Bronze 5 ranking

Just how it works? Why only on bronze 5 win gives me 25 points? Is that some genius idea of trying to climb up from the pit like Spartan child or what? Absolutely stupid idea, because how much time I need to spend to rank up bronze 4? I must win 40 matches in a row which is impossible


Enjoy your time in Bronze 5. You will experience the hilarity of high level players who’ve subjected themselves to the highest challenge interacting with players of unimaginably bad game mechanics and sub optimal IQ. You will rank up faster than you expect and long for the entertainment value you briefly had.

Oh really? I dont think so, especially when some trolls putting in my team because report system just doesnt work and they can easily play to ruin game to others.

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You get less points because you weren’t supposed to be bronze 5, but lower. There just isn’t a rank for that. Basically you lost so many matches down in bronze 5 that the system doesn’t believe you should be out. Something like that.

Once you start improving and winning, you should start getting more points and get out of bronze 5.

And before people start saying “blizzard does this to hold me back cause they are hunting me and don’t want me to improve”, this system is used in basically every ranked game out there. League of legends, for example, created a rank below bronze5, because there were A LOT of people who were just worse than bronze players and it would be better if they just got a rank below that than getting really low points. In the end it’s the same thing but visually better. And you get matched with people of your mmr.


Nah, I have more than 60% winrate on many heroes. How much winrate I really must have to prove this stupid system my skill? Like, 100%? 110%? And how this system is understanding which lose is a skill issue and which is a lose because of afk-teammates, trolls who doing nothing or something else?

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It’s overall winrate, not just on some heroes. Also, you could just be really down there, so it will take a long time to grind it out. You are basically climbing from a rank below bronze.

Also, the system can’t know if someone trolled or not, so when you lose it is just a loss. Just like a win is just a win, even when the enemy team trolled.


Wow. Just wow. So just because that hidden system (which is didnt explaining nowhere) I must sitting on bronze 5 and catching up trolls in my team. Really, current situation about bronze 5 very simillar to pit of garbage. And because of this system I must put time and effort in dead game only just to receive normal matchmaking with normal teammates and not some A55holes?

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But if there was no Bronze 5 MMR Hell who would all these others Bronze Heroes on the forums be able to compare their Heroes Profiles with to feel good about themselves?


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3 concerns

  1. people don’t accidentally end up below bronze 5, it takes work.

  2. MMR has to be positive (rank points) so there are more “ranks” below bronze 5 mathmatically, but it compresses the a available ranked points into the same “progress”

silver/gold/plat/diamond have 5000 points spread while bronze 5 has 1000 poi to visualize the same thing.

If a standard game is 200 out of 5000 points, then that’s 4% progress per win. If you’re getting 25 points, then that’s ~4% progress on the sub-league that you’re in.

  1. people tend to fixate on the wrong things, and then blame everything else they can instead of bothering to learn more

Even if this were explained in game, I doubt people would read, let alone understand how it works because
math = bad

if you want more info there are other topics and links, but as far as “effort” goes, it took so much to get down there, so it’s going to take at least as much to get out.

Otherwise reroll here or find out the harsh reality that the same buttom rung works out to similar numbers in other games cuz math.


Others have explained to you why Bronze 5 is a unique rank and why it awards so few points for wins.

Personally, I have sympathy for your situation and when this subject has come up in the past, I’ve suggested that players in B5 who are on winning streaks should be awarded more points for those matches. This would help players who aren’t trolls, or are more skilled than the average Bronze 5 to leave that bracket faster, without it being so punishing.

Hots has been receiving more patches of late, perhaps this might be an issue that is addressed in a future patch. Until then, I wish you best of luck and I would suggest you try to “enjoy the journey”, as cliché as that is, and don’t focus so much on the rank grind.


I watched a few of OP’s (presumed) games and while there was a game where there was a legit thrower, I found no evidence otherwise he didn’t belong his rank whatever it may be. If anything, I’d rank him dead middle in any team he was.

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Yeah, super accurate. Last game recorded was 2, almost 3 years ago lol. Keep dreaming.


Forever silver eh?


Cause B5 is more then just B5. It also contains wood league that is B6-10. Low point gain means you so low in B5 that your wins give nothing.


If you want to know what rank people are then get them to show a picture of thier currect and previous season ranks and not use a website that are outdated.


The Bronze Hero possie never skips an opportunity to call the kettle black…

except, that’s not what they did.

It does seem to be what you are trying to do.

It has been pointed out that HP only has 2 and 5 games for hero and storm league, so the apprasial is that not enough information available.

People here are more likely to stick you on bronze concerns because low-ranked players tend to blame everything else they can, refuse to improve, and donmt react well to divergent information.

You keep saying you “don’t care” about things that you evidently do because you keep faulting double-standards and refuse to read what is actually posted in favor of attacking a strawman and faulting others for your conduct.


The Bronze Hero possie are at it again.