Bronze placements?

Currently on hotslogs I’m sitting at a 3100 qm MMR. Finally firing up placement games for SL and immediately I’m facing low bronze team mates and opponents. Why is this?

Hotslogs Profile - PlayerID=12272333

Your MMR in QM does not transfer over to SL. SL is much more competitive so a Master QM might translate into a Silver in SL. Enjoy the ride up the ladder!

Yikes, I’ve actually been high plat for a while now on a main account. I must’ve missed the memo that they prevented smurfs from high seeding.
I guess I get to experience the joy of attempting to climb out of bronze…
BTW, low rank players seem incredibly toxic compared to most of plat / diamond. Not that those ranks have no toxicity, but I think more players own up to not knowing something or acknowledging their shortcomings around diamond level play. Low silver and bronze accounts seem to think they are all amazing players and then proceeds to make horrendously awful calls in game while also mechanically failing to execute anything.
I know i’m not some amazing player, but I should be able to keep up a 65% WR until I hit high gold. I guess its discouraging though that the system can place someone with 70% WR in QM and a corresponding masters level QM MMR into bronze league games.
That’s not fun/fair for anyone involved.
Welp now a couple days into this climbing out of bronze journey. I’m now at Silver 2 with a 70% WR in SL and current HOTSLogs MMR in ranked over 3200. Some observations I’ve made. Their are some pretty decent players who appear stuck in low ranks. Not because they aren’t good at certain things but because they aren’t aware of what they need to do to climb out and/or they aren’t willing to game the game to their advantage. For instance, I had a really pretty solid Diablo on my team who was a lifetime silver and in silver 5 rank. He actually landed his combos, set up kills and peeled. He was IMO probably an actual high gold / plat level diablo from what I saw in that game. Something else must be preventing him from climbing out, I’m unsure what that is.
The other thing is their are a lot of “pro” silvers who don’t understand the game anywhere near as well as they think they do. Their game sense is horrid and they love to try to give me the “new” player advice. They tend to get outright hostile when I either disagree or point them to my WR with regards to making calls in drafts / games. I know that’s douchey but IDK how else to try and get someone who wont listen to maybe accept that someone knows more than them.
I’ve definitely been reported a bunch of times as AFK for going to soak when opportune and knowing when to back off and regroup instead of pushing a bad situation to certain death.
This journey is a trip and I would say to anyone that thinks MMR hell is made up, it’s not. This is real I just haven’t hit the point where I’m not so much mechanically better than the competition that I can’t straight up carry wins, yet…

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You’ve got this spot on. I’m once of those 60% w/r folks that some stuck in low bronze hell. The toxicity and entitlement mentality in bronze and silver honestly disgusts me and the player base ruins the game for me. I dont really have this problem with plat and above players who know when they are messing up.

What about just winning out of Bronze. It’s not that hard.

Clearly didn’t read the update / 2nd post. I won 75% of my bronze games, it wasn’t fun for anyone involved. The seeding system is poorly done, nobody with masters QM MMR and who wins 75% of their SL games should be put in bronze and even get negative PRA.

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Your MMR does not carry over even if HotsDogs says so.
Also, everyone starts their initial placements very low when they enter Ranked for the first time.

The alternative to this system was horrible, you would have premade 5 man squash QM farming accounts that would proceed to get seeded high diamond. You would have these players that had no map awareness, no drafting awareness, no ability to land any combos in Diamond level games causing tremendously one sided matches while they slowly crawled down the ranks ruining every match they were in, in the process.

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Yes it does but for the first time (onve in a life time) only… and it ruined alot of accounts