BS Ranked Matchmaking

I just played 4 games, and all 4 games, my whole team consisted of no groups, and the enemy team was 3/4 stacked. On top of that, the whole enemy team have 50%+ winrates each, and i have 2-3 allies with 30% winrate. This matchmaking is terrible. How is it fair that players can group up between diamond and bronze and be matched against golds and plats? It is obvious the bronze and silver players are smurfs. If you’re in a group, it should only consider the highest rank. So if highest rank in their group is diamond 5 in their group, their group average should be diamond 5. It is unfair that you encourage smurfs and punish single players. Also, why in the world am i EVER matched against a team that is 20+ favored? i’ve been matched against a team that was 50 points favored…i barely have a 50% winrate, so why am i being punished? i would rather wait 3 hours in queue than to ever be matched against a guaranteed loss. i understand your system wants to keep us around 50% winrate, but everytime i get to 50.01% winrate, i lose 4 games in a row vs 4 stacks with 20+ favored…
Also, why whenever i get a group of 2 or 3, im almost always matched against a 5-stack team with 10-20 points favored? Like, where are my free wins like you give every other group?
Also, we need more bans. there’s no way we can ban out chogall, ana, rexxar, genji, tracer, dva, gazlowe, zagara, murky, tass, cassia, imperius, kelthuzad, kaelthas…some of these are so you dont get them on your team…like zagara, murky, dva…


Ive been saying this for almost seasons now. Its nonsense that low ranked players can group with diamonds for better matching and most of these low ranked players are just on a low level smurf boosting there buddy is all.

What you said would fix this system and make it so much better. The entire group should always be ranked equal to whomever is the highest rank in the group. If 4 gold players group with 1 diamond player then they will all be considering diamond.

Its absurd how much trolling and smurfing is ignored in this game. I was diamond 1 last season with a 54% win rate and this season ive gotten trolled so hard. I am down to a 37% win rate and I am plat 2. While most of my matches and yes i check afterwards. I am against 3-5man groups while my team has someone feeding or afking at base.


Lol, Bliz dosen’t care about you. They only look forward to that sweet sweet China money.


This is why this game is so bad and not competitive You cannot carry a team

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Played 2 games yesterday after another week off and I got 2 trolls who refused to soak or peel while we were against the same 4 man premade both games. This game is so screwed up that its not worth playing.

You can. I watch grand masters doing it all the time on stream. You’re just not as good as them.

So 1% of the player base in ranked can do it but lets focus on that instead of the 99% of players.

Youtube generation, thinking all they see is real… :confused:

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Easily the worst matchmaking I have seen. I have played in plat the last couple of seasons and I have lost 12/13 games I have played. I can say 3 could be close to my fault for playing poorly. The last 3 games have had 1 afk, 1 troll because he couldnt play medivh, and 1 troll tank. I am really getting sick of this. It used to be a great game that I liked more then league of legends. But he matchmaking has been so terrible I cant stomach it

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I feel this so hard man. Its so sad to have a game you enjoy but the community ruins it for you.

TBH the best thing they could do is go back to only duo q in HL and then a massive MMR reset

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Everyone needs to start at bronze.

i have been saying the same thing but no one would play the game then cause it would be soooo bad

It can not get any worse than it currently is. The game is unplayable.

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And what is the point to let people play rank mode with a Tychus level 2 ? That s none sense, Blizzard move your A** and do something, little level account don t care to lose in rank mode and higher level pay the price for it !

That s absurd


Well if Fan can do it, surely you can right? Bad logic everywhere.

The talent disparity between Fan and gold players is outrageous. So of course he can do it. But a legit gold player who is trying to improve and rank up to plat? Or Diamond someday? Fat chance.

You actually CAN carry in hots. It’s just a lot harder to do as a gold player when the enemy team has a plat player already carrying them.

You cant carry a team that has players afk ing or throwing. its just not possible.

Not if your players are throwing or afk ing

The only way to carry a game with 4 potatoes against 5 normal players is… AMoving to the next potatoegame faster!