Can't get out of low silver

I seem to go back and forth a lot between Bronze 1 and Silver 5. As soon as I get to Silver it seems like way more Trolls come out or people auto lock Heroes and don’t do any team building. Any one else having this issue?


Just stop playing it as if it was teamgame. Do your own things, take strong and impactful heroes and you’ll climb eventually.

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Do not play tank or healers. Pick a carry dps or bruiser that is good at exp gain, clearing camps or some form of CC. Sonya is a great choice to learn.

It’s not you, is the Random Potatoe Team Generator that puts more potatoes in your team than in enemy team…


Its not random though, you are playing against premades so they cant get the afks, the only place to put them is on your team. Premade or lose, that is HOTS

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Lucky you, I can’t get out of bronce!

Tip: Play one hero… Pick one that is good at wave clear/camps and team fights. Like the poster said above, Sonya.

Play ONLY that hero. Pick it every time no matter what. Comp doesn’t matter in bronze at all. Just play that hero only and you will climb.

Dev not, sorry but Bronze, Silver and Goldgames are so much fun. When u are truly better than everyone else in your league you can win almost everygame on your own. I did it myself with GM when everyone I met said oh Silver/ Gold is hell and I am much better as all the others. The truth is: you are not better than the others. You are just louder and complain more. Everyone falls in this trap at some point. And yeah you need a big gap in skilllevel to do so.

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No matter if you have 4 potatoes in your team agains five normal players. Sure, Betty… xD

its tough when your stats are messed up

So I’m new
I just started doing some comp.
I’ve been slowly climbing out of silver.

What’s worked for me is locking in heroes that control soak and team fight damage.

Specifically tassadar and tychus.

When I play other heroes I feel like lanes arnt getting soaked or focus damage isn’t happening.

Tychus only needs himself to do good damage and on tassadar I can double soak.

When I play other heroes I notice when soak is being missed and sometimes I have no wave clear

In any moba, you rank up by playing 1 role and a very small champion pool in that role.

I would suggest this until you get to diamond. Or be a fill player and maybe get gold in a few seasons, games are for fun right?

If they weren’t for fun you’d be playing a more competitive moba like LoL or Dota?

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AMoving in a 4-PotatoeTeam and dying less than they!