Been getting tilted at more since the # of DMG soaked was removed

And tbh, it’s kind of killed my passion for playing bruisers and tanks.
I know I can only speak for myself on this. But any bruisers or tankers please back me up on this.

When players want to compare how good someone is doing in a match, the first thing they’ll probably do look at is the hard numbers. Of course a main tank probably isn’t going to be able to keep up with the top damage dealer on the team, or the top support/healer. That’s why they had their amount of damage soaked to show for themselves. It’s showing that they can take damage in place of their teammates without dying and feeding XP. And since my DMG or Support numbers aren’t up to snuff, I become a target for my team to vent at and harass.

This hurt not only from a statistical standpoint, but simply one out of positive reinforcement. I don’t get be satisfied with my stats, because my teammates naturally have kits made for high damage and high healing. Tanks have naturally tanky kits, but we don’t even get any stat representation.

It’s demoralizing to have what little credit you could own not even represented in the stat screen. And then it becomes downright insulting when at the end of the game, you see something like “Congrats, you soaked 160,000 damage! That’s 30% more than your average of 112,000 damage!” Of course they decide to show me how I did after the fact, and not at a time when I could have used that information to defend myself from tilting teammates.

Can someone remind me what the point behind this decision even was?
All it seemed to do was remove positive reinforcement, and make me an easier target. :frowning:


I get why they removed it. You could see teammates who were feeding excessive damage and hurting the team. That could be used to attack other players. Sadly the damage soaked stat was very important for tank players and to help show people that they might be taking too much damage unintentionally.

I think it needs to come back. I know some people would use the stat to flame others. Ultimately it was important for seeing growth as a player and seeing where a team was being too reckless.

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It was removed because it was used for the opposite effect. Players were seeing how much damage you took and would use that as claim to you being a worse player by taking a lot of unnecessary damage. Basically, it was removed to remove toxicity.

If you took excessive damage you could see that individual was not playing well.

People use deaths to flame now but before I could see a tank had more deaths because they would constantly try to bail out an assassin that over extended too much. The tank would die and the assassin would live.

Without the damage soak stat I would blame the tank for dying too much. In truth the assassin was playing poorly and forcing bad fights to save them.

It didn’t remove toxicity by getting rid of it. All the change did was encourage ignorance in bad players too afraid to look at the harsh truth about their play. No way to get better pretending everything is okay.

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Look, Merle. Your post has just become a cesspool of negativity. No fault of your own but… come on, it was a controversial statement on a controversial subject. Can you please just delete it? I don’t want any excuses for blizzard to come up with to keep that blasted thing around.

They should reintroduce the stat with some modifications. Rename it “Damage Tanked” and have it specify all damage mitigated by self-applied armor, healing, shielding, evasion, etc. Effects that remove or prevent damage from DoTs would also count towards this, such as invulnerability and immunity or cleanses like Cloak of Shadows.


That’s the whole point though. The numbers are just the numbers. They removed the statistic because they didn’t like that people used the statistic in ways they didn’t approve of. The teacher just punished the whole class because one kid acted out - and that’s wrong.

Truthfully, as you said, it should be reinstated.

  1. It helps tanks know if they’re doing their job. They should be controlling the battlefield and drawing fire to them. Especially against a burst-heavy team, the tank can and does die, but he eats all the cds so his DPS can sweep in and clean up. When he takes flak for having a high death count, that data can be very useful.
  2. It helps make clear to people that you can’t keep feeding sustain healing DPS like Butch, Thrall, Illidan, etc. They will function as tanks if you don’t CC and burst.

It’s useful information to anyone who needs to be on the front line and anyone healing the front line. It should be brought back.


I noticed when I was a hero that uses shields to tank, I had a very low self healing stat.
Immediately disliked the change.
But really they should just give us all of the stats.


It’s just a change to tilt the player base. lol

Don’t try to even defend it.

If this is honestly the reason, it’s a poor excuse.

Uther cannot keep up with Lucio in heals, yet I see no dmg mitigation applied column for him to avoid ppl complaining,

Heroes like Li Ming can easily inflate their stats on dmg, yet I don’t see them fixing this issue,

Heroes like Zagara can inflate their siege dmg and yet have no forts taken down,

and yet dmg taken is removed because Chen sitting under tower holding D problematic?


was it ever stated why they changed damage taken to self healing? i dont recall a dev comment or a blue post explaining why it was done.

more over, i dont think anyone really knows how to make use of the self healing stat. i made a post about Kerrigan’s astronomical “self healing” and didn’t get a single reply.

On the plus side, i haven’t seen a thrall/kerrigan main healer award on the mvp since the change :clap: .

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I’ve been seeing tons of my favorite heroes still not having their self heal stat work in terms of talents.
Tyrael, Xul, Blaze, Leoric, none of them :v

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It hasn’t killed my passion for playing tanks and bruisers, but I used this stat often to help measure my own performance.

I asked that question here:

As yet there have no blue posts or any patch notes about this change. The main post got 96 likes, so it seems some of us want it back, but so far radio silence from blues.

I will refute this as I have in previous posts, every stat on the board can be used to flame other people. I have seen the new self healing stat used by people to be toxic as such “I have more self healing than the main healer and I’m Stitches”…

I saw your post, but I hadn’t played Kerrigan in awhile to see for myself. I did play Kerri today and I somehow managed to “outheal” everyone on either team and I had a Tyrande on mine. I think perhaps maybe it’s bugged.

The devs never provided a reason for it, it just disappeared.

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This is why I think it should come back. Any stat can be used to flame others. This is a competitive team game so players are going to flame each other regardless. Not having this stat fosters ignorance and doesn’t give players an important tool to grow.

Personally I improved by paying attention to damage soaked. It helped me realize when I was being too aggressive and when I was playing too safe. Stats are important and protecting players from criticism isn’t always a good thing.


Well to sum this whole topic up; You are reading way too much into the stats tab, especially at lower ranks.

I get how little rewarding it is to play as a tank.
But then again, the mute button is there.
Even if i top the dmg at everygame, that doesn’t make me qualified for HCG(Or didn’t, however you look at it) that could simply mean that i am pressuring out dmg wherever i am not supposed to be, and might be consuming my mana pre emptivly to forexample an objective.

The stats tab isn’t there for factual representation of how you are doing in the game, the ONLY, and i repeat ONLY stats i would read into, are the Death stats.
Apart from that it’s just numbers.

Sincerly someone who has been into all ranks apart from Bronze and GM.


And here I’m thinking they should remove all the numbers except for Kills/Assists and Deaths. People are focusing on the wrong things and using it to justify themselves or flame others.

I used to care about it too, as a primarily tank/bruiser player. But to be honest the people that were going to flame me for “not doing my job as a tank” weren’t going to suddenly shut up when I pointed out my dmg soaked stat.

TBH it’s a bad metric anyway. To the person who said only deaths matter on the stat screen, pretty much that. When was the last time someone checked the stat screen for anything more than ammo for flaming? Just because stitches or diablo or Jo have a big damage soaked stat doesn’t mean they were playing well either, even with few deaths. Where on the stat screen do you see “interrupted X number of anduin/lili ults”? “bullied away backline during objective fight Y number of times”?

damage taken doesn’t tell you if stitches can hit a hook or not, or if diablo is knocking people out of friendly aoes and saving them. Doesn’t tell you whether or not Jo nailed every blessed shield or wiffed every one of them.

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