Bastet Ana Skin pls!

Heard that a new OW comic came out, so I decided to just check and see what it was about.

And when I did, boi was it good but aside from the story, what caught my eye was this skin. “Bastet” Ana.

Can we get this in-game soon?


True!! The story is quite nice too, also i got surprised with Soldier 76!!!

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True. I’ve always shipped him with Reaper back when OW was new, but I never did expect he had someone else eiieieieieieieieiei

Yeah!!! On that story, i thought him and Ana had something but i guess their just really good friends, and both are focused on saving the world…

Hots has been lacking in Skins creations lately except this coming Imperius update…

I’m seeing a lot of requests of it lately, like yours… Guess we’ll just have to wait :sweat_smile:

There’s so many community created skins like that Purifier Maiev, Purifier Zag, Cyberpunk Ming etc and from OW, too. Portraits and Sprays, especially ones from events show many skin designs like Snowbius, Deadwood Lunara, Sharkhaka, and Greyfin.

Hots should do and create like a Community Skin Creator App, quite similar to Dota 2s so that all their going to do with it is just put some minor tweaks then put it on the game, now both are now happy, their job is much easier and the community is satisfied!! :thinking::blush:

i dont look into OW stuff, but i like playing Ana. i would like to see this skin.

Is that an official OW skin or fan made?

It’s from that new OW story entitled, “Bastet”. It’s on pdf format.


Yeah, I actually noticed that once I read the amount of drama on the OW forums over the comic and went to read the comic myself lol.