Blue appreciation thread

You already have hard counters to illidan.

  • lili
  • arthas

Any of these too will have him a ton of trouble , specially lili.

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Did you forget Uther exists or what?


Donā€™t worry, I know all the counters on HOTS. Originally my post was actually meant to be a joke and an easter egg while giving a nod to the Devs for working on HOTS and WC 3 Reforged in the Appreciation thread. I kind of thought someone would get the cross-over joke between HOTS and WC 3 Reforged because of the cross-over arts and crafts going on as a theme. Ok maybe I did want Lady Vashj as a hero while I was at it.

Hmm how can I explain it. Have you ever had a moment where you thought of a joke in your head for like 10 minutes straight at work, and youā€™re trying so hard not to laugh out of nowhere around your co-workers because of that joke? You then post it on the forums thinking it was hilarious but it turns out no-oneā€™s laughing while you get the crickets chirping and mass reports. Yeh, it was like that.

People reported you over your comments?

Ye, I had like a green note saying that they removed one of my posts on here coz I was angry at you at that time lol.

Where did you see this green note?


Naw, in my notification thing where it letā€™s me know if you replied to my posts or someone gave your post a like.

That doesnā€™t necessarily happen because of flagging.

That could happen just because a mod who happened to read it didnā€™t like what you wrote.

And some of them are more sensitive than others or overreacts.

One time one of my posts got edited by a mod because I used an analogy where I said ā€œkicked in the nutsā€

Which just seems ridiculous to me. People get kicked in the nuts all the time in cartoons aimed at children. The kind of children that has to be protected from the word nutsā€¦ should not be on these forums.

But it got edited by a mod nonetheless.

Yeah but that isnā€™t the type of thing you ideally want children to imitate as a joke

69th post :joy:

Hehehe :sunglasses: