire solo play market isn’t a good idea. So I’m voicing my opinion. I’m out until this changes. I’m not a fan of voice either, mainly due to the fact I’m 30 and nothing makes me feel older than sitting in chat with high schoolers. Maybe I’m just too old for this game and I need to find another way to decompress.

Where I will agree that this game has a problem with premades vs randoms. You gotta remember this is a team game, You may solo que but you still gotta work with your tam otherwise it will b ea loss.

I still am a team player. I’m just saying it’s not fun being forced to play on premade groups to advance.

I will agree they need to put that back the way it was before, cause it seems like the premades are always being matched against randoms.

That or the smurfing problem. If a silver 2 groups with a plat 2, they should be treated as if they are plat 2.