I don’t trust icy-veins. They get things wrong a hell of a lot of times.
So what’s the best Valla build? I like her robot skin so I wanna spam her in QM.
My best heroes are…
- Tychus with Press the Advantage, Master Assassin, Run and Gun, Odin, That’s the Stuff, Sizzlin’ Attacks, and Big Red Button. Virtually 100% minigun uptime. So if I’m not Odin i’m AAing.
- Globe Azmodan. 7minute 200 annihilation, 14minute 400 annihilation on average.
- Rewind Nova with Precision Strike, AAS, Holo Decoy, and Lethal Decoy.
- Torrasque Kerrigan with double pulse and Unbridled Energy. 61% winrate.
In case it matters. You know, preferences and whatnot.
All 3 builds are pretty good.
AA probably inces out the other two if you can stay alive and get it stacked at the same time.
Q is the safest build I would recommend it. You can delete the core with acrobat
AA makes you a huge target I would recommend it if you have a good healer and good CC
W build is only good for arams
Lvl 7+ 13 depends on the objective and your enemys
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I think W is the safest. But its the most mana hungry and least impactful.
Q is comparatively safer than AA but both are very rewarding and either can be good, but AA is way better if you have a reliable healer while Q is better if youre aggressive and can aim.
AA is the only fun way to play her. Are you playing Valla to play a lame version of Gul’dan or Nazeebo? No! You’re playing Valla to play Valla!
I consider Q to be the best.
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Depends on the map, enemy comp.
W build became so mediocre for a range carry after nerfs. But it’s still best AoE damage for Valla, which can be suitable in maps like Infernal Shrines, or comps where you need it. It also goes comfortably with Strafe ult and ult upgrade, which other builds may not (who doesn’t like infinite Strafe putting dread in the enemy team).
AA build is generally said to be the best. But personally, I hate toeing the line too much, which also depends much on your team. It’s a good build to feed when played by less skilled player too, which can vary depending on enemy (which is out your control).
Q build I go when I want to play safer and my team/enemy team is in need of single target burst (taunt Varian, enemy Genji for example).
They should really buff W build a bit.
If you just need one, Q. It has the burst, plays like mages, accelerates camps / objectives.
If you just start, try W. It can reveal an area, but rather mana hungry and it has counter-synergy with auto attacks.
The traditional carry is AA, even if you fall a few times, ideally without. The build is really about being bold, as long as you have the confidence to go in and keep shredding, you’re a chainsaw. However, if you fear death, it exponentially fails: you don’t stack your trait or quest, you don’t heal, and you’re a sitting duck. Great build to lose 15 matches in a row!
ps. You can consider objectives, such as W for Shrines, Q for Immortal and so on, but I find that cheeky race aside, playing the build that fits you enables you to contest the objective better. I’ve lost so many Immortals with Q because the enemy realised, they just need to target me, I’ll run or fall, and then they just won. Sure, I deleted it during defense, so I had 5 immortals to repeat the experience.
If the team has a strong front line I prefer AA build.
If not q build.
w build seems to be only decent for ARAM
Q build is fantastic if you can hit skill shots. Starting at level 4 you can do a combo of multishot, hungering arrow, vault, 2nd hungering arrow within like 2 seconds. I’ve had games where I end up with as much hero damage as the rest of my team combined.
Auto attack build in my opinion is as good as Q build, maybe even better, but only if you can stack and not die.
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I think I’m gonna go with AA build. I’ve had enough single target burst from Nova and I don’t intend on feeling worthless in a 5v5. And acrobat is too crazy for me atm. Maybe after I get better. I mean in testing it burst down Diablo right quick. But so does Rewind Nova and she sucks.
AA build on the other hand, feels like Tychus. I’m pro tychus. Takes one deathwing and stitches game to know, single burst on a cd is not for me.
I don’t understand when Strafe is better and when rain of Vengeance is better. Anyone know? I don’t know what strafe does other than kite.
What cinches it for me is that you still gotta AA with the Q build.
edit: Gambit or Fire at Will?
For me
Q build for all rounder and usually is my go to build. IMO it’s prob the easier build to play without thinking too much.
W build if the enemy team groups up alot, like Aram or best in a 2 lane map. But you can be the judge of the enemy if they group alot.
AA build if you’re confident to get as much AA in as possible, best paired with a heaer, better with a pocket healer.
Generally reign of vengeance when you go AA build because it stuns them giving even more free AA shots. Also because you can’t AA while strafing.
I go strafe if I’m doing q or w build. It hits enemies all around you and you can move while it’s hitting. With the lvl 20 talent its duration is extended when you hit enemy heroes. It can be very deadly in a team fight.
Is it possible to go both Q and AA? It’s seems like their core talents are on different tiers.
I don’t think Creed of the Hunter is gonna make a difference in QM where you die a lot and at most you can get is like 100-150 AAs before game is over. So going puncturing arrow makes no real difference.
Death Dealer is not essential at all. Arsenal is a noticeable improvement for her W but it’s not part of an AA build so to speak so going Repeating Arrow shouldn’t hurt her AA at all.
Frost Shot helps with AA too. Hot pursuit is a minor bonus.
Her 13 talents are whatever. They’re not damage, only sustain.
Her 16 talent is definitely manticore no contest. Not even up for debate.
And then grab acrobat at 20.
So essentially the difference between AA and single target build is you’re sacrificing 1-3% bonus AA from hatred and increased AA range at 20 for the burst. I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive so why not go both?
Or am I missing something huge here?
In terms of not dying I agree
But overal Q build is the safest because you can secure kills and do mercs fast
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then ur not understanding icy veins, icy veins wont tell you: “hey this is the best build and this other build sucks”, no, icy veins usually explain all talents, their explanations are usually good, in general terms, is okay, and it will tell you recomendations, that u can take or leave. iicy veins a good source of fast and good information, when i play a new hero i usually spent a few mins reading their explanations and is a good way to figure it out quickly how to play a character, with character i play a lot, sometimes i do not agree but is more subjetive thinking, so what i mean is reading and using guides from iciy veins is not going to confuse neither is going to take you to gm… is okay
also the best build for valla is AA (fan a high gm player said that)
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If you’re Bronze: whatever the build.
Else, AA.
The thing is having +25% AA speed gives you an excellent head start macro wise pre 10. Then, Tempered by Discipline at lvl 13 makes her obnoxious to deal with in the long run. If you can’t burst her, you lose just like facing Sgt. Hammer sustain build.
Ok, Pure AA build it is.
Last question. +50% attack speed or range for her 20 talent? 50% attack speed is not something to scoff at since it also reduces spirit of vengeance cd.
It depends how aggressive you are allowed to be. I like both.
Side note: The att. speed is additive with her lvl 1, 25% + 50% = 75%
1.75/1.25 = 140%, so it’s a 40% increase at full stack in total, not 50%.
I think the other guys are right. Q build is best build. The only talents that work with AA is gambit and manticore, and honestly, you’re not getting more than 2% from gambit and you’re gonna die a lot. Just had a game where Tyreal + Sonia just ganked me every fight and there was nothing I could do to avoid it.
So getting manticore alone is enough to boost your AA to “AA build” levels so there’s no reason to not go Q build and burst a squishy down before you start AAing the tanks.
Yeah so the difference between Q build and AA build is solely gambit or puncturing arrow. The other talents are the same or irrelevant to the AA build.