Best Heroes to Solo Climb with (highest skill ceiling heroes)

Why not? Samuro is basically a sololaner, even he is a melee assassine. His power to control the map is great. TLV too, but they are harder to play. And I would like to add Murky. He isn’t only annoying, but also a great hero for map control and ganks.

I don’t think the type of hero you’re looking for exists.

If it did everyone would be picking it (And it would be perma banned)

then could you explain why sam + aba is better than, per say, zera + aba? or illidan + aba? or tracer+aba? or even kerri or artanis + aba? why is sam the best bet?

A good Samuro shouldn’t die because he has mobility and clones. He will also be able to bait out abilities and distract around 2-3 enemy heroes in the backline while your team either helps you or does something else

well i’m looking for a hero who could do this if good enough. I’m not asking for a hero i know I will instawin with, but more so of a hero who will win a large % of games as long as you have enough practice (maybe 300-400 games) with them and good enough hand-eye coordination. I know for certain there are some heroes who already can do this: take a look at some GM maiev games or montages, or aussen’s genji, felewin’s illidan or Spaßvogel’s li ming or orphea (you can find all their videos on youtube). they’re heroes with insanely high skill ceilings, but only if the micro is done perfectly. I’m just seeing what other onetricks people use, and how effective they are. i don’t know if you’ve solo carried yourself through diamond or master using TLV, but i’m just saying theoretically it doesn’t seem like a strong choice. that being said - if you’ve done it, could you tell me what ranks you climbed and what level/how many games you’ve done with TLV/any of the heroes you named?

makes sense, do you know of anybody’s who’s hard climbed thru diamond or master using sam + aba? if so, do you have their contact, cus I’ve got a few questions on how to play him effectively as a carry.

Isn’t Narha a master sam player? You might ask him for tips.

Who is narha? Do they have a twitch?

Congrats! You have been featured.

In order:

These are based on master players on heroes between lvl 60 and 100.

Orphea. If you can learn and land her combos you can carry very easily. I feel the same about Qhira too but Qhira is underperforming opposed to Orphea where you can carry for days.

I climbed from bronze 2 to plat 1 playing almost exclusively Vikings. About 500 SL matches as TLV in total, about 180 this season(72%WR). Haven’t played in a bit but I’m sure I’ll make it to Diamond.


valla raynor thrall etc diablo

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impressive, man! do you mind sharing some insight on what makes a good carry TLV? When do you start coming to fights, what’s your build, general strategy around the map, etc. ?

Sylvanas can be decent to climb with as she has a lot of variety in her kit allowing her to do a lot of different things.

I’m 2-0 when I’m Tracer and I have an Abathur with me. And they’re stomps.

When Abathur is good, yes. But a lot of times, in my experience, he’s caused more harm than good being on my team.

Maiev is the opposite of what you want. She does well with good team coordination. That’s why you pretty much never see her picked in QM and in SL by solo players. Your tethers are useless if your team doesn’t follow up.

You will also not be able to solo carry games with Genji, because his wave clear sucks and he cannot take merc camps. So if your team doesn’t, you’re screwed.

You’re looking for a hero who can

-Take camps
-Wave clear
-Burst down targets
-double soak
-Has sustain or mobility or both
-Doesn’t depend on late game power spikes
-Can kill secure
-Has reliable CC

If there was such a hero, even high skill cap, that’s all I would ever play. But they don’t make heroes with kits that cover everything.

Dont pick any healers that is for sure. has to be a strong dps or bruiser to climb with. I also suggest learning more than 1 hero so you dont get target banned.

Healer aren’t needed in low elo that’s for sure and are harder to climb, but it’s not impossible, you just need more team communication, which is tough thing to do.

But if someone decides they are gonna troll. you are at their mercy as a healer. vs as a dps you might be able to make a difference.

Only, if your dps can also do solo camps, soak, etc. The only role that has biggest climb potencial are solo laners, because they can do more tasks than other roles, except some niche heroes like Ilidan, who rarely fights, but soak and do camps.

Sure you can win the game, when you are a good Alarak or Kel and get constantly kills, but so you can do it as healer, because a good healer can make mistakes less harmful like Anduin’s D or Lucio with his antiburst healing. But all this strategys are harder to achieve, because you are at risk to fail than a sololaner, who can pve out of the game.

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Exactly. Greymane is probably one of the best cause he can do it all.