Bronze 5 swirling vortex

Ok, I know I’m not the only one here. I find that bronze players are one of 2 things, either they are actually new/subpar players or like me, stuck in the swirling vortex or bronze. THERE HAS TO BE A WAY TO GET OUT OF THE HOLE OF BRONZE 5!!! Either add like copper rank or don’t make it so we only gain 2 16 points. It’s really not wanting to make me play anymore and I know a lot of people who feel the same. Or another great idea, why don’t placements redo your rank? Like a start from scratch? Cause then you are places based off of your personal gameplay and it’s where you belong and not stuck somewhere because of solo qu’ing.


lol i really wish i could see some clown fiestas of your replays. it must be a blast.
anyway, check out Dunning–Kruger effect, that’s what most of bronze annihilators suffer from.


You “only” need enough luck to be repeatedly matched against more potatoes than potatoes in your team


I just posted this in the other bronze 5 forum. While the points in here made are not aimed at you, the info in them can be helpful here.

You have to see passed being stuck there and realize that if you are there, it is because you are not good enough to be out of it. While you may do the things you say you are doing, it still doesn’t mean it’s right. Allow me to elaborate on each of your points, because escaping bronze is pretty straight forward and super simple, if you don’t truly belong there.

Problem 1) Your gold friends still have very little clue what they’re doing, but if you follow them around the map, you’re likely not doing YOUR role correctly either.

Problem 2) Solo trolls - The other side gets this too. This is not an advantage or disadvantage for you, as it evens out perfectly.

Problem 3) Escape velocity - When you exceed a ranks actual skill, you actually rise above not only that rank, but usually rise numerous ranks consecutively until you find yourself in your next “teir” of ranks you get stuck in. This is because the current ranking system doesn’t do a good job categorizing people based on skill tier to an exact science. For example, when you escape bronze 5 because you get good enough, it is likely your “new found skill” will carry you to silver, not just bronze 4 or 3. Bronze being at the very low end of the barrel, players with a higher understanding and faster reactions to abilities can typically carry team fights almost every time regardless of what role they’re in. At bronze level play, there are so many errors made and so many opportunities skipped, that even a mediocre player may appear great when they are in fact not. Once you exceed your skill area however, you won’t have a problem with velocity.

I have attempted to throw games due to players being rude to other players in silver games before, and can’t even lose doing some of the dumbest stuff I can think of because the other teams are just so incredibly bad. When you exceed the skill level, you will climb out. You said it yourself, and it still rings true now. Statistically, everyone will end up exactly where they belong, and they already do.

If you need actual help, have someone review your replays and tell you what you’re doing wrong and or what you need to work on. I find that bronze players often lack the most basic of skills including the ability to react to things like not standing in bad stuff for more than a quarter of a second, or letting a telegraphed ability hit them with TONS of time to dodge it. Don’t focus so much on strategy, but on micro ability at bronze level. Play a hero like valla or raynor, where micro means more than anything. It is more important to hone your skills in this way at this low of a rank than anything else. Without being good at this basic function, you don’t have a chance at other ranks regardless.

Focus on awareness and strategy WAY later (gold moving into platinum), as nothing you see in your rank is a good strategy anyways, and always assume that to be true, even if you have a gold calling the shots. You can make it all the way to gold without ever looking at the minimap and no sound with purely micro skills. Not 1 person on your team under platinum is capable of making calls, so just play your best micro game, and attend team fights when they happen, as well as be at the objectives a few seconds BEFORE they’re up.

Also, specific to your post, placements DO redo your rank. You were however, placed there AGAIN.

Yep, you can win with an AFK, a bot and 2 dudes doing a camp in the 3d tribute! :+1:t2:

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Players honestly think you can carry 2 afk players. Its not possible unless you are GM facing golds

You tank? There are four potatoes that can’t right-click anything! You heal? There are four potatoes that can’t right-click anything! You DPS? There are four potatoes that can’t right-click anything! etc, etc…

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Dont worry how hard you try to climb the ladder, the system bad AI will match you with retarded people and selfish and afk people to be sure you stay where you are, aka Status Quo ! Nothing you can do ! Without mentionning, solo player that will not help on merc camps, will not help on kills, and stay in their lane pushing tower and gates dying 10 times and asking why i am dying so much ? Oh and what about account level 50 to 150 in teamleague playing with real account player with 2000+ Level Account, this is none sense.

Even in diamond you will be placed against premades while you are dealing with some player flaming chat calling gg at 4minutes then going afk at base. You cant carry that in this game if you are a average player.

ALL i want for christmas is some QoL changes. Sick of losing match points for AFKs or what not and i am really sick of the easy wins due to trolls and afks. takes all the fun out of the game.