Hey some people cry if they have like 2-4% less chances to win from the get go…
The kicker is that all they have to do to eliminate that gap is to find some friends to play the game with regularly.
but no, that’s too hard, it’s exploitative, it’s unheard of!!!
I already did this in the past. 15 games in a 3 to 5 stacks with 85% win rate, no smurfs, no comms, beating Fan and other GMs.
I don’t want be be a part of it anymore, so does most GM players who wants fair games. Wins aren’t the most important thing in this game, it’s about having fun. Crushing uncoordinated teams is not what I call fun.
You aren’t serious. Go back to QM.
52% win rate versus solo is “crushing” them.
Get out of here with this nonsense.
You think I’m bluffing?
Look by yourserf.
All my games are uploaded.
MistyKat, Penguincha, Malthanius and iProbeU were my crew.
We’ve been over this already… you don’t even play Storm League…
You’ve played a whole 14 games this season.
Get out of here.
You’re really out of arguments, don’t you?
I’m just tell you the facts.
You didn’t “crush” anyone.
You don’t acttually play SL. Probably because you are too worried that if you did you’d lose that precious D2 rating.
We just ended games within 15 min, 85% win rate. It was all luck
You’re telling us to be in a 4-5 stack, you don’t even do it yourself. You’re an afk solo queue player stuck in low elo.
I really don’t know what you can bring to this conversation else than trolling.
Dude I’m 250ish points below you. It’s a negligible difference that anyone can climb with a couple of days of grinding.
Again, get out of here with your crybaby baloney.
Yeah, you do that. Go on and grind your way out.
I’ll give you 6 months.
Don’t forget to be in a 5 stacks and beg for CPX to carry you
Dude, quit being a crybaby…
If you want to play SL seriously, find yourself 4 other players with whom you can practice and compete together with.
If you are unwilling to do what it takes to be competitive, that’s a YOU problem.
But you don’t even play Storm League so get out of here with your nonsense.
What i’ve been reading so far is that some people believe 5-man stack to be absolute and others the opposite.
Both spectrums are wrong for me personally playing SL with 5 man stack is not optimal if u want to truly become good in this game. Proper way for 5 man stack is tournaments.
Also wrong it is to think you cannot have competitive games playing solo queue in SL. I have 300 games this season started from gold 5 i believe and ended on 4000 master points by playing 90% of the games alone. I had alot of fun and good games through every division i climbed and never felt bad that i wasnt in 5 man stack or playing with teammates on discord.
My point is that individual skill is still the #1 reason for your success in SL regardless if you play solo queue or duo or trio etc.
Instead of arguing so much about whats the best way to play the game people should analyze their games and improve their individual skills over time not look for magic wand called 5man stack or falstad W build and so on.
Hey how can I check friends and foes through my profile? I wanna see something.
Profile > Bottom right Icon next to your name > Friend and Foes
Yours: link
By the look of it, Sami should totally ditch out that DrLogan player.
But, Sadius is looking pretty fine. Would recommend.
Angry ukrainian sounds