Bronze 5 ranking

I was going to reply when that poster tried to rank shame, calling someone “forever silver.”

I thought better of it, as this nasty comment was directed to Ayeziza, who can defend themselves with ease. Also, we’ve had many recent examples of this poster abusing people, making up conspiracy theories about people, such as blaming forum suspensions on the “hive mind.”

I’ve yet to see them post in good faith, let alone display any basic manners. Their insult about being “forever silver” is an ironic one, when you remember how they had a meltdown in a thread complaining how they were “stuck in Bronze 5”, due to “Blizzard Forced 50% MM conspiracy.”

There are many interesting and friendly people in this community, even if we don’t always agree on everything, we have discussions without resorting to lazy personal insults such as rank shaming.

This poster wants any sort of attention and has clearly demonstrated many times that they aren’t seeking discussion made in good faith.


Ut oh, better prepare for the Bronze Hero Possie Zerg attack.

Will never happen and that is a fact.


For someone trying to claim that people are ‘calling the kettle black’, none of my stats are in ‘bronze’. I have done batch uploads before, so HP has enough information from my replays to not label as bronze because I’m not playing in bronze.

However, the more pertinent request is:

I haven’t done ranked placements in years – cuz I don’t care – but even then, one can see that HP is wrong about the information on appraising my rank despite me having uploaded games. They do their own mmr, they do their own season resets, and they base mmr by the collective of players uploading, so it’s prone to incorrect projections and also has bias.

I probably wouldn’t be plat 2 if I ever did placements, and I’m not ‘master’ at unranked, so the ways and means of where Heroesprofile is useful does not suit your declarations. However, you also seem to have an issue reading things through and reliably making use of information tools to draw correct conclusions and make accurate predictions.

Given that more forumers are aware of your post history and conduct, you’re probably not going to see the ‘posse’ you think as people are more likely to just ignore you now.

Given that you don’t seem to bother reading your own posts before you make them, it reduces the incentive that anyone else bother to do what you won’t. Maybe if you learn to stop lying to yourself, you wouldn’t have the cyclical problems you make for yourself.


I have yet to have this pleasure. The Bronze Hero Posse just can’t help itself. But please, make it so.

Xenterex Most Played Hero Rating in Storm League:

StrangeHero Most Played Hero Rating in Storm League:


This thread (and others) makes me wish HP didn’t exist.

Also, Xen, you have unopened loot boxes, and you haven’t cleared your collection tab! My poor OCD.


That’s the correct page. My “most played hero” for storm league is Reghar, not cassia. 4 plays out of 128 isn’t the highest, it’d be nice if you stop creating lies to delude yourself on.

Since “hero mmr” doesn’t actually exist as a game-based stat, your reliance on it bemoans more issues that you try to fault on others.

Cool, you have 347 recorded games for Xul on HP.

I have 38% of my solo-played ranked games available on HP since many of my games predate their archive.

I’ve pointed out, several times now, that HP has issues with low counts of material and even has inconsistencies in some of it’s filters.

Having 4 games recorded isn’t useful information, have 347 is a magnitude of difference.

You strawman a ‘hypocrisy’ by selling yourself lies dude.

All learning stems from imitation, if you’re going to try to imitate the use of HP you need to do it correctly instead of fixating on misinformation to try to hide your lying. And while you might not believe me, you have demonstrably spread misinformation that certainly affects you, so if nothing else, you are lying to yourself. Loops of self-deceit and and inability to learn are issues of your own making, and not some magical constraint the universe created to hold you down.

When you stop looking for something to blame and learn how to learn again, you’re going to find all those problems you’re making for yourself aren’t going to be as problematic. That’s part of why much of the forum conduct you bemoan isn’t about “rank shaming” but pointing out problematic areas so, hopefully, some people scape together an iota of self-awareness and work more within what is in their power to change – such as themselves – instead of look for cheap faults to make with lazy lies.

I thought you didn’t care?


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about ranked. Which is why I haven’t played it in years. Context is important, reading would be your friend, and you’d be happier in life if you’d stop being afraid of learning to do better for yourself.

What I do care about is ‘truth’. You are posting lies, being disingenuous, and faulting other people for your own ‘hypocrisy’.

If you were more literate, you might have bothered to notice that I post a lot in those regards, and I’m rather consistent in what I post, my own conduct, and trying to raise awareness of how people find information, use that information, and strive to improve themselves instead of trying to rationalize what they should remain stagnant or attempt to drag others down into the muck.

That’s part of why, I of myself, continue to respond to people that are aware that they’re trolling and fooling themselves into thinking they’re better for it.



Honestly though, I didn’t even see the need to. The most recent game they have for this profile is years old but he’s deluded himself into believing its’ accuracy.

Additionally, this is not even my main account. I post on this account because my main account can post again in:

So, in about 1000 years. (save the date! :wink:)


I’m just going to leave this here. The video is, unfortunately, disabled but man, if you needed late night comedy then this was the clip for you (from lucifer). Narha basically described what happened.

hurr durr, why am I B5?! Rankings don’t mean anything!

If this scrub was GM, he’d be talking about how awesome the ranking system is lol.


What is this self hate? Personally, I have more respect towards B1 players who actively play SL than players who play QM with 70+% winrate, but here, you seemed to be the only one who has contempt towards Bronze players.

Also, you want to look up what sampling error is.

Seriously, something seems to have made you snap. I don’t think it’s the existence of HP, or stats there. I doubt it’s the existence of cheats. Why? Is it simply the reality (regarding HotS)?


Just an old man with dementia that love to troll. Nothing more. Just let the man dance and be happy in his little fantasy world.

You have some work to do to respect yourself it seems. Good luck, have fun.




Isn’t the pattern recognition quite something…you write a line, use an emoji and you get walls of tryhard text in response. I’ve grown to appreciate tryhards more and more for their efforts.

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Shrodinger’s HotS Heroes, they both care and don’t care until the wave collapses on observation.

ahahahahahahahahahaha the cats out of the bag

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well this was fun to read

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