I remember when he first came out, and it took months for people to learn to not stand in his brand.
Personally for me this is a false statement, because I never struggled as Murky against the Butcher, he just can’t come close to me. Sure Murky has a tiny health pool, but his survival with E shouldn’t be understimated.
This is actually a good reason to say Butcher is fine, because being team-dependent in a team game isn’t bad. It only means it’s harder for solo queue, but that’s shouldn’t be an arguement.
In theory you’re right, but it’s a moba and there are heroes, who counters others, what’s the problem with that?
Arthas Frozen Tempest counters him and his 16 Enraged talent. Any blinds and stuns counters him. Even Silver division players know this. If he was untouchable he will be banned every game.
Cause that’s not Butcher countering TLV. That’s just Butcher getting rewarded with 3x the meat off one hero. Does Cho’gall drop 20 meat for Butcher when they die? If not, why? It is two players after all.
is fine when is stacked, the problem is that can take a lot of time (and in that time he can lose), like the old zuljin took a lot of time to get stacked before his reworked talent 1, butcher is not a full hero in early mid game, thats the problem, he needs more utility before stacked, or the ability to stack faster without depending of his team
This is a good question. I don’t understand this either. I would like to see that Cho’gall gives the Butcher more meat, because you technically beat two heroes. And since the Vikings are technically kinda 3 heroes and can get the unfair advantage to be present in 3 lanes at once, it’s only fair that their deaths are treatend as 3 heroes.
Don’t sound like a problem to me, because what you describe is the nature of all “hypercarrys”, they suck early and need support to carry the game in the mid/late game.
There are tons of heroes in Dota 2, who works that way, like Antimage (Dota’s version of Ilidan), but even Ilidan is kinda comparable to Butcher, he sucks early, but with time he gets stronger. But I understand that this playstyle might don’t fit the way how Hots works, because there is no early game compared to Dota 2, where people sitting in lane and that’s why The Butcher has the problem to be successful in games, where his team can’t support him how would need it.
So the real question should be:
Do we want hypercarrys in Hots or should we rework them into carrys, who aren’t weak early, but don’t scale too greatly in the lategame?
What do you think about my question, UncleGanon?
Nice attempt at trolling but every single person on the forums who actually plays Butcher WISHES he was even has as good in the actual game as he is in your alternate universe fan fiction lol.
zuljin, a while ago he had a talent called recklessness, this talent increased the damage that ZJ dealt when he is below 75%hp, it seems for devs it was a problem that zuljin took a lot of time in to stacking, so they added a funcionality to that talent, heroes hit while this talent picked grant an additional stack of “you want an axe”, they added a talent that allowed to zuljin to stack faster, this was like a year ago, so it seems for devs it was ok to allow zj to stack fastert, but not for you? not for butcher? hmm idk i bet devs knows more than u, so is simple, butcher needs a talent that allow him to stack faster like zuljin
I don’t know what the devs were thinking, when they did this, but for some reason they don’t see the need to give The Butcher something similar. If you’re so smart, then explain why do they ignore The Butcher? Maybe he’s fine for them like Genji?
obviously i have no idea, but i think it was a great addition to zuljin, making him even more useful but not broken, i just can guess they’re affraid touching butcher and making him op by mistake (like they did with zag and valla) or maybe butch is not in the list, idk
i assume, you making this topic, because you just got owned by a butcher in game as a zagara main, pretty sure you would have figure out that zagara is really weak against butcher. but you still got your maw haha.
butcher is definitely not broken, and the higher skills the lobby is, the weaker butcher is
Team+0%Skill = Vegan Butcher
Team+100%Skill = Meat eater?
nah, butcher’s performance rely alot of the lobby’s skill level. that’s why there are alot of people complaining butcher is overpowered but in very high rank match, he is rarely picked.
(Team+100%Skill) x lowLobbyMmr = Meat eater?
(Team+100%Skill) x highLobbyMmr = Vegan Butcher
Secant is Hailfall, this Stiffwood is not. Just some troll who’s too lazy and unimaginative to create their own troll thread.
i just searched his channel, briefly watched 10 different butcher video, 9 win and 1 close defeat, why do you think this is the case?
Most masters are bad or he’s just too good? Because 9 wins seems unreal. Does it mean The Butcher is in a similar case like Genji, where only few can absolutely destroy his enemy team, while the most sucks?
i just quickly watched his most recent 20 uploads, he won all 20 games. so it means he have 100% winrate over his last 20 games?
and he averagely uploaded 2-4 videos per day, so it means he only play 2-4 games per day?
Or he cheats and only upload good stuff, but ignores the losing games, sure this is most likely and I don’t know why I think of that. So in the end we don’t know, if he loses more than he wins, but we know at least that he can win with the Butcher.