Can we have more yrel skin please?

Or he’s so grumpy because he DOES wake up to butterflies, but they’re always catching on fire. He wanted to be an earth elemental and hang out with the dryads, but his dad made him go to fire lord school.

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IDK how to feel about this, back to spamming memes on discord.

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I look forward to “Monara” skin.

Would love that, same as Fenix sgt Hammer or xul
As long as its not the Imperius skins. I mean his demonic skins all have red wings.
You wont pick a green skin with red wings, it doesnt fit into anything

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That was a very poor design decision. Auriel has multiple skins with each variation having different wings. Tyrael as well. Unfortunately none for Malthael. Blizzard doesn’t want to give him any skins :sob:


Yeah it looks like it was copy’d and pasted

Dear Harmonium,

Sorry to break your bubble, but the skin is the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal, therefore it can not be changed.

If it means such a problem for you, i highly recommend you to try body painting. My advice would be to start with bright colors, but be careful not to apply much pressure, or your healer will get mad. After you get some experience and soak to 10, you can move to a full palette and see better results, so dont get discouraged through the procces.

I hope i have helped you.

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A succubus yrel skin.

Yummy yummy.