Can we please ban these names

Feels good to know I’m not the only person who didn’t find it funny.

No, I have very gallows humor for sure, it often helps me get through tough times. What these guys did here is just inane and ugly.


I don’t see what’s racist about it, chogall ain’t even black. Stop looking at things so negatively, ur also assuming they are trying to be racist. It’s funny just laugh it off and live on.


Nothing is funny anymore to the outrage culture, they’re offended by everything.


I mean you can just assume that, call anyone a snowflake to make snowflake as a word lose its meaning.

Both have almost similar names, both playing chogall, when swapped you will get the same word.

Well that was new

It’s nothing about outrage culture, the word is just simply racist. I’m all for context, shades of grey, ambiguity. But sometimes a racist word, is just a racist word.

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I’m pretty sure I never called anyone a snowflake

Of course you didn’t, I never implied you did, I’m just saying that its pretty for those who say that to add “stop being a snowflake” in the mix, because its a common word here when it comes to reports.

It’s just a word. If people would perhaps stop giving it so much POWER it would probably be long forgotten by now.


History (not exactly distant) has given the word power. People on the receiving end of this derogatory word, still have it used to demean them. Until that changes, the word has power.


Will it though? Its been already been set to stone in history books, still used by anyone out there, by trolls and so on.

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The word itself isn’t racist, it’s what context you use the word that makes it racist or not. In this context they are being funny. Are rappers racist for saying the word over and over?


For the record Blizzard has a strict policy against racial slurs, context does not matter in this case.

Dark Comedy =/= Gaming Comedy.

Got check any dictionary, it’s considered to be “offensive, ethnic slur”.

There is no context, there is intent to make two battletags that will make this particular word.


Yes and a lot of people thought it was funny. It’s a joke, u can get offended if u like and call it racist. But it’s not going to stop people from enjoying a laugh.


It amazes me that people hold chogall so high that apparently it’s joke to make a word that is already auto banned to be written in chat, forums and everywhere else.

Using it in chat, forums isn’t a joke and can be reported for abusive chat.

I never saw anyone in my life this word being used in a comedic sense outside of the comedy and dark humor zone.

If that is the case then it should be allowed in chat and forums, right because people are just being humoristic?

Either all of them are ok, or none of them are ok.

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I don’t really get ur frustration.

None of it is already allowed, this is just a rare case that 2 trolls found a way to get around the system and people found it funny.

If people report it, it will most likely get banned right away because blizzard is big on this stuff.

I guess I’m just surprised people can get so easily offended.

I guess u really are one of those snowfakes

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Not even offended, I just don’t get how people find this funny.

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So what do you think of the people who did find it funny?

They have a terrible taste of sense of humor in the right moment, nothing less, nothing more.

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