Can peoples who atentionally throw game get ban?

No gloat, I accept the apology with the hope that you understand there is no “Forum Hive Mind, White Knights.”

I have not interacted with any of the regular forum posters outside of these forums, many of us are like this, so we are very much individuals with differing opinions.

I have always been clear that I dislike the current report system, it often only helps to perpetuate the toxicity it claims to police. This puts me at odds with many other forum regulars, but we don’t fall out over it as I respect them and their positions and we just discuss the pros and cons.

You may dislike me, but I don’t feel the same for you. I think we have at least one thing in common, we both like Hots and want only the best for it. If you read my comments we have more in common than you may think at first glance.


you should apply this to yourself . I was banned I am still here . I still have sacrificial accounts for this game. i play the game i am not here to collect useless crap to play dress up like many of you. a corrupt mod banned me for personal reasons abusing his position and you think it’s a good thing lol . no wonder this game suffers. The only thing bans do is hurt the game depleting the population down to smurfs and stacked teams of smurfs . bans do nothing . if the game actually had something worth losing then maybe bans would work. Multiple accounts with everything I want in them . What does a ban mean in light of these facts . Absolutely nothing . I was banned and 2 games later I am in a game with that same corrupt mod . Ban with no teeth means nothing

Just ignore him. He only love to troll people here casue he dont got anything better to do.
Complaining about banning does nothing when he got banned himself and then hides behind multiple smurf accounts just so he can keep playing like he did on his main.

He got banned and got triggered about it and now blame the devs for banning him when he properly deserved it 100%. Its funny he says banning do nothing when getting banned himself made him hard triggered in his posts and go full banans when people confront him with it.

Banning did work since this troll keep being triggered about it. Also noties he love to cherry pick qoutes just to make you look bad.


as usual you troll with illogical nonsense . suggesting people do the one thing you cannot seem to do which is ignore me . you are self triggered again it’s hilarious to watch . bans do not work in a game that exists at the whim of smurf accounts . if bans work why am I still playing . you employ zero logic as always . see you in the nexus on one account or another makes no difference to me

I didn’t reply to you because I felt no need. You repeat the same thing over and over again. I can copy paste my last reply to you and it would be the same. I guess you don’t know what ‘that was never the perspective’ means. You’re the obviously triggered one here (when you repeat the same message over and over again, that’s one sign of it. it means you can’t let it go because it touched you deeply).

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oh the irony of the nonsense you spout . wish you were at least funny

Why are you so toxic?

That would require blizzard to review the reports which we all know they do not do. They only have like 4 staff members working on this.

They can just autoban every firstpotatoepick Nova/Abathur/Butcher/Deathwing/Murky/…

That alone will increase the game experience!

lol …

Difference is you’re actually being a toxic nerd right now. Dismissive, rude for no reason and I may be reading into things but I smell unearned arrogance in that mix too.

I was asking you a question so that maybe you’d develop some self awareness and stop being so bloody awful.

Exactly. The least they can do is make the requirements to queue ranked much higher. They even added missions to ranked so that more people queue who don’t take it seriously.

the irony of everything you say is lost on you