Can illidan be buffed? (nerf abathur if necessary)

Mostly in competitive play, everywhere else? Doubtful. You need the right comps, and then people on your team to not be window lickers. You’re so team dependant that it’s frustrating at times.

To be honest, Abathur’s +25% attack speed talent just needs to go. Abathur was strong before the rework that gave him that talent, and at the time, many ppl said that talent itself would be overpowered and imbalanced - And it has been. Too much of Abathur’s power is locked up behind the fact that he can instantly make any AA hero 25%+ better for the rest of the game - Not to mention going above that with the Hivemind talent.

Personally, as we have already have an offensive Symboite talent at lvl 4 with the Stab improvement, I feel that lvl 4 should become another Locust talent - Perhaps a +50% attack speed buff on Locusts. This would allow Stab and Spike Burst to be buffed as well.

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Might help his Locust builds too. Which honestly needs a look at, they’re pretty weak by today’s standards with all the new heroes in the game.

You kinda feel forced to go pure hat 99% of matches. I agree with removing Adrenal Overload and adding in something else.

You could remove aba’s level 4 talent and buff illidan.
Just saying.

First, I think they will need to rework Illidan, Abathur, and maybe Zarya so that they can make them all independent. Illidan relies a lot on a good healer/support and is sub-optimal without Abathur, well, unless its a really good Illidan.

They should do something like what they did to Tracer and Tassadar (except without changing roles this time). Tracer is now self dependent without a support behind her and Tassadar is also self dependent. What they need to do is make Illidan self dependent with a rework, and make Abathur changed so he still is Abathur, but without making Illidan OP with a hat. Tracer now, with support Tass would be extremely OP, just like a buffed Illidan and current Abathur would be.

As for Abathur, I’d tone down his hat capabilities and give him some value elsewhere somehow.

After Illidan is a little more viable by himself, then you can buff him to bring him up to par.

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Illidan will never be buffed because they will never ever nerf Abathur. Too many people play Abathur and are in complete denial as to how OP he is and say he his ‘niche’. Just look at this this thread’s responses lol.


Abathur is S or supreme tier in competitive play for around 4 years now.

He can be first picked almost anywhere and is a preferred first pick on some maps.

Illidan has the same problem as genji. At the highest skill levels of play, he is unbeatable. He needs to be weaker in order for him to not be picked/banned every game yet still being good in the right hands/comp.

Honestly illidan’s strong enough and I never thought of how powerful he could be with abathurs help until now but nerfing abathur is not the solution.