Can't get a storm league game in forever

Can’t get a game at all in a storm league (ranked), queue took forever, mostly over 1000 seconds without a game and have to give up and go back to QM.

I skip a few seasons, and try to get a ranked game, and can’t get any whenever I queue, I thought that the season is ending and no one is playing ranked, but I started to queue again in 2024 season 1, still no game at all after few days trying, all wait more than estimated waiting time, sometimes I waited over 1000 seconds between try, but still no games.
I’m playing in Singapore Server, does that have anything to do with the situation?

Probably this not sure how small the Singapore server is but due to low population it is possible to have long queue times. If you want to play ranked you might have to switch servers to the EU or NA server depending on were you get better Ping. Also Play time might be a related as most people play Hots in the Afternoon/evening but rarely at night / during usual work times.

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