Bronze 5 ranking

This is a public forum, I’m allowed to post in any topic, so long as I follow the forum COC, something you aren’t doing. I do not need your permission.

I never responded to you directly until you responded to me (again) with your unsubstantiated lies.

Although you edited it to avoid being punished by MOD’s, you made me the closing paragraph in the OP of a previous thread, where you hurled the same unsubstantiated accusations at me.

I would have ignored that thread, had you not dragged my name into it and made things creepy and personal.

I spoke to the OP of this thread and not you:

That is cliché advice, but I think it would benefit you.

There is nothing wrong with being in Bronze, Hots is a silly computer game and your rank says nothing about you. The difference between you and friends I have who are in Bronze rank, is they don’t blame others or the MM algorithm for keeping them “stuck” in that rank.

I have been patient with you, but I warn you, if you post these lies about me again, I will open a ticket with CS.


I’m referencing your words as contrasted to mine: you impose contradiction and do not improve. Instead you blame anything that isn’t you.

As seen with your replies, you are afraid of effort, of learning, and you cast lies to delude yourself and pretend that you are better off with lazy replies. Anyone can post an emoji, but it doesn’t actually make you happy or satisfied and you’ll impose more lies to try to sate your dismal gratification on the next turn.

You have claims you “don’t care” about ranked, but it’s what you keep on playing, it’s what you keep on complaining about, it’s the fixation for you derailing a thread when it isn’t about that, but you demand attention.

You “care”, lie to yourself about it, and make it a perpetual issue for you.

I’ve expressed my take, and have kept consistent to that. However, you take your lies, and then fault me for it.

You and pureblood are effectual lairs that celebrate ignorance and have convinced yourselves you aren’t examples of the very thing you complain about, so it simply loops the same faults and misery for it.




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I’m sorry citizen, we’ve detected you violated the 12 character limit. 2 emojis is triggering. Don’t you know, the more you write the more right you are?

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if only sarcasm could prove contranegation.

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I gotchu.

God damn it’s funny.
We might need more of this in the future.
Funny moments compilation entirely made of Zenasprime.

Forced 50% WR confirmed!

I’d subscribe. That was one of the funniest videos I’ve watched, especially, when you match it to the kind of threads he creates lol.

Zena. Despite the acrimony between you and the majority of the forum posters of late, I am certain that if you asked some of the same individuals to personally coach you to improve your performance, they would.

I will not write to you again, I’m only concerned as I have never seen you consistently post in such an antagonistic and negative manner. Yes, in the past you had disagreements, but I don’t recall you resorting to personal attacks in almost every exchange.

You sound burnt out on Hots, and for your own wellbeing, perhaps you would benefit from a break. I’ve had to do the same for many hobbies and video games over the years, so that is not a “dig” at your character.

Despite your attempts to position me as your enemy, if you had read my replies, you would be aware that I’m sympathetic to the plight of those in B5. I’ve consistently said that players in Bronze 5 should receive more points when they are on winning streaks, so the experience isn’t so punishing for those trying their best.

I only disagreed that you have fallen from Plat to B5, due to the MM algorithm, simple bad luck and trolls alone.

Furthermore, I hesitated to write to you in this manner, as I don’t want another round of unpleasant back and forth. To put it simply, no video game is worth playing if it’s impacting you negatively.

Take a break, reach out to a friend, or even someone on these forums. Despite what you think, the majority of people here are generous, empathic and helpful, which is why I hang around here a bit too much, and I’m certain someone would be willing to assist you to get out of Bronze hell, if you simply asked them politely.

As I said, please let’s not bicker about this, I wish you the best and hope you find some peace and most of all fun and joy playing Hots or some other game, moving forward. :sunflower:


At some point I’d like to make a lengthy post about the bronze experience.

But for now I just want to say, I agree with OP. The people who responded with good advice are cool. To the other replies, that were quite pretentious, I’d say, I don’t think you could crawl out of Bronze 5 at 25 points per game. Not in solo queue. It’s hard, you have to play 100x better than everyone else, and make up for stupid mistakes. I’m also pretty sure, based on the posts I’ve read, the people dunking on bronze players don’t even play ranked anymore, you just got your rank and play aram or qm.



Ryan, as always, you make very compassionate and measured posts. I understand that your post wasn’t directed at me, but I do want to clarify something.

Every single reply I’ve made to the OP, or other threads regarding B5, I’ve stated that a fix might be to award more points for players in B5 who win consecutive games. This way they will move up the ladder faster, than players of lesser skill, or players who are in matches only to troll or be disruptive.

It is worth nothing that not once have any of these people engaged with that idea. That is fine, I’m not saying it’s a perfect or the best solution. What is notable, is that those who have replied to me, aside from ignoring that idea, have attacked me, or claimed I was a “forum hive mind”, and that I was somehow making light of their plight.

This kind of response isn’t unique, as many other posters who were sympathetic or explained why Bronze 5 works as it does, were often abused and positioned as some kind of adversary, when not being painted as an outright villain.

Understanding and compassion when communicating should be a two-way street.

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I don’t think anyone was looking down on B5 players in general. The issue stems from the fact that a particular player is not good at the game and seeks to blame everything and everyone for his shortcomings. Furthermore, there’s clips of the kind of “skill” he routinely demonstrates.

If you recall, he was the one posting people’s heroesprofiles so if anyone brought rank into this, it was him.

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The amount awarded is functionally negligible, but it is a simple visual distinction that that’s all of what complaint topics tend to fixate on. They ask “why do I get fewer points” instead of “how can I do better”

Players don’t need to win “40 in a row” but they do need to actually win, and to win, they need to at least not quit. I’m not some outstanding player, but as an example, in my latest HotS game I was dced from the mid skirmish fight till lvl 8 or 9; we were behind in getting to 10, and that lag extended for most of the match till we managed to turn things around well past 20 with opportune picks and ultimately win the game.

My team needed to hold out and play the long game to have that chance, even if I was the worst performing player that time. A lot of games, bronze or not, have people give up because they think it a ‘waste’ they they don’t learn how to play, let alone play from behind.

Bronze 5 is not some unknown secret: there are streamed and commentated games, and those with personalized testimonies that also share their experiences. The main issue is that many players do fixate on things outside of their control that they don’t pick up solid fundamentals.

Improving at this, or any game, is a known thing and the usual issue isn’t so much ‘bronze 5’ but the sort of players that have convinced themselves that everything is out of their control, there’s nothing they can do, and they are forced to lose.

Yea, it is easier to backseat game than to play the match, but having additional experience, patience, and perspective are key differences why some players have either climbed out, or didn’t fall down that far.

When I watch replays, there are a lot of missed skillshots, talent picks that don’t suit how they play, and early quitting or infighting. Those aren’t things that rig the game, that’s simple stuff people can change and the second step is people being willing to acknowledge change can happen instead of looking for anything else to fault.

Well, thanks Xen, for engaging in this conversation.

I always want to improve as a player, because I like this game, and I like meeting random friends and playing with them.

My gripe with this is what was wrong with just getting 200 pts per game, which was the case in HL. I’ve learned a lot since then, and now I’m worse off than I started because of these weird point rules.

I’ve come to grips with this and honestly bronze games are fun, and I’ve gotten matched with and beat teams with mid silvers in them in SL, so overall my skill is still bad but I don’t think it’s below bronze. Like, I never lost 20 games in a row with no points.

Anyway, you should know my post wasn’t directed at you, I disagree with some of your points about how people end up in bronze 5, but your response makes a lot of sense. So again I say



Thanks for the response.

It would be nice if the “wood” league UI changed the visual as, regardless of fun or not, it can be demoralizing to have such a different system. I’m glad you do strive to enjoy things and have learned a few other things. It is refreshing to see people can actually discuss on a medium for general discussions :+1:


Nice to see this thread year later, when I totally forget about it.
And nice to see advices like “git gud” while people totally didnt see how good am I or how bad.
Whatever. HOTS is a dead game with dead ranked system, and its totally unenjoyable.

there’s some 50 other posts in this topic, and none of them boil down into ‘git gud’. If that is the conclusion you took from a derailed thread about people learning how to do better, then you are the one holding yourself back by being unwilling to get new information.

You asked a question on a function, people tried to address that, and the only poster that commented on ‘your’ ability said they did look up replays.

Perhaps you aren’t aware of how people can see how you play, but this isn’t a tl;dr discussion of two words that disregarded you.

I rember this post fondly.

The ranked ladder is borked beyond repair.

I’m having a great time in QM and ARAM though, which annoys some people to no end.


Welcome to the game where 4 random IMPERSONAL potatoes determine your PERSONAL rank. It doesn’t matter how good of the 5 you are, it only matters how many of the 4 rnd players are afk

Yes and no. If you consistently perform at a higher skill than your four teammates, you will end up winning more matches than those four potatoes, as your individual impact on your matches is higher, so in that sense you can “soft” carry.

Players who are “stuck” in Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat, but possess skills higher than their rank, will climb slowly, irrespective of bad luck and too many potatoes. Keep in mind, if you’re stuck with four potatoes, the same is usually true for a player on the enemy team.

Good luck

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the main downside of that claim is that the game is mixing groups with solo players. Since smurfs can throw games and then party with higher players (to skew the mmr band) select servers may ‘always’ have a pug of potatoes faced against the statistical outlier (non potatoes) that are abusing match making.

However, the ‘actual’ issue tends to be that a person only plays to a select level and doesn’t put in the time/effort/observation to actually improve on that. (pretty sure there’s a pithy quote for this, but all the ai-generated trash I get from a quick search isn’t pulling what I think the quote would be :thinking: )

A number of players will declare that they can ‘play’ at ‘x’ higher level (ie alt account, groups, etc,) but that probably only indicates they can follow someone else’s lead, and not take charge and carry themselves.

That’s part of why topics tend to look for something to blame rather than what they can do to overcome their circumstances. It also doesn’t help that some of ‘what works’ varyings at one level of play compared to another. Being a ‘healer main’ is reliant on someone else to be worth healing to have an impact on the game. That’s part of why the traditional advise for carrying a game are going to be stuff like global or well-rounded heroes that can compensate for midbrawl mindless feeders.