Can we FINALLY get a Cairne skin for ETC?

With the “slowing cadence” of new hero releases, it has become obvious that we’ll never see some of our old-school favorites, but can we at least get a skin for this legend?

A lot of Cairne’s could-be abilities transfer somewhat functionally to ETC’s move-set (except Mosh?). Also, this skin would definitely need it’s own voice lines.

None of E.T.C.'s abilities fit Cairne.


I would rather leave the way open for a hero forever rather than definitely shut the door on it. Even if we never get Cairne, it’s better than knowing we will never get Cairne, if that makes sense.

It’s the same reason I was so opposed to making Deathwing a map objective and why people hate Widowmaker Nova.


I have no hope that this slow movement will be permanent. This problem will be solved soon. A company and in a special case a game with a stagnation does not last and in this case dissolution of the game will happened. They know this well and are working to improve it, especially since the game is developing and still needs a lot of features (hero, skin, map, professional and cohesive league, etc.)

Apart from this, keep in mind and I’m sure you know it that Cairne is a good option for the game. But he will come up with a whole new/unique kit (different from what we have in mind). Honestly, please do not consider him a skin.

LOL… Dude, you are in denial. Activision has officially been wearing Blizzard as a rotting skin mask for a long time now. They would rather this game fall off into obscurity than pump resources into it trying to revive it. They’re just milking it out as long as they can for the minimal cash grab it provides them.

If you guys step aside a little, our voice will reach higher places. Well, I also know that this game has stagnated and I am personally trying to prevent further complications such as holy sheet.

What I believe in and I insist on, is that the state of the game will change, something like a boom.

So shouldn’t those who make these decisions there think about changing their approach? Must this situation always remain the same and we should accept it? obviously not. I’m sure this is not the case. If it stays, I’ll be disappointed a large with this way that a big American company is running.

Yup I’d love Cairne Bloodhoof as a real playable Tauren instead.