I was going to reply when that poster tried to rank shame, calling someone “forever silver.”
I thought better of it, as this nasty comment was directed to Ayeziza, who can defend themselves with ease. Also, we’ve had many recent examples of this poster abusing people, making up conspiracy theories about people, such as blaming forum suspensions on the “hive mind.”
I’ve yet to see them post in good faith, let alone display any basic manners. Their insult about being “forever silver” is an ironic one, when you remember how they had a meltdown in a thread complaining how they were “stuck in Bronze 5”, due to “Blizzard Forced 50% MM conspiracy.”
There are many interesting and friendly people in this community, even if we don’t always agree on everything, we have discussions without resorting to lazy personal insults such as rank shaming.
This poster wants any sort of attention and has clearly demonstrated many times that they aren’t seeking discussion made in good faith.