As a master skill level Varian main, I think he’s pretty weak right now. Colossus smash shouldnt reduce max health, since it makes him so squishy. Twin blades also needs to grant 10 armor or something. it’s got a hard time staying alive, so the increased armor would make the healing more powerful.
Finally, taunt needs to automatically trigger a free parry so it’s not a death sentence alongside shield wall…
Please. Consider my request. I want to pick Varian, but I get called a troll when I do. It’s sad
Which is it? A good troll would atleast be consistent.
He’s a Hailfall alt just don’t mind him and report for trolling.
WAsn’t Secant in the old forums before Hailfall?
I never really used that one much outside of bug reports.
edit: and Secant has a thread saying Valeera needs nerfs…
Hm, you have a trustworthy post count, must be legit.
Don’t believe him.
He doesn’t worth the truth.
Taunt varian didn’t get compensation for the 10 armor loss so you could ask for some small survivability buff.
Saying he is squishy is pushing it.
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dude i have Varian lv 165 and i play mostly CS, and trust me on that 1400 plus games i have 19.5 averydge takedown. so not bad i would say. just lern how to play him corect
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Back to proper form at least.
At least someone treats me nicely thank you friend. I appreciate it
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What are you talking about even?
I said nothing about Varian or his strength in my post
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OP if i am correct you used to be a master level zeratul main, alarak main and brightwing main. Why did you give up on these heroes? This was way back on the old boards when downvotes were still a thing.
I’m pretty sure taunt varian did receive more health regen for the lost of armor.
I’d have to check but i think base varian got those changes. I do not remember if old taunt gave 25% hp instead of current 30%
This troll post brought out
the BigGuns
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Well technically if he gets the master ranking then hes a master level skilled everything.
With that name theres many account on hotslogs.
Only 1 has over 100 games.
Even in gold when i uploaded nothing i had 40% of my games there.
I doubt he got to masters in 200 games overall, taking into the account that even as hotslogs is inaccurate its not 1300 MMR team avg inaccurate.
Troll topic pretty much.