Bronze 5 - Issues with low RP gain/loss

Your update to storm league and the resulting disaster in Bronze 5 really sucks. This has absolutely ruined the fun of playing this game. I am winning at a high %, placed 3-0 and just like last season, 16 pts per win/loss. There is nothing to play for at all. This game is one of the few things you haven’t completely screwed up but you are running the risk. Please fix so the few people that still play this game can actually bloody enjoy it.

I’d just quit, blizzard does not seem to want to improve this game so no reason to play what they do not care about.


Ranked play in this game is unplayable trash.

I gave it another try this season and its worse than its predecessors.



I have some bad news for you: even if you make it out of Bronze 5, you will still have Bronze 5 teammates all the way up to Silver 5, and higher than that when they form troll groups. So even if you make it to 4, you’re going to get sucked down into the B5 black hole again and again.

Made it to Silver 5 last night. Now at Bronze 3. Tonight I had 5 straight matches with Bronze 4/5 people who had winrates in the 30-40% range, while the other team had stacks of players in Silver and high Bronze. On the sixth straight match, I alt-f4’d. To hell with it.

Its no different in plat and diamond. Players are game throwing and trolling so hard and I dont even understand why.

Had the same troll in all 3 of my placement matches picking Abathur then digging straight to the enemy towers and dying over and over. Got dumped into Bronze 5. Get 20 points for a win. Need 500 to advance. Guess I’m not playing this game anymore.

And players claim that this is not that much of a problem and the MMR in this game is fine. Just another prime example that it is not.

Oh neat, it’s even better. My game crashed as a ranked game started to load so it flagged me a leaver and deleted all my rank points. Now I need to win 50 straight games to advance one rank, even though I have a screenshot of the crash. Wow, this game is completely pointless.

Wow…well I’m glad this issue exists for other people. This is highly frustrating. My friends are silver/gold/plat and I win just as much as they do. Id have to win over 50 games in a row to get out of B5…I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of money here, and the fact i’d have to create a whole new account is ludicrous…

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I went 3-0, MVP as Diablo twice. Wrecked my placement matches. Still placed B5, and would have to win about 100 games in a row to get out. I can carry idiots in B5, but it doesn’t matter, Went 3-0, dominated and still placed in low B5 and only 16 RP per win. What do I have to do to get out of B%, I’m literally competing for nothing.

Yet smurf accounts that are lvl 60 are being matched as if they were plat/diamond and are throwing games. Blizzards MMR is clearly ment to support trolling and nothing else.

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We already established in the bug report forum that the points gain increases as you win more games. Being unable to climb means you are either at fixed 50% or drastically below that ratio. If you can’t differentiate yourself from the very worst players, what makes you think you’d be able to carry your weight playing with better ones?

The only difference between my 50% and your 50% is that I might be playing with much better players and that the games I’m getting are completely fair.

If you are an average skilled player, it would be much easier for you to maintain a 60% winrate over the next 100 games than for your friends with their matchmaking. If you managed to do so, you’d probably reach the ranks where they are sitting. Your friends at best plateaued at around 53%, so then next promotion might take them between 150-200 games at that rate.

Other players confirmed that even after a small winning streak the amount of points rewarded gets drastically adjusted until finally it levels out at around +200 gain. This is nothing unreasonable at B5 for players that do not belong there. Keep playing and eventually you might flatline in Silver.

I have a six game winning streak that would be around 12 if not for a Nova troll blatantly throwing one game. And in every game my earned points have gotten lower. So this is completely not true. I went from 80 down to 22 over the course of said streak, the more I win, the less I get. This system is flat-out idiotic.


By far the trashiest POS MMR ever created. So many trash players that troll this game with no intention of wanting to play it seriously. As of today, I am done with this TRASH game. Blizz does not care about the integrity of this game or improving its product for sustainable enjoyment. I hope you idiots go bankrupt.

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