Are there any solo climber GM/masters/high diamond players who’ve one-tricked to climb to their rank that can recommend some reliable “carry” heroes with very high skill ceilings (in essence, if you get good enough with said hero, you can carry a good portion of your games through micro alone)?
Reliable as in consistent and not overpowered for this one patch with a looming nerf incoming (such as D.Va or current Gazlow)
Edit: for reference, I am essentially asking which heroes I should one-trick. I’m currently low diamond. I’m not asking which heroes are good for certain maps, or which heroes are good for covering macro. I’m talking strictly micro carrying from being a god at a certain hero (which heroes have the highest skill ceiling?)
A good example of this would be felewin’s illidan (GM illidan one-trick), spapvogel’s maiev/orphea (eu gm) or aussen’s (eu gm) genji.
why bruisers? it seems like every team has bruisers and they aren’t that mechanically difficult to where you could stand out from all the others significantly
maybe imperius, he is a bruiser and pseudo tank in high ranks, he is the king of burst or be bursted, but he can carry games if u can land a good Qs and dont die too much
Because Bruisers have the sololane, which by design is basically a 1v1 where skill difference can be the most impactful.
Meaning, if you’re good, you can beat the enemy sololaner, and by winnimg the sololane you start the snowball for your team.
Plus soaking, camps (macro) is usually a weakness of lower ranked ppl and wuth them (tho not with all) you can cover it.
While they can still kill, and interrupt/harass key figures (like enemy Healer).
(Master with 60% wr with Bruisers.
Disclaimer: some Tanks are good “bruiser” sololaners.)
For Bronze to Plat, imo KTZ and Gul’dan has worked for me.
Gul’dan because you can soak and stack easily on them noobs, and KTZ for basically the same reason.
Bruiser heroes who take camps, who soak a lot of exp, who are good in 1v1 and objective contesting.
Heroes with self sustain like Fenix. Gazlowe (until he’s nerfed, so not a viable long term alternative). Falstad for big maps or maps where you must capture two points at once to unlock the objective (Braxxis, Dragon Shire, others, great on ToD)
Pick heroes who can do as many things alone as possible. That means not heroes like Lt Morales or Anduin with low solo impact.
I’m middle grand master (check US leaderboard for exact rank) who plays mostly healers.
First: Don’t try to onetrick or main heals to rank up, healer impact is dreadfully low until you get to around higher diamond and master.
After that point people start appreciating you and also know your strengths/weaknesses depending on your healer pick (adapting to a Malfurion and his DoT/Moonfire heals is a very different playstyle to having a Kharazim or Rehgar on the team)
Make map specific picks: Look at the map which you were randomly assigned. First pick Lunara, Greymane, Valla, strong AA’ers, for racing the immortal (and pick the correct PvE talents or your pick does nothing)
In general, pick heroes who can heal themselves Fenix is an incredible hero for climbing, he has a trait similar to Muradin in shield form, he has super high wave clear, he is very dangerous in 1v1, he can reset his Warp cooldown after each takedown, super high damage PvP ults.
Gul’dan mentioned above is not too bad, he has great damage, great self heal, great wave clear, but please pick Horrify.
If you have to tank, pick ETC or Diablo Once you get good at isolating out of position heroes with them you can constantly get picks on enemy heroes from early to late game, in a way you can’t do with a solid all-arounder like Johanna or Blaze.
Anub’arak is very good to learn, a good hero for ranking up, I actually think he is slightly overtuned right now so you might squeeze a few % of undeserved win rate out of him for a few more weeks/months.
the thing is, i feel like both sam, TLV, and aba can’t really carry. They’re very reliant on your team knowing the right thing to do and winning in 4v4 or 4v5 matchups. Sam’s damage is too underwhelming to really have a high dominating potential, he’s really just there to confuse the enemy with clones; TLV and aba both rely on the team winning teamfights while they soak. sure, they’re all difficult heroes, but their skill ceiling isn’t necessarily high as they really don’t have that much potential without a good team.
that’s not a solo carry, that’s a duo carry. you need a good, aware aba with your samuro. that defeats the purpose of my one-trick question; the purpose of solo queue climb is because it’s easy to solo queue, and you don’t have to wait for your aba friend to be on in order to play ranked. if I waited for a group of friends to climb with, i wouldn’t need to play a hypercarry hero, i would just need to play well and not make mistakes.
yes, but I’m looking for heroes that do more than just pull their weight, heroes who pull the weight of all the bad players on their team too. TLV’s main job is to apply soak pressure, but if your team can’t win teamfights, that soak is just useless; it keeps you in the game, but it doesn’t get you a win.
Best compromise is wait for the duo player. Solo carrying in this game is excruciating. I hate Samuro but will admit he’s one of your best bet to solo carry. Other than him only my custom heroes would fare any better if they get past their horrid early game