Can we please ban these names

I personally envy at them.
I mean this 2 kid are friend. They know eachother for a while, and they made an account for cho gall. This is a very basic joke from them. Probably they live in usa. In europe this is a meh… joke. I can immagine better ones easily.
I hope i’ll have a friend like this.


It’s definitely a joke.

I think 2 people got together and thought, ‘wouldn’t it be funny if…?’ and that was the result.

If they were seriously trying to insult a particular demographic, they would have used other, less creative methods to get their points out there.

To each their own I suppose, humor is very subjective.

It looks like tooting the horn for a reaction by someone, like OP.

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Tinfoil hat theory :

What if thoses two players were two black guys seeing it as ‘‘bros’’ and finding it hilarious ? :scream:

I’m too lazy to make a Kaenu Reeves meme about it. xD

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It’s something I would totally do with my bud if we were afroamericans.


Me too. I’ve had a team in a game named ‘‘One tooth white trash’’ and almost eveyone thought it was hilarious. Then some offended person reported us and we had to change our name.

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It’s always like this. People have fun and enjoy simple things…until some stick in the mud comes along and ruins it for everyone. This is why we can’t have nice things.


I don’t find it funny either. Stuff like this shows up in gen chat a lot, but at least you can ignore that. This is a little much


do you live in usa or in europe or in asia?

Heres a fun thought experiment.

If the two guys playing this cho gall are white… then everyone calling hate speech and taking offense to this are validated.

However, If this is two black guys playing this cho gall they are entirely in the right to do it because its OK for them to say it.

tell me im wrong!

Edit: this is hysterical either way to me.

funniest part is the OP showing the N word "since he showed the cho’gall players names. and he showed their names ingame too which is “against the rules” so you literally showed the N word and complained about it too. idk but they locked your post in Reddit if you have noticed and i’m surprised they didn’t ban you for showing the N word and complaining about it too.

there’s a “report” button for sensitive people btw.

Made me laugh for a full minute. It’s funny, stop white knighting. I literally just forwarded the image to a black friend of mine who burst out laughing.

Stop it.


i showed it to my brother he laughed for a good minute. and that made me laugh even more :joy:


This will be my only comment on the topic at hand, but names and labels like this are wrong not because of history, humor, or bigotry, but because they only serve to condone divisiveness. They celebrate the notion of Us vs. The Other. They throw away the concept that human beings are more similar to each other, regardless of background, than different, and relish the differences as proof of … something.

It doesn’t matter if it is a white person or a black person using such language, it is still increasing the gap for no good purpose.

It does make me wonder if people who promote this sort of behavior do so because they tend to cling to such categorization, whether it be racial, cultural, gender-based, political, religious, or what have you, due to a innate necessity to compartmentalize rather than unite.

Anyhow, enjoy your squabble. Peace.


The skin color does not validate you from being punished under private property rules that forbids the use of slurs and racial slurs.

It’d be funnier in theory if it ended with an ‘a’. The hard ‘er’ makes it a lot more offensive.

Personally, I don’t find it very funny either way. I totally agree with Minky that it’s not at all clever. It’s just - here’s a bad word! No context, just a racial slur! Whoohoo! It’s so fourth grade. Now if their names were Dictator and Darkhed, that would be funny.



Could you show me a picture too? if you can’t sharing pictures, then do the next things.
Click on the print screen on the keyboard.
Open paint
ctr v
Save it.
Put on imgur or at somewhere.
Share it to me here pls
I have never seen this thing. That’s why i ask. I think this is an “only USA” thing. I saw only at brasilia something similar. But there people called monkey as an insult and asking “do you need banana?”. At least this is what i saw again and again. After a certain time it was annoying as hell. Eu dosen’t have this, so pls show me one.

i think its funny, no matter what words they come up with XD
made me laugh when i saw the pic!

the world is way too caught up with the PC censorship agenda,
can’t people just get over it? its a word.

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yeah i don’t understand how the OP is sooo hurt over that lol it’s not like they said it to his face or something. and no one knows if they’re africans or whatsoever why all this crying over 2 friends having fun with each other?