There over 88 heroes in the game, but only half of the heroes are god tier. and some heroes just feel so awful to play. and one of those heroes is the butcher… The problem with this hero is that he gets counter by almost everyting. you name it, stun: attack speed slow: root: fear: polymorph: taunt: and more. and worst of all, he doesn’t have any escape in his kit… this is by far the worst hero in the game, and needs a serious buff or rework.
All-in melee charge is a very 2015 playstyle - but he was not meta even back then (he was one of the first releases in 2015).
They’ve only really done one full talent rework for him - without changing his kit. They made dying much more forgiving and he loses less meat upon death.
ButnNow that more and more heroes have Unstoppables, crowd control and mobility, it is even harder to gain Brand healing as him, or any value at all out of Ruthless Onslaught (the most telegraphed basic ability in the game).
Not to mention he is one of a few heroes in the game who get completely destroyed by a long blind like Suppression Pulse or Valeera’s Cheap Shot (especially after talented to 4+ seconds at lv13)
I doubt he is a priority rework for devs as they are busy on D.Va, but I do hope his kit gets overhauled some day, so he isn’t just this one dimensional meat collector who has to hit heroes in the face once his quest is finished.
Rework. Just because they took feast or famine design and took it to its literal interpretation, doesn’t make it any less awful design.
I do kind of like the power gradient he experiences, though. He should have to quest across the map for meat, but it should be less about mashing heroes so we don’t have four minute meat carries.
Yeah… I wouldn’t wanna be the dentist doing that work on him however…
Shapeshifter pretty much summed up my thoughts, to be on topic.
Except going Q CDR build kinda does a bit still with this. Not much, but he isn’t completely shut down. Although still operating way under capability.
Is the Butcher bad/weak? Nope.
Does he need a rework? Yes.
Take a look on my proposed rework to him
For this problems negative buff like Slow, attack speed reduction,Negative armor and healing received reduction I think Spell Breaker will be good Hero to control and debuff them and also this ability Mass Disple will be a good parameter for removing these negative buffs.
The quest needs to go.
I don’t care about his lore, the meat grinding will always make him bad.
But the late game… I wish part of his damage was shifted into his survivability. Then I’d say he’s the late game hypercarry we (I) want and need
Idc at all about lore and would be fine if meat gave health per stack. At 200 he’d gain 125 attack damage as usual. Butcher would do less damage but gain more survivability. At 20 he could finally take nexus blades to get more cc (and his silence chain grab team ult needs to get nerfed) so nexus blades would be more appealing
I’d rather have any other melee assassin on my team than Butcher. No matter what comp I have or which map I’m on.
Oh I thought you’d be more upset about saying balance > lore. There are a lot of hardcore lore people on the forum and they make it seem like the majority of players want to follow lore.
Well Lore isn’t doing The Butcher a whole lot of good.
Gotta convince the contrarian forum that butcher needs a rework. I already tried but as always, players don’t want him reworked. I normally say no to reworks because of dev time is precious, not because the heroes don’t need help. A lot of hero kits can function without major overhaul, but the underlying problem with butcher won’t be solved by pure numbers… unless it somehow is. Bring in the meat also gives health buff
I was gonna say, Butcher is not the only melee hero in the no-escape-for-you category: Kerrigan and Artanis also come to mind. At least Butcher can Lamb and walk away.
Butcher is like Illidan in that there is a lot that counters him, and if he is countered, then he’s worse than useless. But if not countered, look out.
I dunno, I wouldn’t be opposed to a rework, but I also think he is…OK?
Kerrigan and Artanis are not unplayable either, but I would put their popularity above ~plat at about the same level as Butcher. That is, very rare picks in the current state of the game.
But decent players can definitely make them work. They do become increasingly rare as you go higher up the ladder.
Damage damage damage is a toxic playstyle I don’t like. Instead to keep his late game power or even increase it in a healthy way, reduce damage but buff survivability
Blinds will still affect butcher but his playstyle won’t be “feast or famine” in a teamfight by going all in (you can tell I don’t like all in heroes). He’d still have feast or famine in the sense not getting meat means he’s weak, but at least getting meat won’t be an instant loss for the enemy, while butcher would feel more powerful late game by surviving focus fire, and blinds
Agree. no other hero has so many weaknesses. if you pick him, you gonna suffer real hard and make you’r team lose the game Because you picked a bad hero.
Illidan cries in a cornor becasue he like Butcher is a niche hero that cant be drafted before last pick.
At least Illidan can sometimes do good. He has mobility and damage mitigation.
Butcher has “Team help me”