Blizzard cuts sales to Russia

U R wrong, there are no Russian murderers here at all.

Learn history better. Otherwise, the same end awaits thou all as Napoleon and Hitler.

Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!

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There is no reality where what you said makes sense.
Punishing people for who their leader is lol

As if either
A. they had any control over it
B. they knew ahead of time what he would do
C. they can even fault the leader of Russia trying to get their Texas back from 1991

They wouldn’t fight themselves
Russians have mandatory military for men, 2 years minimum iirc.
They can’t do anything about Putin.
They know exactly why, how, and who would stop them.
They were those soldiers, are those soldiers, or will be those soldiers if they are male.

Nobody really fights their country’s leaders over wars
I mean maybe you can just raise arms against anyone. Not everyone cares about other people in a way that they put lives over putting the “right” leader in charge.
Few Americans stood up against America killing 1 million people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, and Syria before we finally got a couple peaceful presidents. I am not sure if you stood up to stop those wars, probably you didn’t fight for it at least since you are not in prison. I did not. I just vote for the most peaceful leader that also isn’t helping countries develop nuclear plants.

Replacing the leader wouldn’t even work haha
If you remove Putin, they will just have another leader that does stuff like that. If you look a the history of country leaders, you can pick out like 4 maybe, even from US history, that were good leaders in the last 100 years. Then even at that point, you will not get others to all agree with you.

Please close this topic, there are too many insults here. This topic has no place on the gaming forum.


Ye if people want to talk about politics they can do that on Youtube. Keep this forum a Hots only forum without politics for once.


Why is this thread still alive?


This thread is becoming more fervently toxic then the salt mines.


I’m going to make some chill area here.

Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!


Not even the cat is happy.

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Please lock this thread!

Also those people preaching to Dr. Logan your theories, perhaps have some empathy or at least the good taste not to preach hateful nonsense to him. Considering he’s told you he’s Ukrainian and is on the front lines of this horror you would think that alone would discourage the usual internet armchair politics.

A nice idea Dr. Logan.

Fun and embarrassing fact, while I’ve seen comic book movies, I’ve never really read any of the books. Some friends of mine were taking about a super hero called “Kitty Pride”, I laughed as I thought it was just a joke name they had made up themselves.


[UK: 'Completely Legitimate' for Ukraine to Attack Russia Territory](

The tone is slowly changing, up until now Ukraine was forced to walk a tightrope as any “misuse” of both funds and weapons could have resulted with the immediate suspension of international support, but at this point in time no one seems concerned over what the provided tools are being used for as long as long as it is weakening Russia by proxy.

Call it what you want, but when half of the globe is financing and betting on the downfall of one nation, it can’t be called anything else but a world war. Ruble is strongest it has been since start of the year, but once you consider that people are prevented from unloading the currency combined with the lack of demand, it can’t be a result of anything else but manipulation.

Your friends might nerd rage at you for misspelling “Pryde”.

Yeah, Shadowcat has been around for a good while. Though she didn’t see much action because her powers are kinda
simple. While She would be more powerful than Elektra.

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Yikes, I (obviously) never looked it up and yes, they would rage at that. Really though they just enjoy making fun of my ignorance of the comic book genre. No matter how you spell it, it seems audacious to put those two words together in what I’m guessing is a family friendly comic series?

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I think I’m missing something now.

Well, I’m sure the comics she is featured in are PG. Males and females in tight, body-revealing spandex, duking it out. She’s in the X-men.

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There goes the friendship between Russia and Ukraine.


Spineless company that can’t even ban them from a video game while Russia ever so casually cut off gas for some EU countries.

Ah yes a “moral high ground” by blizzard yet still supporting a country that commits genocide against a group of people. Very cool blizzard. You’re totally not on the wrong side of history or a company full of executive hypocrites that are simply greedy, while profits are more important, I get that you totally have to virtue signal a country that holds strategic value to the US, while other countries around the world have been going through the same said issue. But let’s ignore that and logic for a second and be brainwashed by US and EU foreign interests.

I can also guarantee that all of you that are “involved” with this current event on social media that absolute NONE of you knew where Ukraine is on a map or their ties to the US and EU before this occurred. Stop LARPing like it’s 4chan, you don’t sound intelligent and you’re not experts on foreign affairs. The truth hurts.

I just want to say this to all those who say Blizzard shouldn’t punish the innocent citizens. Its war. You think Russia is considering “hey maybe we shouldn’t bomb this place because we could kill civilians”?. I’m sure that doesn’t matter one bit to them. That’s not how war works. If it was
 they’d take their fight away from the cities and fight somewhere remote. I think Blizzard not allowing Russian citizens to play their game is nothing compared to what’s happening to Ukraine.

Oh boo hoo you can’t play hots
 well that’s a better situation than getting bombed. Sorry, but it is. Blizzard should have the spine
 but its Blizzard.