Bet everything on the concept of "team-based game"

Why don’t you practice what you preach?
Explain yourself.


Because deep down they know some how making 100% of the player population a 5 stack is a fallacy.

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The catch is, it needs to be organized (and committed).
Video games are typically on top of everything, your free time.
Not all families tolerate organized free time, such as WoW raiding.

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Don’t even bother this person is a straight up troll.


Oh right because never in human history have players been able to self organize for team games. Never happened and never will. Right?

Get out of here.

I have. Don’t currently have the time for it as I’m already doing a few other group activities. When I have time again, I will again.

Do you routinely go through life looking for for group activities and then complain that nobody took charge for you to find you 4 strangers every time you wanted to do something that required a group?

Get out of here.

Baloney. It’s a team game. If you want to play it seriously, then you need to find yourself a team to play with. If you don’t have the time or resources to organize a team, that’s nobody’s fault but your own. If you are going to go it solo because you don’t have the time resources to commit to playing the game more seriously, that’s not the game’s fault. Feel free to play solo but don’t cry about how unfair it is because you can’t put in the time.


You’re both right. On the one hand it’s indeed better for a team game to look for a team to play with, but otherwise team games don’t force anyone to play competitive, but there is also casual play. And solo queue can be seen as to play this game casually.

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I understand this for sure but the people complaining aren’t complaining about casual play. They are complaining about competitive play in Storm League. They literally think that playing a team game with teams is some form of exploit.

If you’re supposed to play it with a 5 stack then why the hell does it let you play solo/duo/trio/quads? Because you’re not supposed to do squat except hit the ‘play game’ button. You don’t even have to pick around your team or map or whatever. There is no ‘right way’ to play the game. There’s people trying to play solo/duo queue and then there’s everyone else that make it impossible for the solo/duo players to have fun.

If you can’t see how an organized 5 stack destroying everyone elses games is a problem, then you are too far gone. Stop stirring the pot, you’re not accomplishing anything.

Fair = fair. 5 stacks vs 5 stacks. No compromise.


It’s because mind set of the players. Most people don’t want to accept that Storm League is actually more casual than competitive, especially since esport is cancelled.


Just because you go down to the basketball court to shoot some hoops or play some pick up, doesn’t mean you are serious enough to play competitively.

If you want to play more seriously than just that random guy who goes down to the court hoping to find some good players to play a game with, you should find yourself 4 other players to team up with. If you are actually serious about playing on the ladder competitively, then you should be practicing with those 4 players reguarly. AFTER THAT, if you really enjoy playing seriously, you play in one of the tournament leagues, some of which have prize pools.

That’s what a player who is serious about playing competitive would do.

Not run to the forums to complain about how unfair it is that other players have teams that they play with and how you are too anti-social to talk to other players to form a team.

It’s cute trying to see you mask the fact that playing 24/7 with the same group is ridiculous for the average person and that most people just want to play a couple ranked games seriously and that’s that.

What is it with your obsession and ‘anti social’ people online? Everyone is posting on these forums and interacting and playing ranked which means they’re probably communicating with teammates. I think you’re seriously projecting and insecure about your habits in HOTS. Taking it out on other people isn’t the way, big guy.


You know that TL and HL merged to SL, because Hots ingame population is low? If the population were high enough the fusion would probably never happen.

But funny thing is that stacked teams aren’t advantaged against solos and it got proved by many players, so I don’t know what’s your problem is.

Anyone else reporting the troll?

It’s not ridiculous to expect that if you are going to sign up for a volleyball tournament season, that you come to the tournament sign ups with your teammates. That all the players that signed their names under your team did so with the expectation that all of you will be playing together every single game.


You’re acting as if this is some unheard of phenomenon that nobody has ever had to go through to play a team game.

Suggesting that you play a team game with an actual team if it’s something you are serious about is an “obsession”?

Get out of here with that nonsense.

In the time you spend arguing here on the forums you could have found 4 players to play some games with.

Because you are not forced to play 5 stack to have fun in this game. And Blizzard know that. Or els they would not have removed TL to begin with and made SL right after were everyone can join.

Saying that you need 5 people to be competitive in this game is just dumb being dumb. If he has seen how real life sports are today then you can easy be competitive in all team sizes from 1 person to a whole team.

It funny he force people to play 5 man stack when he dont even do it himself. With all those posts he have made so far he could easy find 4 others to play with himself if he charry 5 man premading so hard. But instead he sits here and lecture people how to play this game.

So yea i would not take him serious one bite. He even got exposed in a thread were he first took his ult at lvl 13 lol and was afk laning as Rexxar while his team lost object and got wiped out.

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What do you mean? Are you asking people to report you? no problem i can do that…

It’s the truth that all professional players competitively play in a 5 stack.
SL is just a ladder that is very accessible for all kind of players.
I haven’t played it solo for years now… Me and some friends have a dedicated WhatsApp channel to organize our play time. Wait what? A 3rd party tool? OMG advanced technology…

What dumb is that you refuse to do what you need to do to play the game seriously and then you come to the forums to cry about how you not doing what you need to do to play seriously is somehow exploitative.

Get out of here with this nonsense.

Quit your whining and learn how to play with a team if playing the game competitively is something you want to do seriously.

Solo: 49.0%
2 stacks: 49.9%
3 stacks: 50.2%
4 stacks: 53.6%
5 stacks: 53.1%

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If being at a disadvantage is such an issue to you, do what you should have been doing from the start and finding yourself 4 teammates to play the game with.


Maybe I was wrong a bit and stacked teams are favoured, but it looks like it is not really that much with a gap 49 - 53, it’s almost equal.