Being a support doesnt mean you are a walking fountain

I had this discussion lots of times.
What if you are out of combat/safe. No obj is present. Fountain is on cd. And you are on low health and out off mana

What to do?

  1. Pingspam the healer while typing flaming messages. so he/she will waiste her mana to fully heal you. And you yourself dont have mana and can only spam basic abilities every 30s for the next fight. And your healer is low on mana and spend a recall time of worth to heal you to full.
  2. Go back get full mana and health. And have everyone on tip top shape for the next fight

It just frustrates me how some people are full of themselves!


But Malfurion is really the walking fountain :3


Not everyone has his coolnes factor!


The more I see my teammates choosing to run around with low mana/hp relying on orbs, or even worse wells, the more I think “mana issues” is meme worthy at best.

FFS just B and stay away from well before the objective starts.


His d is really powerful. Noone should underestimate his d.


Play Abathur in QM you basically are a walking fountain to people.

Favorite is when you ping your low mana% or you don’t have mana for your heal, start to B, they die 5 seconds later… “where are the heals??” Or ping spam your hero -_-

Sorry, no healer in this game can cure tunnel vision, poor map awareness, or impatience.


Now that they have separated the healers from the support class, I don’t think anyone would expect healing from supports anymore.


It’s hard for people today to rise their head 10cm and check your healers mana today or read chat.

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How often does this really happen though?

I mean it’s all the more astounding when it does, but I think most people realize how mana works, especially if you’re not currently in an engagement. I just don’t see this often enough to warrant having this discussion a lot of times.

When you play support or tank and your mates’ IQ gets divided by 200.


Probably means you’re not that great of a support or tank.

Wrong. You have much to learn.

You solo lane as Genji against Zagara and tap well when at half health and objective coming in in 20 sec. You continue to lane. When Zagara leaves, you clear the wave, then mount up at 20% HP and 40% mana and ride to the objective.
Bonus: You stay in lane because you are low and don’t want to risk it, then blame your team for going 4v5.


the best is when someone walks right past a orb like its not important.
Them: no not today
Me: Always eats the rainbow


Never said i was a good player.
That being said i have seen several times people going back stupidly into danger after a heal or a peel to get killed instead of backing off and then ping spam the heal and tank crying “wtf?” , even when i was not on those roles.
But hey such a magnificiment player such as yourself is going to tell me how to prevent people from their own choices and while you are at it tell it to all those top GM who despair when their inting mates do it because even them cannot and my humble self sure is far from being able to.
I am waiting thanks.


I absolutely believe there is stupidity, but they don’t just magically appear when you play support. A good support will minimize the damage of that stupidity though (not outright eliminate it).

If you only notice your allies doing bad when you’re playing support, that either means you’re not paying attention when you’re not, or you’re not good enough to actually make an impact to reduce the outcome of their mistakes.

You are talking like you are GM#1 but also sounding like you dont play support very often

I mean there are times when i definitely misread situations but allies who think heals/tanks have infinite heal mana peels when paired with them are a thing.
It was pretty frequent in forced comps era.

My most played role, which gives me more perspective on it. I was master many seasons, very, very far from GM#1 though lol. I do however play a lot of QM too though. It just really isn’t an issue most of my games.

Does it happen? Sure. Is it frequent? No.

It absolutely is a thing, but the OP is talking about situations where you are out of combat and safe. That’s a completely different situation.

I’m just saying, bad players exist ALL the time, including when you’re not playing support or tank. You’re just probably better at playing non tanks or support roles, not that your allies get more stupid when you play support or tank.