Maybe a demon one ? Would fit well to her (eredar skin)
Or a cyborg skin ?
Take my money please
Maybe a demon one ? Would fit well to her (eredar skin)
Or a cyborg skin ?
Take my money please
Yes please!! We need more Yrel in our lives.
I rock the pink ‘Sparkle’ skin since release, and mixed it with pink unicorn from the toy event.
It is just too cute.
But fashion is important and more skins would be love, although I personally have no designs I can think of that would suit her.
I still want a Satyr Yrel, or Succubus Yrel
Oh my god, I forgot I could get this with shards now. Thank you for reminding me!
Ohh that would be very cool indeed!
Very dark but fitting for her characterl - Satyrel
That would be awesome.
My immediate thoughts about a Satyr or Succubus themed skin, correlate to the game ‘Agony’ (madmind studio) with the succubus or onoskelis portrayed there haha.
Looks lit but can we get a protoss female?
Yrel gets a new skin AFTER Ragnaros gets a skin that’s not red or orange.
I would like to have option, where Ragna can choose to deal dmg or heal (and he become Lightlord Ragnaros).
When you use Ligh Lava and it heals your allies xD
damn yes !
why the devs Don’t want OUR MONEY ??
Insect Ragnaros
His ‘molten walking’ effect is changed to a swarm of bugs
His weapon is a big scorpion or something.
His W is a dungbeetle… pushing a dung.
His E creates a swarm of bugs.
Lava Wave is now an insect swarm, maybe a grasshopper swarm. Or butterflies just for fun.
His R-smackdown is, I don’t know, the big scorpion he wields I guess.
I do this with the pink Slacker skin for Orphea, and sometimes D.Va if I’m using one of her pro skins.
But it’s not fire and they refuse to make him anything else but various shades of orange and red
That is everything I’ve ever dreamed of. A Ragnaros surrounded by butterflies.
Maybe if he got woken up by butterflies, he wouldn’t be so grumpy.