Butcher is beyond broken

Point and click. Boom. Hero deleted. No skill, no counterplay, nothing. All your opponent can do is pray their team bails them out.

As a master skill-level zagara main, I find butcher to be uncounterable in the hands of a competent player. Why? Because butcher has the most broken ability in the game. Ruthless Onslaught. It’s basically Illidan’s Hunt on a hero with much better damage, lifesteal, and health on a significantly shorter cooldown as a basic ability. Oh, and also baseline nexus blades with his Q, because that’s perfectly balanced.

The moment butcher presses E, his effectiveness ramps up to 11 and he destroys anything in his path. No counterplay. None. Unstoppable, charging faster and faster and then stunlocking the hero to death with nothing they can do.

Even if they manage to survive the initial stun, they will die to Lamb to the Slaughter, the single most OP ultimate in the game. Chain a hero in place, stop them from using any defensive abilities, make it so they can’t be cleansed.

Basically a perfectly guaranteed kill that cannot be dodged or cleansed.

His auto attack damage is absurd. From 0 meat it’s already extremely strong, and once quest is completed butcher can easily enter 700+ damage auto range with nearly 2 attack speed.

Tell me how this is fair. Tell me how this is balanced.

Not even blinds matter, because Butcher can still deal very respectable damage with his melee mage build, mage butch (Invigoration at 1, Cheap shot at 4, Savage Charge at 13). This easily deals 50% of a squishy’s health and completely negates any “counterplay” with blinds.

On top of that, Butcher even has the single highest HP of any assassin, even having more HP than most tanks. Tell me how this is balanced. How. I don’t see how you can even TRY to pretend butcher is fair.

Getting stacks is pitifully easy with any sort of waveclear for butcher to rotate with, easily ramping his autos up to the strongest in the game by level 10, with several ganks in between (which isn’t hard seeing as you can garuanteed kill most heroes with the stun + magebutch combo).

You see why butcher needs nerfed now? He is game-breaking with his insane power level and I assume he will be getting hit with a seriously major batch of nerfs next patch. Thank you


Against butch…if ever you’re in a spot where you can’t escape his charge, or don’t have team mates around you to help out? You’re “out of position” and need to relocate.

I destroy butch’s on a regular basis fairly easily. Also it’s very important not to play “his game”. A Butch is always waiting for his moment to charge somebody. What i like to do bait him. My mains are Hammer & Azmodan and, i’ll basically hang far back in the group, wait for the butch to use his charge move on one of my guys, then i’ll go in and start blasting him.

You just need to fine-tune your approach is all.


… and I always thought that a butcher on the oppoonent team was a free win …

No seriously, a butcher has countless counters, he can be pretty useless. You should know this as master skilled zagara :smiley:


“MASTER skill-level ZAGARA”, “find B U T C H E R to be UNCOUNTERABLE”, it smells like potatoeMaster… :thinking:

Just a hint: P R E S S… R … in … keyboard … xD




I see you got the same idea as this OP had from 2019 that is now mod locked. Could it properly be you who made that one too since you need to bring a 2 year old post up.

Butcher is beyond broken - General Discussion - Heroes of the Storm Forums (blizzard.com)


Ill be honest. Its refreshing in a way to see a “butcher op” thread again after all this time.


It’s 2021 and I see a nerf thread for The Butcher?! Do I dream?!

On topic: No he is not beyond broken, he is probably one of teh easiest heroes to counter. I would recommend that OP should play The Butcher himself for a good amount of games and then come back, if he still thinks “The Butcher is beyond broken”.


A “master” tier player thinks Butcher is overpowered…wut is going on?


You realise you are feeding a troll right ? I linket this thread to a old post made back in 2019
His post is copy pasted from that thread.


But it’s entertaining and refreshing to finally see an nerf thread for butcher. :joy:


These forums are becoming like reddit, but sadder. You cant even karma farm.

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I made a Zagara quit by killing her so many times. I literally just triple-tapped her off CD every time she went to a lane by herself. So I guess by your logic, Nova is OP?


Yes, obviously, if she wouldn’t be op you couldn’t do that. It’s totally out of question that you might have more skill than the Zagara player! :joy: :crazy_face:

That is a great story. I love it. Hearing dead Zag stories especially from last month’s experiences makes me happy.

Whist this may have been admirable in the past, her recent buffs significantly waters down your brag.

Varian’s taunt is well telegraphed making it very easy to apply follow up CC to his target. Butcher is the same…but in reverse. His charge animation helps the enemy team time their CC against him with absolute precision.

At the end of the day, Zag’s strength is split pushing and butcher’s strength is picking off single targets. Considering that you were counter drafted, it’s up to you to modify your playstyle. Stop split pushing and play more with the team.

It’s like playing Lunara, picking all the poison spread talents, then getting upset that Lucio’s AOE healing is OP.

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Butcher isn’t broken, in fact he has one of the most balanced abilities in the game. He punishes deaths and punishes the other team for deaths. Early game he’s baby weak, late game if he hits quest, he’s hella strong. If he builds up past his point yeah, he can be busted, but unless your team is constantly engaging in team fights and or feeding he does not become strong, in fact its quite the opposite. A team that knows how to handle butch (assuming they don’t have an easy feeder, IE low healthed units like murky/vikings/aba, then butch is hard pressed to actually do anything. He gets punished immediately charging in, but if he doesn’t then his team slowly loses the fight. Also your argument about his mage killer doesn’t fit either. Why? because his meat does not carry over to his abilities. He gets 75% of all his dmg from basic attacks and branding people, not his chop or his charge(Although his charge does get percent which can be nasty on tanks)


Zagara is not very good against Butcher. Her only real counter move is to Devour Maw him as he impacts. This will at least save her, even if he gets off a Lamb to the Slaughter.

However, as always, the Butcher’s main counter is team play. Zagara has more than enough DPS to explode the Butcher should the Butcher end up separated from his life sustain target.

He does 144.3 auto attack DPS at level 0 without meat. This is in line with heroes like Maiev who are hybrid casters. For reference Tychus does 200 auto attack DPS at a range and has a trait for percentage damage. Until Butcher is stacked the player will almost always have done better as another auto attack hero.

By 100 HP odd (<<10%).

Which is why you need to counter-gank the butcher to either deny him stacking or even delete his stacks with kills. Until he is stacked all he has going for him is the stun combo, since for pure damage someone like Greymane or Tychus would be a lot better.

The only people taking Butcher at Master level will be people who know what they are doing with him. For example they will be using him in an enabler comp, or in parties where they draft around him. He also cannot really be first picked because the enemy team will make sure to have blinds and displacement to shut him down.


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Broken, no. Annoying in QP? Yep. Especially when your team is all ranged/squish, and even more so if Butch is smart enough to queue with a pocket heal/support. Lamb to the Slaughter is also v annoying again as a mostly ranged player, but there are plenty of “unfair” ults out there.

The only “broken thing” I’m aware of, and I could totally be wrong about this, is that he gets 20 meat from each of the three TLV, so killing all three of them = 60 Fresh Meat. That I don’t see being fair really. Granted good TLV players can deal with Butcher, but that doesn’t mean they won’t die as a group from other heroes, allowing Butch to get that 3x meat easily anyway.

But that’s really the only issue I’d say is an actual issue (and TLV are uncommon enough where it actually isn’t lol).

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i really wish this post was true but thanks for the clickbait
anyways as a main butcher i can say butcher is as good as his team is (assuming the player behind butch is competent), doesnt matter if butcher is playing the best, not dying/losing stakcs, etc, if his team sucks he cant carry, for the butcher to work his team must be in the “same page”, i find usually enemy team likes me more than my own team, if the butcher team starts getting salty, negative with the butcher, it’s only going to reinforce the stigma because the whole team is going to play terribly bad, even though everyone plays like trash usually everyone is going to blame the butcher, some people say “is easy to counter butcher”, i can say is also easy to counter the butcher’s counters, if you can protect well enough the butcher those “counters” will be reduced, as almost all characters have counters, since the butcher is a melee burst hero ofc is as easy to counter as any other burst hero (like kt pyroblast), so i would say butcher is not op nor trash, just need a good team and the enemy team make more mistakes

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